
Lolcow.farm Bunker Thread #4: Kiss and Make Up Edition Anonymous 158071
Previous thread: >>>/b/157118
Anonymous 158074
Curse you CC's small limit, I was about to call someone a retard.
Anonymous 158076
Being a contrarian isnt a personality, Little Miss “Leonardo de Vinci is trash”
Anonymous 158078
you found CC, pakichan?? waiting for romanianon as well, i miss her
Anonymous 158079
All anime guys are actually women. Hope that helps.
Anonymous 158081
if there is no lolcow for now, will we remain milkless? what if we want to cringe at stuff from other sites?
Anonymous 158082
>>158071How is this already the fourth thread? Our big sister is having an episode.
Anonymous 158085
>>158076the mona lisa is a gay and dumb painting and i hated seeing it irl. just a sea of normie arms holding their camera phones up who probably barely even bothered going to the other galleries.
Anonymous 158086
the thread pic is a sign of severe autism . this isn't even good yaoi. shame on you weirdo.
Anonymous 158087
God I hate you fujofags
Anonymous 158088
Absolutely based
Anonymous 158091
What? When did lolcow start hating 2D boys kissing?
Anonymous 158092
>>158091All of LC's demographic is here, not just your fujo/husbando containment thread users
Anonymous 158094

i hate how addicted i am to lolcow. i miss reading about moomoo and lori and troons. i was in the middle of catching up on the lucinda thread because her twitter is locked and i wanna know what’s up. i’m so sad, ladies.
Anonymous 158095
>>158082To be fair, the fact we don't know about why the site is down and no information from admins whatsoever is not helping.
Also LC culture is way more fast paced too. I hope this don't bother the miners
Anonymous 158096
i support women's rights and women's wrongs
Anonymous 158097
>>158073>>158090>>158087>>158086It's a joke. Is this your first time encountering something silly and ironic?
Anonymous 158098

The only yaoi I wish was real is light X L.
but ye yaoi is shit
Anonymous 158100
yaoi makes scrotes fuck off
Anonymous 158101
>>158092>all of LC's demographic is herediscomfort
Anonymous 158102
im so lost without lolcow farm is there a discord server or something somewhere??
Anonymous 158103
>>158098Light x L is a very good pairing! I chose Lelouch and Suzaku because Code Geass was my first anime.
Everyone, what cartoons did you like when you were a kid?
Anonymous 158106
>>158102There's an lc discord server but I believe it's not accepting anyone in, I also believe it's shit.
Anonymous 158107
>>158103I loved watching Tintin. He was my first husbando
Anonymous 158108

>>158103I really liked gravity falls and watched it like 10 times.
also had every barbie movie ever but they didn't age well. adventure time is a classic
Anonymous 158109
>>158108>gravity falls>as a kidJesus christ how young are you?
Anonymous 158110
I’m read for the farms to come back. The bait on CC is dumb and desperate for attention.
Anonymous 158115
Same, I hope lc comes back soon, I don't want to have to visit Brazilian boards. They are absolute shit
Anonymous 158118

I'm missing reading on my fav cows so much… I hope the miners don't mind us farmers too much… I really wish we could get some update, what's up with the admins? No one knows how to contact them? Really? Not an email, a burner discord, nothing?
Anonymous 158119

I personally wish all lc thread pics were cow pics
Anonymous 158120
>>158115Magali chan is ok I guess it could be worse
Anonymous 158131
>>158111>>158103>>158125i love these but also Ed Edd n Eddy has always been and will always be my obsession (inb4 becky sugar references i hate her and i hate steven universe)
Anonymous 158132

For anon in last thread looking for a manga
Are you talking about Girl's Last Tour?
Anonymous 158134
what about the non-fujo husbandofags
Anonymous 158136
>>158118I only post on CC since I prefer the slowler posting (it gets on my nerves at times, but at least it makes me not get glued to this site all day), but I liked to lurk on LC, I hope yall get your site back soon.
Anonymous 158139
Walt Disney saying comic fans are faggots lol
Anonymous 158141

>>158138I loved that one too, I still remember the lyrics of all its openings/endings. On the same vein, I watched Pretty Cure and Mirmo lots too
Anonymous 158145
What have other anons been doing to fill the void left by cows? I'm catching up on my movie list. Last temptation of the Christ has been lame so far, I miss tuna and lurch
Anonymous 158146

Fujo 's, we have a whole separate imageboard for specficialyl fujo related content
https://fujochan.org/all/Anonymous 158147
>>158120Nta but yeah, I was joking about magali yesterday but it could be much worse, I guess scrotes don't bother shittting up the place because it's so small and slow.
Anonymous 158150
>>158134Your life is revolving around a fictional moid, embarrassing. Get a grip.
Anonymous 158151
>>158145I'm wasting my time with mobile games. I miss luna/lurch and the tim/tif threads and most of /m/
Anonymous 158152
>>158145I miss the lurch and tuna thread too anon. Personally I've been watching classic Jerry springer to fill the void lol. now it's been couple of days I thought I'd try and find out what happened to lc by coming here but seems like nobody knows
Anonymous 158154
>>158150Better then having your life revolve around being a bitch to complete strangers.
Anonymous 158155
>>158151/m/ had already been destroyed once, if lolcow doesn't come back we can rebuild it again here
Anonymous 158159

that moid is just salty that he will never be this cute
Anonymous 158160
>>158154Nooo did someone insult your hecking anime man?
Anonymous 158162
Off topics, but why TIFs are called Aidens?
Anonymous 158164
I keep typing lolc- in my search bar autonomously as I keep forgetting it is down. Maybe it is a good thing as god I am addicted
Anonymous 158165
>>158159Is this that one manga in which the main character creates a husbando statute and it gains life?
Anonymous 158168
>>158160NTA, but ngl nona, they may be fictitious but I would rather pretend to date them than be with a /pol/ chud
Anonymous 158170
>>158162it's a very common name picked by ftms, -aiden names in general are such as Jayden, Kayden etc
Anonymous 158171
Show me something that captures the 2000's then vidrel, pro-tip you can't
Anonymous 158173
>>158151Same, I miss /g and unconventionally attractive males. The autism there was so concentrated that I fell behind but now I miss it.
>>158152Classic Jerry is fucking amazing, I like Dr Phil and hoarders for the same purpose.
Anonymous 158174
>>158162It's a very common name that TIFs choose to call themselves
Anonymous 158176
>>158162Because a lot of them for some reason pick the name Aiden or Kai or something stupid like that. It's so true even the one I know irl and grew up with actually renamed herself to Caiden. Its weird tbh
Anonymous 158178
If you find 3DPD attractive you have no aesthetic sensibility.
Anonymous 158179
>>158176>CaidenKek the ultimate fujocoomer Aiden
Anonymous 158183

