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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
- Fetish bait threads (if you must make a fetish thread, do it in >>>/nsfw/ and don't make it an image dump)
- Discord

If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


Anonymous 302296[Reply]

What made you want to be childfree?
40 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302541

just go to japan

Anonymous 302596


But anon… the heckin’ Okinawanos, the brown rice-arinos…

Anonymous 302754

the pic, she is wearing the same outfit as chris-chan and she has things in common with him lol

Anonymous 302762


I’ve lived as much due to an interest in the divine or more specifically - health, self improvement, search of knowledge, and crafts.

There’s truth to this lifestyle. Moids have already cried out about how 80% of women go for 20% of men, and while most of us won’t be successful with the 20% or even want any of them, I think by and large the 80% of men can just learn to be like women like in OP. The women not successful or interested enough for the top 20% can either opt in to sterilize or just do nobler pursuits than denegrate themselves to washing the underwear of men on their 15,000th hour of WoW.

Anonymous 302764

>>collect 1 billion dollars
>>buy an isolated island
>>have a paradisal femme commune there without scrotes
>>the rest of the world can burn
You are giving Jeffrey Epstein vibes.


STEM Majors Thread Anonymous 266664[Reply]

How many users here went into STEM? Doesn't matter if you actually ended up making a career out of it.

Especially interested in seeing how many engineering majors there are because, for whatever reason, just about every engineering class seemed completely devoid of women at my school. It seems like the majority end up going into life sciences or pre med, personally wasted years poking around with bacteria in microbiology just to end up 'producing' (AI does most of the work) low effort mass produced content for some tiktok dude who pays me way more than this junk is worth. Feels like I sold my soul.

What's your major? Did you end up where you thought you would, or did you basically just end up spending a ton of time and money for a wall decoration? Would/will you do things over again and study a different field?
50 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302478

Anonymous 302479

im alone i want friends

Anonymous 302627

Eeeh, I don't really add strangers on discord.
We could do email tho :)

Anonymous 302636

Eeeh, I don't really add strangers on discord.
We could do email tho :)

Anonymous 302763

For the same reason I think social sciences would be a cool thing to study - I don’t want to be surrounded for 40 hrs a week with ppl I have to interact with that don’t interest me, if you’re a woman doing engineering you’re doing it coz you’re obsessed with men, there’s nothing about swagelock fittings and fluid dynamics that changes a girls life. For men, sure, tech equals power. There’s a few engineers at my current workplace and I have nothing to be interested about people who live for Happy Hour and hiking with their Asian gfs.

Majored in chem, ranges from 30-40% women. Mixing up potions is ultimately feminine, like how bio is about health and nature. Ofc more women will navigate to those. I like what I do because it’s broad enough to touch into multiple things that I may interact with in my day to day (ie I’m making my own detergents etc), and as for the pay it’s acceptable. I’m not buying a house in 5 years but I live very comfortably rn.


Anonymous 302760[Reply]

>Celebrating women on international women's day

Anonymous 302761


>>Celebrating women on international women's day


Anonymous 302679[Reply]

Where are all these dumb moids coming from? go back to your shithole

Anonymous 302687

nice beit teen


India Anonymous 30650[Reply]

Any indian girls here? How do you guys live? I'm really curious
29 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302574


Anyone noticing more blatent racism from pale males now a days. This is the most recent one I’ve heard since that seatltle cop laughing that the Indian girl student had little value.
Before that there was a Somali hijabi getting kicked in the stomach and miscarried by some hilly Billy moid
They fetishizes and dehumanize
Wtf is wrong with them

Anonymous 302575


This is the nurse that this asshole incel pale male moid attacked. Fuck this white worship mindset
Carry a knife or mace or walking stick

Anonymous 302576

As a Somali that's spooky.

Anonymous 302578

>Scantlebury's wife, Megan, revealed that he had been experiencing paranoia, believing their home was bugged and under surveillance.
MK Ultra victim

Anonymous 302605


Energy Drink Thread Anonymous 302607[Reply]

I mostly drink celsius or mango loco monster.

Anonymous 302615

i like redbull

Anonymous 302622

Celsius is icky. I like iced caramel coffee.

Anonymous 302623

Energy drinks are gross


Emigrating Anonymous 302612[Reply]

I am looking to get out of this country since i dont see myself living there in the future.
Which places would you recommend and how could one move there? Do any of you have any experience with leaving your country and moving abroad?
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Anonymous 302616

snail people deserve the suffering THEY inflicted upon their own.

Anonymous 302617

also I fucking hate celtic people.

Anonymous 302618

Why do you hate France? I think most major western countries are comparable. I'd say just learn to like where you're at, or move to the countryside or something.

Anonymous 302619

Its horrendous, salaries are shit, theres barely any nature left, no jobs and salaries are crap.
>just move to the countryside
The french countryside is ugly and grim af.
I already live there

Anonymous 302620

Where to go?

Germany where I'm from isn't at afrifrance levels yet, but it's going down the drain fast

I was looking at Malaysia, it looks nice, nature is beautiful, no winters


The stigma surrounding virginity Anonymous 41822[Reply]

We live in a highly sexualized society and being a virgin is constantly stigmatized. However, it's really easy to have sex, even for male incels. What's hard is saving yourself for the right person. Depending on their values, that may make you much more valuable to them. So don't just jump at the opportunity to fuck anyone, don't think of virginity as something to get rid of, because in the end you will just feel like shit. Think long term and find your soulmate, true love is much more valuable than satisfying your short term urges.
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Anonymous 56333


My first bf was from school and wasn't a manwhore so guaranteed virgin, my current one was always aloof and prioritised over things over searching for a relationship. He was actually always really scared about sex so we waited for a a year and a bit for him to feel ready

Anonymous 56340

If a man says he's a virgin he most likely is, it's embarrassing for them to admit it. When men lie about how many women they've been with, they lie by amplifying the number, not by reducing it.

Anonymous 302529

That’s what moids say to get laid to shame you or idiots to bring you down to their level
It’s like a pushy alcoholic

Anonymous 302610

>the idea of not wanting a partner whos had dozens of partners makes sense, but any man who expects that number to be zero is probably an incel piece of shit

>thing is good but wanting thing is not good

Anonymous 302611



I Hate Kids and Women Who Have Them Anonymous 296906[Reply]

Does anyone else feel this way? I just see a woman with a kid and I feel almost betrayed in a way. Like I fought so hard for abortion rights and you decided to have some moid's crotch spawn. I know it isn't rational, but I can't be alone in feeling this way.
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Anonymous 302476

I don't hate kids, but I feel like we have enough baby moids on the earth and every country needs to come together, legalize abortion, and make having kids illegal.

Anonymous 302485

How does keeping infants inside make them autistic rtard

Anonymous 302508

nta but quite directly? humans need to interact with society to during their formative years to develop psychosocially

Anonymous 302540

no i love children and hate the people who hate them, you are demonic

Anonymous 302609

Boy am I glad you lot aren't having children

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