
Anonymous 15463
The last 3 digits of your post equals to which Pokemon you are.
https://www.pokemon.com/pokedex/Anonymous 15465

Welp, I'll be the first to go. Wish me luck! Here's a picture of my kitter in the meantime.
Anonymous 15466

>>15465Ahhh I'm a tangrowth! This actually inspires me to try and grow as a person.
Anonymous 15490

>>15489Nooo. I literally forgot these existed.
Anonymous 15508
♬♩ rollin rollin rollin ♬♩
Anonymous 15512
I think everyone's going to be stuck in gen 5 for a while. Sucks to suck, lul.
Anonymous 15514

Better be a cute one. Also, thank you for reminding me to continue breeding for competitively good yet fabulously cute Pokémon.
Anonymous 15517
Give me a cute one please
Anonymous 15527
It won't be a Starmie so I won't be happy.
Anonymous 15528

I am not in the least bit happy about this.
Anonymous 15534

>>15533Not cute but… I am very tall and strong and like pink. So that's okay.
Anonymous 15536

Does no one know the names of these Pokemon? RIP Gen 5.
Anonymous 15541
>>15536Gen 1 best gen sorry not sorry 1v1 me
Anonymous 15548
>>15536The Gen5 Pokemon are some of my favorite Pokemon. I'm so sad that I ended up with
Anonymous 15549

>>15548ty pokegods… I love her but love Lilligant more.
Anonymous 15551

Most of the new Pokémons are so ugly. RIP.
Anonymous 15564
I want to be a cool pokemon
Anonymous 15565

>>15564not cool yet. But it's nice to know that when I evolve I will be cool.
Anonymous 15654

I guess I'm supposed to be cute but wtf is coming out of my ears?
Anonymous 16091

mirror, mirror, on the wall,
who's IV's are the finest of them all?
Anonymous 16092

>>16091Oh, nice.
inb4 looks like a vagina :( Anonymous 16107
Screen Shot 2018-0…

>>16106accurate bc i want to fight anyone and everyone
Anonymous 16128
give me a cute one onegai
Anonymous 16250
>>16212I'm sorry anon, that wasn't very cute at all
Anonymous 16251
>>16250And now mine is ugly too, great
Anonymous 16266
I want one that looks like an animal
Anonymous 23004
>>15463Cmon baby, gimme something weird or cool!
Anonymous 23005
>>15463Cmon baby, gimme something weird or cool!
Anonymous 23016
Please be something I know
Anonymous 23023
That new Pokemon let's go looks really cool, but it's essentially another Red/Blue rerun, right?
Anonymous 23046

>>23045consider me salty, vileplume is literally my one pet peeve pokemon
Anonymous 23054
>>23046wow, there are so many worse pokemon tho, i think vileplume is nice
Anonymous 23058
>>23054Nta but I always disliked it too, I had the red edition and it's prevolutions were just so shitty too, and then on Pokemon stadium (I think) it was a really good choice for one of the cups but looked and acted SO RETARDED
Anonymous 23060
>>23058i think the pre-evolutions are mediocre and ugly, in that order, and it's really annoying to fight one because of it's status moves, but I think the sleep/poison powder and stun spore (in gen1 learnset anyway) makes it an interesting pokemon and i like to picture its big flower magically shooting out the powders and spores because i'm mentally retarded
Anonymous 23076

>>23046>mfw could have been bellossom but trainer used a goddamn leaf stone instead of a sun stone Anonymous 23096
>>23054don't get me wrong, it's pretty cute and there are definitely worse pokemon, but for some reason it just really grinds my gears and i'm not even sure why at this point
Anonymous 23121
>>15463This looks fun!! Fingers crossed :D
Anonymous 23130

>>23122at least you're not pic related
i just wanted something cute goddammit
Anonymous 23131

>>23130>mfw effort #2 results in I AM A RED-EYED MONSTER
Anonymous 23154
>>23153and now i have a crown of blunts cutting into my neck. fitting
Anonymous 23156
>>23155same, i viewed it like some kind of rock turtle when i was a kid. i hated that i couldn't get him since you needed to trade for him.
Anonymous 23158