Why would I want to be a ejaculator, retarded ? Chill and enjoy the best pairing ever
Anonymous 158184
>>158176>>158170one time i found one named Raiden pronounced rhyming with aiden, not a Metal Gear or Mortal Kombat fan, just wanted an -aiden name
Anonymous 158185
>>158178I think the only two 3DPD males I ever found attractive was young Dolph Lundgren, Sessue Hawakaya and Bjorn Andersen (all young ofc)
Anonymous 158186
I have never seen replies come so quickly. You can tell lc is down kek
Anonymous 158187
i want to fuck hot male k-pop idols
Anonymous 158191
Kek is N O N N A a forbidden word here?
Anonymous 158194
>>158189Kek, I am joking, but it is because I forgot about Sessue and didnt correct the post
Anonymous 158195

>I’m not a sociopath
I didn't say you were?
Anonymous 158197
Tfw I will never get a bf like Sebastian Michaelis
Why even live, nonas?
Anonymous 158198
>>158194your 3D husbandos are so sexy thinking of them makes you forget how to count
Anonymous 158200

>>158161who said that i think most women like them. seems confused and strawmoiding
Anonymous 158203
>>158197If you don't mind the soul eating part you could summon a real demon to be your butler
Anonymous 158204
>>158085Normies don't even know what makes it unique for the time they just want to post it on social media for le updoots
Anonymous 158206

The light's getting weaker now
The colours fading into grey
The sentiments are all consumed by one
The air's getting thinner now
Surrendering to the void
What will I be?
Cursed for eternity
Until the curtain has fallen down on me?
It seems the walls are crumbling from within
The roof above is starting to fall in
I'm digging holes to bury all my sins
Walk through the hidden door where life has flown
Hold me and don't let go until all the ghosts are gone
It seems the walls arе crumbling from within
The roof above is starting to fall in
I keep digging holes to bury all my sins
Soon I'm donе
Praying that it will work out ok
Find a rhyme to make it go away
Praying that it will work out ok
Anonymous 158207
>>158197>She wants to date the shotacon butler Anonymous 158210
>>158171I hate the a "young bald white man" aesthetic
I think all of them are secretely neonazis
Anonymous 158212

debatably white man only works for Agent 47
Anonymous 158214
Yeah he was a perfectionist workaholic slaving away at these beautiful films, only for the male fanbase to draw pornography of his young female protagonists. Every damn time. I'd be pissed off too and say anime was a mistake. But because I'm a woman and I can see the pattern, I know the real mistake is men being allowed to live.
Anonymous 158215
I miss lolcow I hope this goes by fast this feels different then when stamina went down and I’m only in the old discord that died in 2020 im also to dumb for tor apparently
Anonymous 158216

i had a dream lolcow went back up but with the ugliest "graphic design is my passion" layout ever
Anonymous 158219
>>158212Saitama too, but he isnt white
Anonymous 158221
>>158213Is your dad a twenty something hot white guy?
Anonymous 158223

>she doesn’t use lolcow but she’s posting in this thread because it’s faster than the rest of the site
Anonymous 158224

saw this sentiment floating around last thread but posts abt how s would feel like they lost a community of women if lc/cc were to go down and it kicked me really hard in the chest to think about. my twin sister died about a year ago and one thing we did together was browse lolcow and dunk on troons. she had previously been a fakeboi as a young teen and for better or worse i talked her out of it by asking her why she felt like her hatred of her body made her a boy when every other woman hates the exact same thing (we both also struggled with eds). apparently she was even posted in a fakeboi thread once by someone (although there was no discussion, she was just a rando). im sorry to blog but as weird as it sounds, lolcow and s really helped me after she passed. it was still fun to dunk on troons but I went more to off topic boards to vent about my frustrations and s were so kind. idk places like this and lc are good - im grateful for it and everyone on it. soz to be a sentimental faggot.
Anonymous 158225

Finnons how does a burger learn your secret snow language
Anonymous 158227
nta but bald is an aesthetic and I fucking slayed it. not a moid though so that could be the difference. shaving my hair off was very freeing and gave me a newfound confidence.
Anonymous 158228
>>158217Mix between shitty optimized for mobile product site and the hellweek theme with background and font colors being very similar. There were also transparent little graphics of cows like luna you could drag around and click for a quote to pop up and there was glitter falling across the screen
Anonymous 158230

Given the chance
I'll die like a baby
On some far away beach
When the season's over.
I'll be remembered
As the tide brushes sand in my eyes
I'll drift away.
Cast up on a plateau
With only one memory
A single syllable
Oh lie low lie low.
Anonymous 158231
>>158228I would support adding glitter tbh
Anonymous 158233
>>158187k-pop men look weird but I like how their lives are entirely dictated by what their female fans want to see
Anonymous 158234
>>158228> There were also transparent little graphics of cows like luna you could drag around and click for a quote to pop upI'm laughing so hard at this. I wish there was a decent dark theme and at least one cow print theme.
Anonymous 158235
>>158224i'm so sorry for your loss . losing a twin must be very difficult and im glad you were able to bond over dunking on troons and cows kek.
Anonymous 158241

>>158228> There were also transparent little graphics of cows like luna you could drag around and click for a quote to pop upfor a second i misread this part and i thought you meant little literal cow graphics such as picrel as site pets that would give you inspirational quotes when clicked
Anonymous 158242

