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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

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Anonymous 301243[Reply]

Shemmygods mog you


Anonymous 273609[Reply]

Is hookup culture and casual sex ever worth it?
378 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301222

What >>301217 said pretty much. People are also warned not to use drugs, gamble, or use social media and look where we're at. If you're decisions are easily manipulated by peer pressure then I guess figure that out first.
Also if you don't like casual sex and you learn it pretty early on through regret, you'd stop doing it, no? Much like a child who touches a hot stove top and learns that it probably shouldn't do that again, a woman, or man for that matter, who has casual sex and regrets it right after, won't want to do it again either. Unless you have some unresolved issues that you mask and pacify with the short term "feel good" reaction your brain gives you after meaningless shallow sex.
If you like being a whore and it brings you joy that a monogamous relationship won't bring you, then go hop on dicks, if you like you're boyfriend to not even look at other women, then go find a handsome golden retriever church goer.
Something something, everyone is different, everyone has to figure it out for themselves, you get the idea.

Anonymous 301223

Imo yes they should be warned. Because popular media shows movies etc. makes it seem like risking your health as a woman to get with a scrote isn’t that big of a deal when it is…

Anonymous 301230

But even intelligent, though naïve and inexperienced, women make mistakes, especially when popular media and culture all pressure her. Geniuses will be able to see through the bullshit, retards deserve to fail, but what about women in between? Should they fail, simply because they don't have the fortune to be given 145+ IQ?
The problem is, hooking up and casual sex has lifelong permanent consequences that gambling and other things don't.
>People are also warned not to use drugs, gamble, or use social media and look where we're at.
And women aren't really "warned" against casual sex, the way a packet of cigarettes says "smoking kills". The media likes to say purity and virginity are still the cultural demand of women, but that is sheer hypocrisy. Contemporary culture pressures women to get pumped and dumped, though nature will have them regret it.
Thanks for agreeing.

Anonymous 301241

Cigarettes are just as much a vice as sex is. Sure they're are considered bad and your parents told you not to smoke them, but they're still being sold at every corner store, mall, gas station etc. and every cool character smokes them in movies.
Same thing with casual sex. It's like I said, if you're easily swayed by peer pressure and buzzfeed articles or some shit, then you need to reevaluate some things. No man is going to chimp out at you for having tried it once or twice to figure out what the hype is about, then realizing it's not for you. Even most of my male friends say it gets stale pretty much immediately after the first post nut clarity hits. Virginity is not as valuable as a good judge of character, self control, and authenticity. A lot of girls will make their virginity their personality, even though on the inside they're turbo sluts, but are desperate for a guy, so they fake it. No one wants to date that, especially with the roles reversed.

Anonymous 301242

>Cigarettes are just as much a vice as sex is.
If my husband smokes a cigarette, I wouldn't mind so much. If my husband has sex with someone else, that would be the worst thing ever. Clearly, sex has a larger capacity for vice.
>if you're easily swayed by peer pressure and buzzfeed articles or some shit
What about detrans women who got duped into growing beards and cutting off their breasts, because they were swayed by peer pressure from the tranny culture? Are you saying we should do nothing to persuade them?
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
>No man is going to chimp out at you for having tried it once or twice to figure out what the hype is about
Lots of good men only want to be with virgins.
>Virginity is not as valuable as a good judge of character, self control, and authenticity.
Maybe not as valuable, but it is still valuable.
>A lot of girls will make their virginity their personality, even though on the inside they're turbo sluts,
I'm not talking about those kinds of girls.


Anonymous 301240[Reply]


Anonymous 301239[Reply]


Anonymous 301238[Reply]


Anonymous 301237[Reply]


Anonymous 301236[Reply]


Anonymous 301235[Reply]


Anonymous 301234[Reply]

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