No offense but I think this board is a bit too slow to be playing "use your post number as a random roll" games.
Like you can easily predict your own post number since it's so slow. I can even quote myself.
Totodile, which just so happens to be the first pokemon I ever had since I started with G/S.
Anonymous 23162

Furret! He's super cute, I love it.
Anonymous 25912
I hope I get a nice one. I'm feeling really sad so I hope it can cheer me up before going to bed.
Anonymous 25936
>>25935There aren't that many Pokémon yet, oh no.
Anonymous 25943
>>25940We should care about our posts so when there are 900+ discovered Pokemon, we will know what Pokémon we truly are.
Anonymous 25953
That's why I said discovered.
I wonder what they'll do for the 1000th Pokémon. It better not resemble Pikachode.
Anonymous 25985
strategically waits for Bulbasaur
so that I may kill myself after because I hate him
Anonymous 25988
>>25985There is a lot going on in this post.
Anonymous 25989
I could have sworn there were over 1000 pokemon by now.
Anonymous 25991
but plug-oink is already real
Anonymous 25992
>>25991>butt plug-oinkThis world is sick.
Anonymous 26117
Part of me wants to wait until the post counter will get up to Gen V but I'll see what early Pokemon I am!
Anonymous 26118

>>26117I don't know how to feel about this. I guess it's cool I will get to be a Kingdra. Queendra when?
Anonymous 26123
Did I win anything good?
Anonymous 26130
Let's see what Kanto kutie I am!
Anonymous 26133
probably something as awful as I am
Anonymous 26258
Imma roll again. Johto or Hoenn, here we go!
Anonymous 26259

>>26258Aww, I'm not disappointed, but I was hoping I'd get a Johto baby. I was so close.
Anonymous 26279
HOOOOO!!! please let it be something cute
Anonymous 26323
How many different pokemans will be in the pickachu movie? Beyond simple background cameos I reckon no more than 9
Anonymous 28286
Just wanted to remind everyone ITT that I rolled eevee and am cuter than your roll.
Anonymous 28287
>>28286Fuck Eevee, man. Nice evolutions but her design is super unoriginal and bland looking, over used. Probably one of my least favorite pokemon.
Anonymous 28289
>>28287You're just hatin' because I'm styling on you.
Anonymous 28309
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
Anonymous 28311
Eevee is an uggo little shit. Only a teensy bit better than pikachode. Roll.
Anonymous 28449
>>28311This is terrible and I'm having another go because the one I got 6 months ago was dumb as hell.
Anonymous 28486

I finally know what it's like to be one of the pretty ones amongst the commoners.
Anonymous 28487
>>28485Wtf he literally has the power to shift dimensions that's amazing and as good if not better than being cute
Anonymous 28489
>>28486>pretty onesYou mean, basic ass bitch?
Anonymous 28490
>>28489>basic ass bitchThat's dragon type pokemon
Anonymous 28491
>>28489you sound like someone who likes to climb on mountains
Anonymous 28495

>>28487The ability to travel through dimensions sounds cool in theory only because it is unthinkable to us, and yet we have many potentials unique to us that go unused or unappreciated because of how ordinary they appear to be. Having power means nothing if it cannot be used to affirm the life of the one who possesses it. The golem is but a servant acting out his dues, waiting until the day his master no longer needs him. Those in power, without love, lead miserable lives cut down as soon as that power fades. Cuteness is the ability to be immediately loved, to direct the power of others out of their love, and thus cute Pokemon will always be superior. When Palkia can shift me into a dimension where life isn't terrible, I will reconsider.
Anonymous 245969
Give me a cool one with lasers
Anonymous 245975

>>245974I don't know any new pokemon since Gen IV, but that looks like a poor man's Togekiss. Oh well.
Anonymous 246028

Rolling for third generation (my first gen)
Anonymous 246029
Okay, I want to try it
Anonymous 247450

>>247445Been watching the post count for days just for him. I love him!
Anonymous 248766
>>248765i love monkeys <3
i am happy now.
Anonymous 248795