I'm in a bit of a rut, I usually go through a phase of obsessing over a ship and then indulging myself with art and literature and then it goes away over time, its no big deal, for example my last one was Paul/John but this current one seems a bit troublesome, it being Harry/Snape, at times I indulge in it but there are moments where I'm laughing at myself for liking this nonsense and just feeling a bit ashamed at myself.
Anonymous 158244
Fuck yes anon I love Clever Girl and toe
Anonymous 158245
you probably just seem approachable
Anonymous 158252
>>158242>I usually go through a phase of obsessing over a shipSame
>Harry/SnapeJudging you
Anonymous 158253
you're in their league
Anonymous 158255
NTA but I always attract weird ass turbo autist guys who are scared to talk to girls otherwise and I am afraid of knowing why
Anonymous 158258
>>158234 speaking of themes, I like this Dark Crystal one here. we should bring it back to the farm with us.
Anonymous 158260
>>158238not even remotely a k-pop fan, I just like when women are in total control of a man's career. It's the same thing with mom-core celebs like usher or that guy from maroon 5, I like watching them sweat it out knowing that the moms could pull the plug at any moment
Anonymous 158261
So I went to lurk at /pol/ to see if they have any news about KF, since it's down again they are basically the same people, and they can't stop talking about sex robots will replace us. They cope but can't think that women too could buy a Channing Tatum robot that cooks, cleans and give her orgasms, doesn't abuse her, doesn't cheat on her or keep her barefoot and pregnant kekk. And if she is a weeb-chan, she could get a robot of her husbando. Moids are retarded.
Anonymous 158263
>>158255Kek I always attract super beta, soft, spineless men so I understand your pain
Anonymous 158264
wtf lc is still down?????
Anonymous 158265
>>158255How…? Do you dress like a weeby e-girl?
Anonymous 158268
>>158118They are literally begging us to leave in the LC hate thread. Methinks we haven't been behaving ourselves. I've been trynna make up for the retarded half of us by contributing to threads in /media/ and /img/
Anonymous 158269
>>158265Probably so. Or she is a BPD-chan
Anonymous 158271
>>158261women are way more deserving of husbandobots than men are of sex dolls
Anonymous 158272

Don't ask me how I know
Just look over your shoulder
You won't recognise yourself
You won't have to ask
Is everyone here much older
Are communications feeling much colder
Everytime you look over your shoulder
Sudden like the wind transversed
The gulf of friendship passed
Stillness mounts in this high place
Silence stays the same
I am I will I can are aims
But can we tell which are the games
Everytime we pass the blame
Fearful thoughts are bitter sweet
His charms are soft in youth
The sting is of elusive hands
That reared him from his tooth
We know that shadows move on course
We'll have to take this boy by force
Everytime you look over your shoulder
Anonymous 158273
>>158255are you alone in public a lot? I had the same problem and couldn't figure out why until someone pointed out that autists are a lot more comfortable approaching people who are alone
Anonymous 158274

Scrotes fulfill your destiny and 41 already
Anonymous 158275
>>158257Yeah, they looked cute together, not to mention the angst between them.
Anonymous 158276
>>158265Youd think that was the case but I wear baggy men's clothing and don't wear makeup because it feels gross
Anonymous 158278
>>158261They are still talking about that? I thought robots were going to replace women like 3 years ago.
Anonymous 158279
>>158263I don't know what it means for me, but when I had a joke of a Tinder account I kept getting superliked by men who claimed to look like Post Malone. At the time I didn't know what a Post Malone was, but judging by their pictures I assumed it meant greasy.
Anonymous 158281
you either look easy to take advantage of or they think they have a chance with you. i remember when i was a freshman in college and looked absolutely underage, whenever i went out, ugly men would ask for my number. and it was so weird because they were usually in packs together with their friends.
Anonymous 158282
>>158275the young beeatles looked like the -matsu sextuplets but 4 and british and 3D
Anonymous 158284
isn't that just how people looked back then tho. no eyebrows was a trend at some point
Anonymous 158286
>>158268We appreciate your efforts, nona.
Anonymous 158287
imagine lc is gone for good and we have to stay on this site
Anonymous 158288
>>158281No I think I cracked the code. Maybe she looks underage.
Anonymous 158289
>>158279I have a bullshit meme account on tinder that has no pictures of me and a fake name, the first day I got more than 80 likes in a couple of hours, I believe tinder's software does something to boost new accounts in hopes to get people hooked, but still why are men stupid?
Anonymous 158291
you think they'd just let us have our communities if such a thing could ever even happen? no, they'd just try to get rid of us entirely because they're just that deranged
Anonymous 158292

Does anyone have the webm that was posted in one of the consooom threads? It was a tiktok of a woman who had a whole room dedicated to horse figurines. Or at least know the brand of horse figurines she was collecting?
Anonymous 158293

>>158261>ywn have a bf bot to introduce to reality>ywn make him your stylish doll and model cute fashion like mori or fairy grunge on him>ywn teach him about human joys like art and song and dance>ywn feel his warm laser gaze>ywn learn to love the machine>ywn reprogram him when he becomes too much like real moids>tfw no bio-robot bf Anonymous 158295
>>158287Lets pray it doesn't come to that
Anonymous 158296

>>158071holy based suzalulu OP pic. my eternal otp
Anonymous 158297

Should we make a new one here? LC & CC friendship themed one perhaps?
Pictured: me hugging my sweet miners who have to suffer the influx of LC refugees
Anonymous 158299
But will you choose a literal cow pic?
Anonymous 158303
why is the thread so fast rn
Anonymous 158305
>>158293I just want to date my husbando Connor from DBH.
I will never have that
Anonymous 158306
I got an idea to make a banner for CC of a gif that was suggested in LC's /meta/ (the sailor moon beach gif), it was so perfect for here. Now I am finding so many fitting pics to make banners of, help
Anonymous 158307
we need to get rid of men first before they think of putting their ideas in action
Anonymous 158308
>>158303idk I’m glad it is, I miss lolcow though
Anonymous 158309

