I use some made from bamboo cotton, and while they're very comfy and absorbent I haven't switched to them for my main menstrual use, only for sleeping and for discharge I get before/after a period. My first issue is: because the poppers can only hold it on loosely and even pads with two popper options can't always stay put without rolling sideways or slipping up and down I don't trust it to keep blood from going on my thighs and trousers. I've had them slip when heavy discharge was coming out and I ended up with a big wet patch above where the pad had been sitting, and thank god it wasn't bloody.
Second issue: I don't bleed when lying down but that means when I get up there's a fucking tsunami of blood and clots I have to rush to the toilet to get rid of. I've noticed when it does hit the pad all the clots and, for lack of better words,
stringy red goopy shit in the blood sits on the surface without going in. I'm honestly amazed how the material has never soaked through to the other side when with disposable pads I'm frequently only saved by the plasticy adhesive backing being waterproof, which suggests it really does absorb a lot. But why the fuck does so much sit on the surface like chunks and silly string? It's unpleasant to feel and rinsing it off in the sink is nasty too. Is that just something with bamboo cotton? Do they all have this problem?
Third issue: the side you bleed on is dark gray so I don't have any problems with blood stains, however there are occasionally lightish stains that can survive a few washes and handscrubbings before going away. It's embarrassing because I can't tell if this is from the discharge I can't help, or some moment where I happened to be talking lewd and might have leaked other fluids. I don't know. Never had a problem with those staining anything in the past so this is news to me. Could just be that the pads are getting worn and the rougher surface holds stains more easily? I have no idea but I'm glad the neighbors don't use binoculars to eye my laundry.
What I'm most curious about is whether there's a brand that's particularly secure and doesn't slip, and whether "period pants" are basically the same thing. The latter are way more expensive than buying reuseable pads, and the thought of changing your whole underwear every 4-8hrs to stay fresh seems pretty inconvenient, so I've never tried it.
Anyway if you opened this ancient thread because you're thinking of switching to
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