
Anonymous 149385
Have you ever pretended to be a man online?
Anonymous 149388
Only when I was little on baby MMOs to get girlfriends lmao
But in general, I keep my identity hidden online since I'm more comfortable that way and I dont really go to social media to make friends (I only say I'm over 18yo, not even a fake name). If I end up befriending someone and I'm sure she's a woman, I usually tell her my actual age, sex and stuff tho
Anonymous 149389
not really but when i use my native language i avoid using tenses that expose my gender
Anonymous 149434
Yeah, I always do it in hobby/interest related communities. I don't go out of my way to craft a male persona to roleplay as though, usually I just use neutral usernames and profile pictures. If I have to use gendered words like fanboy/fangirl I use the male version for myself. I also use male forms of words for myself in other languages.
Anonymous 149436
>>149434yeah most of the time russian (technically not native idk why i worded it that way), but also just slavic languages in general
Anonymous 149439
>>149385yes i have larped on incel discords alot alot alot alot alot
Anonymous 149445
>>149444No way on earth this isn't a moid I simply refuse to believe women can be this retarded
Anonymous 149458
>>149444I mean I can understand just being curious and wanting to lurk, I've lurked all kinds of weird places online.
Anonymous 149460
Only once or twice if i'm remembering right. I didn't feel all that bad about it but it was really boring and if I continued I think I would've got caught.
Anonymous 149493
I don't pretend to be a man per say but I definitely don't reveal my sex that often online. Which if I had to guess, is probably to same for a a lot of cc users here.
Anonymous 149495
>>149443I would usually raid their servers and get their discord banned
Anonymous 149510

Yeah, I've pretended to be a man online on a forum where gender mattered a lot despite the members pretending it didn't. But I worded my posts in such a way that they could be read as coming from a butch lesbian woman and never used phrases like "as a guy…".
Anonymous 149513
>>149510> never used phrases like "as a guy…".If you pretend to me a moid it's best to use phrases like "Women do.." "women want.." "All women.." etc.
Anonymous 149520
I see girls on r9k pretending to be moids all the time, they’re so bad at it though which is cute and make it horribly obvious they’re not male
Anonymous 149528

>>149385I have an androgynous nickname, I used to camouflaged as male in art communities I joined so I can post lewd/art with no harassment and reveal I'm a woman when the coast is clear (protip: it never is ). Stopped community hopping in general now that I have a comfy girlboss friend server.
Anonymous 149572
Yes. On 4chan i argue a lot about women while making scrotes think i'm a man so that they listen to me. If you tell them outright you're a woman they just go full monkey and can't listen anymore because their brain is focused on being as misogynistic as possible while still keeping your attention, but when i say i'm a man and tell them they'll die alone if they don't start treating women like the human beings they are for instance, they listen and feel like shit, they probably think i'm a confident Chad because i definitely see the inferiority complex right away.
I really go at it, i insult and mock them and i love doing that, it makes them feel defective. Funny how it works, if i were to say the exact same things but as a woman they wouldn't feel defective, but say you're a man and suddenly they do. Pieces of shit, i hope they feel humiliated.
Anonymous 149603
>>149572i dont believe you, but i dont know what boards you go on. arguing about anything on there, even if you are being civil doesn't change anything. in fact the more civil you are the more likely you will just have moids stop responding or get even more retard. maybe it's just in your head that you think you are having some effect, sorry.
Anonymous 149604
>>149385No, I keep my sex ambiguous and am usually just branded as male
Anonymous 149605
>>149572>>149603yeah idk what boards you use but in my experience it probably helps to mention you're a woman because they go simp mode and attempt to be more civil than they ever would be.
i don't think you're doing anything either. they already know they're wrong. they already understand they're worthless and undesirable. it's just a series of copes and venting.
Anonymous 149610
>>149603I'm not being civil at all, i don't know where you read that.
And i don't expect to make a change, as if the basement dwellers of 4chan could change with just a few posts. I just want to trigger negative emotions and the cognitive dissonance of it all, and sometimes the more reasonable moids actually team up with me to further shame the other scrotes, classical moids infighting.
And yes, their persona often cracks if you go at it, actually. It happened on many different boards since i browse many, but mostly /v/ and /tv/, its the ones where i have the most vivid memories of it happening, whatever you want to believe is up to you i'm not telling you to have faith in me i'm not starting a cult here, i was just answering OP.
Anonymous 149619
I just never mention that I'm a woman but I also don't actively pretend to be a man. In many online communities people will just assume that you are male if you don't mention your gender. Some people were really surprised when they found out I'm a woman because of their weird ideas about how women behave. After finding out some people have been really rude, others have acted overly nice but many people also treat you the same.
The online communities I used were focused on gaming or art and weren't all that hateful towards women in general so my experience might be different from the other anons.
Anonymous 149630
Do any of you enjoy being in male-dominated online spaces? It seems like hell tbh, the moid side of the internet is full of nothing but retardedness and evil faggotry. I know theyre everywhere, but why go out of your way to be in spaces where theyre the majority? Even their humor is beyond retarded, a preteen scrote will make and share the same memes as a middle aged one. I know some of you say you do it to "research incel behavior" or whatever but there's really nothing that complicated or worth studying about it: they're evil misogynistic retards like every man, the only difference is this is heightened by the lack of pussy they get so they're more obsessed with women than you're average moid.
Anonymous 149634
>>149610>the more reasonable moidsHow do you know they're really moids? Maybe they're like you, larping as the opposite gender.
Anonymous 150930
>>149520interesting, I'm not on there much so I haven't noticed this but I have no doubt it happens. what type of threads do you see it in? I remember /v/ had a LOT of women and girls pretending to be male in 2009 or so back when I was active there.
Anonymous 296431
>>149385Apparently I sound like a male so I don't have to try. I don't get how it works but it's something I've been told.
Anonymous 296453
When I was like 8 I used to pretend to be a boy on like, club penguin and bearville so that I could date other girls.
Anonymous 296480
>>296453same but on binweevil when i was 7
Anonymous 296495
A question like this shouldn't even be asked if you're a woman on an imageboard, kek.
Anonymous 296529
>>296495yeah that's a given to the point it shouldn't even be considered
Anonymous 296533
A lot of times. Most recently, there were some women who made me their enemy. I pretended to be a male and harassed them for months. They deserved it and I was completely in the right however.
Anonymous 296536