Are there actually (female) miners that don’t use lolcow? Why would you do that when there’s /g/, /ot/ and /m/?
Anonymous 158310
>>158303it's morning in the americas and afternoon in europe rn
Anonymous 158311
i feel so sorry for all my straight sisters. i'd rather kms than interact w a man for more than 30 seconds
Anonymous 158312
>>158296I used to make them kiss using MMD. Good times
Anonymous 158314
>>158309Some people do not like the atmosphere in LC, as it is more hostile (or some feel that way), which is given as it is a gossip site first and foremost. There's a LC hate thread here, you can read reasons there
Anonymous 158315
>>158305I cant think of DBH without thinking of the eunuch sisters, thats what lc did to me
Anonymous 158316
>>158309Well, there are some people here complaining about farmers being here but it's hard to tell if they are real miners.
Anonymous 158317
>>158309I don't because I don't like most LC anons. And even though there are those boards, LC is first and foremost a gossip site and I dont like those kinds of environments.
There's more infighting than here. The LC admin doesn't do anything.
Anonymous 158318
>>158309I got banned from lolcow 6 yrs ago for calling Adam Lanza sexy and never went back.
Anonymous 158319
>>158311IKR? Imagine being opposite sex attracted.
Anonymous 158321
>>158315I wonder what they're doing now
Anonymous 158323
We have all those on lolcow too, . It's more noticeable on CC because they're a smaller community. They're also going to be the people we integrate with if lolcow doesn't come back or if lolcow has a future issue it doesn't bounce back from. You can shit on them but at the end of the day CC are the ones kind enough to allow us to have a bunker thread here when they could easily take it down, faggot
Anonymous 158324
>>158312I once utilized MMD for a school presentation and thinking about it still makes me want to die
Anonymous 158325
>>158310That means the thread should be slower. There are more posters from America than Europe.
Anonymous 158327
>>158309If cc was more active, I'd choose it over lolcow. I have a love/hate relationship with lolcow because I've gotten some pretty hostile replies over nothing before and I don't care for most of the drama threads. There are some decent anons at lc though and it's still way less toxic than moid-infested spaces.
Anonymous 158329
Is lolcow dead for good? Where else am I supposed to get my milk, post about husbandos, read about animals, and other stuff? LC was my safe haven, nothing else was like it. Is CC good? At least my tremendously autistic posts will never see the light of day
Anonymous 158330
>>158323Is this site actually being moderated? I report a bunch of things in here that are against CC rules and there was an influx of bannable threads elsewhere in /b/ that were not taken down.
Anonymous 158331
So… should I come to terms with the possibility LC is not gonna come back?
I have no other female-only place to complain about trannies
Anonymous 158332
new game
post the last text message you sent
Anonymous 158333
I hope LC comes back already, I am too mean spirited by CC standards, it's hard to not let it slip out of me.
Anonymous 158334
>>158330Yes and I think the moderating is better than LC
Anonymous 158336
>>158330Yes, but the moderation is pretty slow on CC.
Anonymous 158338
If lolcow goes away, how I can cope without kikomi-chan? I hope she is reading here
Anonymous 158340
>>158329Speaking of which…
>>158318Where's the wrong in that? Kek
Absolutely based
Anonymous 158343
>>158338I think she's in the lc discord but i could be wrong
>>158332Yeah i dont like their eyes or temperaments
(context is reptiles)
Anonymous 158350

Cute items you’ve acquired over your travels
Anonymous 158351
I legit thought that was your husbando for a sec kek
Anonymous 158363
no. needs more sans and komaeda
Anonymous 158369
>>158365i want a version with cuckmaeda crying in the background and it's perfect
Anonymous 158372
>>158330Yes, the moderation here is slow but it's actually more reasonable and effective than LCF moderation. It's far easier to manage a small community of reasonably well behaved non-retards which I didn't consider before now
Anonymous 158374
>>158369You’re gonna summon Komaeda anon there, be careful.
Anonymous 158379

I got ass cheeks on my white tees
All these hoes keep grinding’ on me
Comin’ in the club every night of the week
Keep a nigga poppin’ them crispy white tees
Anonymous 158380
There is no movement here for ages and when it does, lots of awful threads made by obvious male still up. Stop kidding yourself
Anonymous 158382

You guys don't have cows in here? Maybe we could get a cow bard if lolcow doesn't come back.
Anonymous 158388
>>158376I love you Limmy anon I’ve just started watching his stuff and I would fight you for him. I love how jaded and cynical he is
Anonymous 158389
big agree, excellent taste
Anonymous 158391

KF was apparently hacked and in discord rn they are speculating lc could be hacked (no proof of course but one nona says that ip addresses would be leaked from lc if that was the case )
Anonymous 158392
It isn't wrong, that's where males g-spot is at. Males exist to fuck and harm each other, we don't need them because we're superior and we got meme'd into thinking that we /need/ to fuck moids when in reality most of us don't even get off with penetration.
Anonymous 158395
>>158391Honest question, if IPs are leaked, what would even happen? Do the IPs have all of our names as well or something? Or just a bunch of addresses?
Anonymous 158396
>>158393Thank god you’re alive I don’t agree with your husbando but it’s nice to see a sign of life
Anonymous 158397
>>158393Hi dededenona, It's nice to see you around.
Anonymous 158399
surprised parappa anon hasn’t shown up yet now
Anonymous 158401
>>158391Samefag one nona says 90% I censored it lol oops
Anonymous 158402