>>248793>parasite>does not evolveit just like me frfr
Anonymous 249375

>>249374I genuinely don’t know what I’m looking at here
Anonymous 249377

>>249375>>249376You're looking at the one-I-just-rolled's final evolutionary form!
Anonymous 249380
>>249377Noooooo you look so much cooler than me ;-;
Anonymous 250276

>>250275Nice, Shiftry actually used to be one of my favorites as a kid.
Anonymous 284443
Anonymous 284450
>>284443>giblenot cute enough…rerollin'
Anonymous 284454
I don't even like Pokemon that much
Anonymous 284464
roll (hope it's a ghost)
Anonymous 284704
Please don't give me anything post-Gen 6
Anonymous 285127
>>15463They see me rolling~ they hating~
Anonymous 285212
Please be something cute this time
Anonymous 285220
Anonymous 285228

>>285220Almost got my fav (Sneasel 215) but swinub is a cutie too!!
Anonymous 285264
I'll get the most powerful one
Anonymous 285272

>>285263plain simple with glutony, literally me>>285263
Anonymous 285305
I just wanna be a pretty one.
Anonymous 285312

>>285305I'm literally Cece as a Pokemon… destined to femceldom forever.
Anonymous 285340
Rolling again, I got drilbur last time
Anonymous 285419

>>285417Hell yeah! I love Pachirisu. They got the best shiny and are so cute.
Anonymous 285503
This is is! This time I will get something nice!
Anonymous 285519
Better be fucking good
Anonymous 285664
please be something I don't hate at least
Anonymous 285978
>>285975Says it can't find one for me BULLSHIT
Anonymous 286019

>>285978You need to put a zero in front of the number or it won’t search. (It took me way too long to figure that out…)
Anonymous 286488
>>286478aw man, have to try again. Rolling!
Anonymous 286496

>>286490Cute! It reminds me of those chao creatures from the Sonic games.
Anonymous 286498
I don't know pokemons but show me I need to know
Anonymous 286521
>>286498rerolling because someone upthread already got that pig
Anonymous 286639
>>286635>Hydreigon. >It's central head thinks only of destruction. That's so me…
Anonymous 286784
Please be good please be good
Anonymous 286808
>>286521>that pighey don't be rude now
Anonymous 286812
will I ever get a good result?
Anonymous 286883
Everyone just wait for the last 3 digits to reset to 000 so you can get to roll for the good pokémon again
Anonymous 287323
>>286862>Beware of forests that show no signs of living creatures within. You may have wandered into Hatterene's territory.>It emits psychic power strong enough to cause headaches as a deterrent to the approach of others.>If you're too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle. This Pokémon is also known as the Forest Witch.a monster from a horror game
Anonymous 287352
I want to reroll. Idk, I don't like the monke that much.
Anonymous 287368
>>287352I just want something cuter. Specially if it flooooooods the imageboard like my posts.
Anonymous 287517
But aren’t there well over a thousand now?
Anonymous 287688
>>15463lemme scheck it out, nice gardevoir
EDIT got carbink lul
Anonymous 287722
>>287517Let's pretend the last 25 don't exist. They're all shit anyway
>>287315NTAYRT but you don't need to be a genwunner to know that the last couple or so generations have been garbage kek
Anonymous 290036

I offer the thread Gods a pizza boat in hopes of a good roll, bless up
Anonymous 291612
I don't know any past 151
Anonymous 292243
my fate rests in the hands of the universe now…
Anonymous 292715

keep rollin, rollin, rollin what..
Anonymous 295825

>>295824Your pokemon looks cute as a baby
Anonymous 295827

>>295825Here's mine :p I'm a sneaky looking mf
Anonymous 295834

>>295832>>295832OMFG. I would have gotten Dubwool?
I fucking love sheep! Fave animal. They're so cute!
Anonymous 295844
bump. cp, don’t scroll!
Anonymous 298054

Ok its not meowth but still
Anonymous 298068
yay it’s back to genwun. roll
Anonymous 298227
roll them cubones, girls
Anonymous 301157

>>301156quilava is my literal favorite i'm so lucky