All the time lol. It feels nice having people laugh at my jokes (knowing they would say 'not funny!!!!!! grrr' if they knew I am a woman). Other than that I love using genderfree (or however it is called) names and avoid language that exposes my gender in my native language. It is also funny to reveal being a woman after people not expecting it for a little while. The shocked reactions… "wut you're a woman???" are such an ego boost to me, makes me think "haha suck my fat imaginary balls"
Anonymous 296545
They just assume I’m a femboy for some reason (specially on discord and twitter) but I don’t care and I don’t even correct them to call me “she”
Anonymous 296551
Of course. The thing is it’s not even hard. Men see themselves as the default humans so they just assume everyone they talk to online is male until proven otherwise.
Anonymous 296558
>>149439Go into one openly as a woman. You'll get 50 friend request and some of their opening lines are wild.
Anonymous 296573

All the time. Makes convos easier. Plus I'm in male dominated communities, I actually have all the incentive to pretend to be a man on the internet. It's not like I particurlarly seek out friends online. I'm just here for the discussion.
Anonymous 296589
>>296551Exactly, I don't even have to pretend, they just assume I'm male and I don't correct them.
>>149572Based, an inspiration.
Anonymous 296590
>>296557why are nu-cc posters such normies
Anonymous 296641
>>296590>nu-cc>s0yjak terminologyyou are the tryhard normie here
Anonymous 297019
>>296558It depends. If they’re volcels they’ll be ok with women in the server
Anonymous 297020
>>149630Nobody give a fuck about incels let them rot in hell.
Its just because most of the gaming or nerdy communities in general are male dominated
Anonymous 297131
I used to larp as a gay in an online community in my country for toxic bottoms, they were very misogynistic and mean at times, but they were very funny. It was the only place where I could talk about Kpop and pop singers on the internet in peace
Anonymous 298020
I always do by default for OPSEC purposes. Plus, coombrained moids start to act differently once you say that you are female.
Anonymous 298924
Most of the time people assume I am male online and I never bother correcting them. I'd flat out say "Yeah, I'm female" if asked. There have been a few other online spaces that are smaller/more personal that they know/found out I was a woman, but those spaces tend to have a fuck ton of women themselves so no one cared about my gender.
Anonymous 298929
>>149385Only if I'm backed into a corner and don't feel comfortable admitting I'm female, I would casually say I'm a guy, but I don't try to play it up or pretend. I've done this numerous times online just to feel secure and sometimes even put "male" on profiles to not get bombarded with direct messages from moids. It's really effective.
Anonymous 299002
>>149572>man pretending to be a woman on cc, claiming to go on 4chan pretending to be a man Anonymous 299004
>>296551>women hide their identities on the internet so they don't get men simping or harassing them>it looks like mostly men are posting>men think they're the default on the internet Anonymous 299136
Elle suit.jpeg

I pretended to be a boy on a forum for girls back in the day because I wanted to woo them.
Anonymous 299160
>>149572I dont know why everyone is doubting you. I do the same and depending on the angle I use it tends to work pretty well in making them feel ashamed of themselves for a few seconds at least
Anonymous 301611
When interacting with larger groups for niche hobbies i become John Weewee from Penistown, helps avoid sexual harrasement
Anonymous 302000
the only time id said i was a woman i gotten a dickpic in my dm, i just dont ever mention and my gender and people just assume i am a guy or a gay guy for whatever reason, i guess that is better than having weird moids on your ass tho