>>158388HELLO FELLOW LIMMY ENJOYER!! Not to brag we've got incredibly BASED taste. What are your favorite skits so far?
Anonymous 158403
>>158395IP addresses just show a location kek. If someone bans an IP, it will take out people closeby and ban them too. It's not as ooky spooky as people think it is
Anonymous 158405
>>158399she is busy on fujochan, bless her heart
Anonymous 158406
>>158403Samefag but if a site range bans IPs in a whole area it's not because they listed out the people who live there or anything, just the location
Anonymous 158407
>>158393i have a feeling this isnt actually her, she said she would stop posting him hasnt she? but maybe kirdedenonette changed her mind
Anonymous 158410
>>158393the queen is here. now all we need is ko-chan, carreychan, hell even the driverfags too
Anonymous 158412
>>158403Then I don't see what's the big deal lmao
Anonymous 158413
>>158407The fanart is too high quality for a random to have. I think it's her. Hi kirdedeanon I hope you have a nice day.
Wishing only the best to all yumes and fujos
Anonymous 158414
>>158407Well we are not on LCF anymore so perhaps she feels she has free reign here now
Anonymous 158415
>>158395Nothing, it just shows your nonspecific location. You’d need to have posted identifying information with the same IP and have had it leaked previously for anything to happen (and even then, people share/change IP addresses all the time).
Anonymous 158417
>>158395Dont worry nothing would happen, they just know what country and big city your close to. You can also change the ip of your device if you are very worried about it.
Anonymous 158418
>>158379Can we please have this one. Please.
Anonymous 158420
>>158410I miss the dano gags only because the dano boyfriend saga made me laugh a lot
Anonymous 158422
>>158382cc split off so it could be a comfy place without cow nitpicking/drama and the like, it would be a shame to lose what makes this site unique
hopefully lc comes back or worst case, a new site for drama is made and cc can continue to exist as it is
Anonymous 158427
>>158422A new imageboard should just be made honestly. Our newmin is so finicky
Anonymous 158428
I'm sort of glad this happened. I had been off the farms for awhile and haven't visited CC in months and months and it's nice to revisit and remember I'm not the only NEET loser woman out there. Love you ladies.
Anonymous 158434
>>158421Post Adam Driver and Dano NOW i need your autism. Danofags make a new dano thread now I demand it
Anonymous 158436

Does anybody have any movie recommendations? Or what's the last thing you watched? I saw The Wolf of Wall Street for the first time last night. It was ok I guess
Anonymous 158438
Could you husbandofags make your own thread?
Anonymous 158439
Nobody should be worried about an IP leak. There's no identifying info or account details on anon boards, the worst they can do is release a list of cities that have the most farmers kek. I wonder where would be top of the list
Anonymous 158442

>>158402I’ve only watched a few episodes of Limmy Show and a dozen clips from his streams, all of which I have thoroughly enjoyed. Dee dee is my favourite character of his. I feel that some of the humour is lost on me though, being En**ish (and I’m sure this is his intention). Do you have any recommendations? I follow him on twitter but haven’t yet caught a live-stream. I have you to thank for this because I was only ever familiar with him through this pic kek
Anonymous 158448
>>158440YAY! You might just turn me into a danofag. I love lc for the female autism I can’t find nowhere else
Anonymous 158450
>>158439I would love to see a map of this tbh
Anonymous 158451
>>158393Glad to see a familiar face.
>>158422I found CC before LC, so I have some fondness for it, but I'm probably still considered a newfag because the only site lore thing I was around for was the raccoon moid stuff. But I like LC so much more. I don't even read the cow threads on it. If CC just absorbed /g/, /m/, and /ot/ then I would be less sad about LC potentially being dead. CC is just isn't as tolerant of deranged husbandoposting and that's my favorite content to read
Anonymous 158452
I want buffalo wings rn
Anonymous 158453
>>158439Now that got me curious kek I hope there's a bunch of latam farmers like me.
Anonymous 158455
>>158318Kek wtf anon were you being serious or ironic. I never got banned for posting about him.
Anonymous 158456
>>158451Same. Do you guys on CC have threads about radfem recourses? If any are any lurking the thread atm. That was one of the things I’m grateful about LC about. It introduced me to Solanas and Dworkin and anti-porn media.
Anonymous 158459
There's no reason to suspect cross admin based on that, it just means that maybe the attack was the same source imo
Also lc has been down way longer than the most recent kf attack I think
It was really weird lipstick alley was down around the same time (but came back up?)
Anonymous 158460
>>158451>CC is just isn't as tolerant of deranged husbandopostingNeither is all of LC you fucking retard
Anonymous 158462
>>158452I’ll get u some if u give me money
Anonymous 158463

What if LC is down because I said someone should really assault that titty troon's breasts. I thought that a student should hit it with a ruler and get sent to the principals and give the whole rigmarole about how distracting his big bakungas are so that they'd finally have an excuse to tell that man to stop scaring the children
Anonymous 158465
I agree with this kek. Celebricows seemed very usa centric though
Anonymous 158466
>>158454I do not give a shit about you "o-objectifying muh men!", you are just insufferable, autistic, and spam your anime shit EVERYWHERE
Anonymous 158467
>>158462no I'LL get her some..my treat
Anonymous 158468
>>158462Okay here's my entire wallet i trust you to go to the wing shop and not the bank then airport nona
Anonymous 158470
>>158466Oh lord the Fujo war is attacking here
Anonymous 158475
>>158463I take your tinfoil because I swear the big faux boob teacher was the last thing I saw on lc
Anonymous 158477
>>158460I'm speaking comparatively here. Yes, there's infighting and intolerance towards husbandoposting on LC, but you can still be more autistic about your husbando on /g/ than you can anywhere on CC.
Anonymous 158479
who remembers when early concept art of /pt/ tan was a moid
Anonymous 158481
>>158475Same. That and the chocolate weakness of the greys
Anonymous 158484

thanks for clearing up the IP thing anons. I was paranoid.
>>158340I realized I don't really have a husbando besides maybe this assassin. At least I canonically borked him.
Anonymous 158486
>>158481Shit, what post could've done it?
Anonymous 158488
I know that one nona was mirroring lc onto her hard drive or something like that so there’s an archive. I hope she finds cc and can update us even if it’s incomplete. We can make a new imageboard because I’m not letting my female autists go anywhere u are staying with me
Anonymous 158489

I can't fucking believe how ugly moids are. If I looked like this I would actually kill myself. No wonder they all want to pretend to be us and hate us at the same time
Anonymous 158490
>>158488Samefag if anyone decides to make a new lc- lolcor as the name pls
Anonymous 158491
>>158487Ange or Virgilia? I really like them both anon please sperg to me
Anonymous 158492
>>158486Little did we know it was The Timothee picture
Anonymous 158494
>>158478I really hope this is just admin being dumb about an update too, or making lemonade out of lemons and upgrading after being knocked off.
I worry a lot that all gossip sites are gonna disappear and then they'll just attack women's ones, I hope it is not kefflas and co doing this. They are nasty about doxxing etc so it is bad for admin/staff safety too.
>>158477I'm begging all husbandoposters to go to the yume board on fujochan, it's slow as shit we need your autism
There's a real person board too
Anonymous 158497
>>158492Normal Timothee or the bottom surgery timothee
Anonymous 158498
>>158475I said in the MtF thread that the anon who announced she doxxed him on 4chan was a retard and everyone turned around and said I was dumb. I said it before and I'll say it again: the most
retarded thing anyone could have said in the middle of the Keffals vs Kiwifarms was say something like that. Fuck her for lacking any scrap of critical thinking for the sake of a few asspats
Anonymous 158500
>>158481I remember seeing pakichan on one of the threads too. Glad she’s okay.
Anonymous 158501
If the troons hacked LCF to share IP's of evil TERFs I will finally get to laugh at all the s who always told me I was stupid for using a VPN at all when I complained about how so many of the VPN IP's are permabanned.
Anonymous 158503
>>158499She's my favorite… I wish she could be happy
Anonymous 158505
>>158489lmfaoo is this thurston moore i honestly can't tell
Anonymous 158509
>>158503I love how she stays snarky despite all the misery she’s gone through, I love how dedicated she is to finding out the truth, I love her interactions with Amakusa
I love Ange!
Anonymous 158511
Ignore it he’s like a child throwing a tantrum because he wants attention except he’s a 30 yr old man. That’s why these bunker threads don’t feel comfy. Moids always ruin the vibe and fun
Anonymous 158519
Because the mods haven't woken up yet and he has nothing better to do than harass women
once mods wake up they'll delete everything, just ignore him
He's not even good at it
Anonymous 158523
I just imagine hes a weird war prisoner we have locked up in a hole somewhere screeching like a chimpanzee. And this thread is a comfy bonfire in the middle of fucking nowhere
Anonymous 158525
>>158494I mean, I tried fujochan long ago. I went there. Looked at the section names. Saw shota. Clicked it. I exited the tab and never went back.
Anonymous 158526
>>158486Canada (were the big areolas tranny is) has the anti christ prime minister so maybe it's a conjoined grey-canadian plot to take away our right to call each other retards. I believe the men in black are involved. As always this is americas fault.
Anonymous 158531

>>158442I fucking love Dee Dee too! Dee Dee's pretty cute haha. Fun fact: Dee Dee was based on a time in his life when he wasn't high off his ass! I thought that was pretty interesting. If you are still on the first series you're really going to love the second series, that's when it gets faster paced and more "professional" I would say, for lack of a better word.
Right now he's going through some stuff (he and his long, long term girlfriend split up a few months back) and you can kind of tell he's not really doing well, I harken back to when an anon said that he gives off "edgelord vibes" on his stream and the breakup and staying in the same house with one another is probably why he seems kind of off right now. He's always had his ups and downs though so this is probably just a rough patch. Anyway I watched his Heavy Rain playthrough and it was funny as fuck, he busts out the Dee Dee voice a few times. I'm currently watching his Detroit Become Human playthrough and that's also quite funny. Many of his streams are poorly archived, sadly. But give those two a shot!
Anonymous 158532
>>158526da big areolas
My tinfoil is that Lurch saw the teacher talk and took down lolcow
Anonymous 158534

>>158396I thought LC was down for an update for a bit since I remember the Admin saying something along the lines of the site shutting down for a huge update of sorts, however when I remembered the whole KF thing I started to have my doubts. I'm really sad, LC was the best I could talk about husbandos, vent about my life, look at human abominations…
>>158407Nah it is me, I was a bit afraid because an Anon resembled a moid I used to know so I stopped but then I realized that's a low chance. Here's a cowe kirby
>>158413I am having a nice day! Currently I'm drawing a Meta Knight and Dedede ninja image from the Ninja Dojo minigame in Kirby's Return to Dreamland then I plan to start plotting out my doujin. Hope you are too!
Anonymous 158535
Anyone into extreme anime boy torture please dump your collection on FC's /ex/
Anonymous 158538
>>158532Kek Boomer lurch can barely operate Facebook
Anonymous 158540
The banners here are really adorable, I keep refreshing just to get different ones
Anonymous 158542
>>158534IM SO HAPPY hi dededechan hi hi hiiii
Anonymous 158543
Wish someone would make a website where you have to voice verify that you're a woman first so troons and men can be kept out.
Anonymous 158547
Yeah I doubt your collection is any good anyway
Anonymous 158548
>>158543Exactly this even “voice modifiers” sound fake as hell lol
Anonymous 158550
>>158540CC is super cute.
friendship ended with lc, cc is now my best friend
Anonymous 158551
Yeah I wish it had less boards and also that stuff like husbando threads were outside of yume
Anonymous 158553

>>158543Ehhhhhh as someone who's been on weird places, I can confirm, there are men that admit to using other women to voice verify. Of course this is pretty rare, but these people can easily find someone somewhere (even if it is just off of fiverr or some shit like that) to do it.
Anonymous 158554

Others have probably already aired similar theories, but I wonder if Keffal and his troonie goonies was starting to zero in on lolcow so admin decided to 4D chess them by temporarily closing down the website without warning to let them believe they shut us down like with KF and waiting for them to get bored and move on to the next thing.
I might be giving admin too much credit but I want to believe.
Anonymous 158557
>>158397Maybe I'm just too autistic, but I don't get how you all remember and recognize posters based on avatar or writing style
I've been lurking both CC and LC for years, posting once in a while, and as far as I'm concerned you all are just voices from the ether
It's not a big deal but I feel like I'm missing out on the whole community aspect due to being a sperg, just like in the real world
Anonymous 158559
>>158556you saved the thumbnail, dumbassita
Anonymous 158560
>>158421is this why borzois kept being drawn on the draw board? it was just tinfoil for adam?
Anonymous 158561
>>158557Dededenona is kinda easy to spot (not shaming u if your reading still nona) and so is komoaeda(?) nona
Anonymous 158562
anyone remember the somethingawful offshoot url, like rhizzome or something? also the redscare chan url? i need to tinfoil about parasocial shills.
Anonymous 158567
>>158560Borzóis were a the hate thread staple
Anonymous 158568
>>158567Sorry idk why I typed this like mario
Anonymous 158571
>>158557The anons that everyone know about used to avatarfag or be a general annoyance
Anonymous 158572
>>158534>I plan to start plotting out my doujinNice! What is it going to be about?
Anonymous 158580
This tiny ass picture lol I’m dying
Anonymous 158582
"Erika" is trannys womansona
Anonymous 158585
>>158574Me too. He looks like a pudgy hall of dough to me but idc that much
Anonymous 158588
>>158332Majima woke up feeing the scent of urine. "Ahhh, piss~" he moaned.
Anonymous 158590
>>158588I sent this video to my sister pls watch if you’re a moral orel fan
Anonymous 158593

>>158332I sent my mom some prints from a shop, not very interesting.
Anonymous 158597
Man should be ashamed of looking like this and taking pics
Anonymous 158598
>>158531 I’m enjoying the first series and I actually am not put off by the low-budget feel. It suits the themes of his sketches, since they’re mostly observations about mundane everyday occurrences. Although it certainly doesn’t feel like a typical BBC production. It feels homemade. I’ll definitely watch the DBH play through since I’ve played the game myself. Also, his reactions to the Queen’s death and everything surrounding it have been hilarious. Thank you nona!
Anonymous 158600
>>158145Playing Stardew valley and watching ted bundy documentary
Anonymous 158604
>>158590What's with the huge revival of interest in morel orel recently? I'm not complaining but I dunno where it came from
Anonymous 158605
Can you shut up
Anonymous 158607
>>158224I'm so sorry for your loss nona <3 I hope you have a good day today
Anonymous 158608
>>158501Yeah, I'll let you know when one of the troons show up at my doorstep after he finds out I'm in bumfuck nowhere in south america.
Anonymous 158609
>>158604Ayrt I saw it mentioned on lc for its lesbian character and I saw some friends of mine watching it and I gave it a try and ended up really liking it.
Anonymous 158612
>>158501there is literally nothing anyone can do with your IP address
Anonymous 158613
Yeah so we should ignore it and not talk about it
Anonymous 158614
>>158608Kek same. I'll shoot him with my chocolate ammunition
Anonymous 158615
cure kikomi.png

>>158612ok crystal cafe user
not so brave now, huh????
Anonymous 158618
>>158615Thanks for leaking her ip now I will send her sweets
Anonymous 158619
can someone dump all the kikomi parts i lost them
Anonymous 158620
>>158609Ohh it's nice to see that anons were reccing it on lc. It's a good show, it seems like your average edgy adultswim production at first but it's incredible how well the setting and characters develop.
I like how it shows really dark, realistic problems without getting too preachy or losing its cartoon atmosphere completely.
I've been getting a ton of recs of new fan content for it on yt, I wonder where they came from.
Anonymous 158621
Thats one heck of a honker. A giant schnoz.
Anonymous 158622
>>158569super sexy, sauce on the artist?
Anonymous 158625
I work with a pathetic moid who is always trying to suicide bait, but I know he'll never do it because he's so fucking self obsessed. Everything that takes place at any point in human history revolves around him. Women especially were born just to pat him on the ass and tell him what a good boy he is for doing the bare minimum in life. He's so disgusting to me, like a giant screaming worm wriggling on the ground, shitting itself and crying. Maybe if you didn't treat everyone else like background characters in your feature film you'd actually have some friends, Brandon
Anonymous 158627

>>158620There’s an instagram account where I believe it’s one of the people who worked on the show documenting travels with a little orel puppet. It used to get like ~400 likes a picture and now it’s recently gone up to like 10k. It’s awesome
Anonymous 158629
>>158598No problem at all! I'm very glad to have introduced a fellow anon to such a good show! I hope you enjoy the rest of the series and his streams :)
Anonymous 158630
>>158625Men lack all self awareness, they are socialized to take up space and resource without regard for anyone else.
Anonymous 158631
>>158612if they want to they can report you to your internet provider and say you were posting CP and get your home raided and electronics taken away.
same thing happened to the owner of tvch he never got his stuff back and he was never charged with anything.
Anonymous 158632
>>158572It's supposed to be a seven dollar sixty four page book, two 28 page sections dedicated to mtdd and kbdd and a five page kbddmt gag-4-koma section at the end. Released sometime next Summer ComiKet. I've already mapped out the MetaDedede section which was easy, just your simple saccharine character X learns to express affection with character Y, it fits both characters well. However, the kbdd section is what I'm having trouble deciding on. I have one where it's Kirby getting sick and Dedede coming to take care of her but that feels bland and doesn't really have a proper start, middle, and end with little conflict to add anything to the plot. It's harder to write something with your faves since you have so many ideas and want to make sure it's perfect. I've been reading other doujinshi and re-playing some games to get some inspo but I'm blocked, so I'm just going to focus on the mtdd section until something comes to me for the kbdd section. It's my first long doujin compared to my last two (three if you count an antholo submission) so I want it to be perfect. But it's hard to come up with story ideas that are simple, captivating and can fit within an 28 page A5 Monochrome format.
>>158575He looks like a pedophilic ugly loser and should kill himself. I'd kill myself if I woke up that dishevelled and ugly.
Anonymous 158633
>>158625It's amazing how many moids this applies to. Was good friends with a guy for many years before he became this and had to cut him off like a diseased leech
Anonymous 158637
>>158466for me i just hate seeing men in general fictional or not but especially anime ones. i know the appeal is that guys like that dont actually exist irl but for me it just pisses me off even more. i am androhomophobic as well. i dont want any male happy much less with one another, yuck. but i dont actually hate fujos themselves i just dislike their interest but i respect them as people, i mean i understand the principle and all gay moid media is just not for me, so not for me that its almost like it was made in perfection to piss me off scare and disgust me.
Anonymous 158639
>>158618how are you gonna do that with an ip address nona
Anonymous 158640
>>158631I don't think that's a thing where I am
Anonymous 158641
>>158632It's so cool that you're making content of your faves. I hope I can be that creative someday! And I hope also that your doujin goes well. Surely you'll get a flash of a story idea soon. Until then just keep drawing and take it easy
Anonymous 158644
>>158639she's gonna send sweets to every house within the radius
Anonymous 158646
I really love the dark crystal theme. I want it for LC if it ever comes back.
Anonymous 158647
>>158644Oh um. Oh well everyone will get sweets then. My plan to give you all the beetus
Anonymous 158649
>>158150But I don't want to be in a relationship at all for the love of God. It sounds like being trapped, and inevitably extremely annoying
Anonymous 158651
>>158649Well living with 99% of people would be breathtakingly annoying.
Anonymous 158655
Moids: women should be hyper-sexual beings who worship us lol
Fujos: exist
Anonymous 158656
>>158646the basic or (old) one? i like the old one more, i hate the diagonal lines as a design choice for a background personally
Anonymous 158657
>>158652I’m glad to share it!! The comments are a delight to read too. He responds to some
Anonymous 158659

On a normal day I'd be mocking fujos but things are a bit too humorless for my taste, so here, rusame
Anonymous 158660
>>158655I don't think gay men want women to worship them in a sexual sense. Straight (young) men often find the idea of women liking porn/hentai attractive.
Anonymous 158664
>>158071Does anybody have any photos of guys playing chess and flirting? (Anime, not real)
Anonymous 158665
>>158660It’s hot anime guys tho they hate it
Anonymous 158666
>>158660Who cares what gay men want? They're walking lumps of misogyny vaguely shaped like humans
Anonymous 158670
>>158666I don't care what they want, I like yaoi. I'm just saying I don't think they want to be sexualized by people they don't find attractive, like anybody
Anonymous 158671
What u guys even about. I don't worship moids these are cartoon men that act like women aka perfect men aka fictional
Anonymous 158672
>>158670Oh alright, that's legit. I guess I had a kneejerk reaction to your post since irl gay men have been the worst to me. Carry on nona
Anonymous 158673
I went to a girl's birthday drinks that I worked with a few years ago and I don't know why I still go to the things she invites me to. She's pretty pathetic and fails so hard at life but you can't even feel bad for her because she's petty and shallow and doesn't really seem like a well rounded person with bad luck. Every event she hosts she invites several people and about 1/10th actually show up. Part of me knows this which is why I guess I go. She also invited this guy she's known for a decade who she mentioned to me while we were alone that she's been in love with him the whole time and wants to have his kids, and that they've slept together before but he's not really expressed any romantic interest in her.
As a side note, when we worked together there was a male coworker of ours who asked out my manager, who rejected him, then he did the same to me and I also rejected, and then he moved onto her, we both told her he's her third option and seems like an ass, but she started sleeping with him anyway. He wanted to keep it under wraps but she was really open about it. He ended up moving away but it was pretty obvious he was using her for sex before he left.
But this guy she's been in love with clearly has no feelings for her. He had to leave early tonight for work and she got our mutual friend at the table to text him (he didn't have her number beforehand) and say "you should've gone home with (birthday girl) tonight and ditched work (wink face emoji)"
I wish I was joking. He then messages birthday girl and light-heartedly tells her not to get her friends to message her. He also says he can see her next time she's in town, but isn't flirty, or seemed to really want to talk to her. It was so embarrassing.
I can see why men don't like her, she doesn't have much of a personality. She's clingy and controlling, she's bad at her job and in life. Very "live laugh love" on the walls of her house. Just bland. But she tries so hard to cling to men and never let go like they're the one thing that'll turn her life around, that'll make her feel whole. It's hard to watch. I think this will be the last time I go to one of her events because it was baaaaaad.
Oh, the worst part. I met him once before and both times he's sat next to me and playfully touched my arm while we talk, laughed at my jokes too hard and seemed to be somewhat interested. He's gross and I'm not attracted to him in the slightest, but I just find it even worse how obvious it is that he's not into her enough to flirt with me right in front of her.
Ok vent over that was just quite a weird night and I had to share.
Anonymous 158675
>>158670I mean, are you a gay man? Are you offended by the hot yaoiz? Leave.
Anonymous 158679
>>158670implying gay m*les = hot yaoi men
Anonymous 158684
is it really over? is there hope?
Anonymous 158686

The males in maid outfits thread was such a treasure. I can't wait to have /m/ back.
Anonymous 158697
>>158631this isn't true. just because your IP is tied to a residence doesn't mean that YOU specifically were the person who accessed the site. IP addresses don't prove that you were the person who actually accessed the site because your public IP is shared with anyone else who uses an Internet connected device to browse the Internet from your location.
>>158615jokes on you my subnet is!
Anonymous 158703
>>158631>>158697samefagging to add that I don't know what tvch is but if that's a website then that's a whole different scenario.
Anonymous 158708
>>158666I'm not a tranny, but the obsession with trannies is fair. They raid here frequently and try to hand maiden for men while pretending like it is radfem. Aka an online version of what they do irl
Anonymous 158961
griffithfags are the weeb counterpart to ezrafags
Anonymous 158996

i keep coming back here hoping there are cheers of lolcow’s return but here we are
Anonymous 159051
My reddit account got banned (red bar at top perma) for asking if there were any women-only lesbian subs
Anonymous 159053
>>158656The old one. I agree the striped background hurts my eyes.
Anonymous 159057

why are you talking to me like you know who i am
Anonymous 159061
I was wondering what the fuck happened
Anonymous 159064
I assume it’s because this thread is nowhere near bumplimit
Anonymous 159065

I miss lolcow I want to laugh at troons
Anonymous 159072
>>158095i sent admin a mail today but no answer yet
Anonymous 159076
there was some talk about an anon wanting to make an imageboard earlier this year after being banned or during the bunker times or something like that, but i guess they werent passionate enough and it was out of spite kek.
im sort of sad, i gave them a bunch of ideas here and there because i really wanted it to happen. i would make my own and i do really want to but there is just no way i will ever be capable of learning how to code a website let alone moderate it and finance the domain and such for a prolonged amount of time. oh well
Anonymous 159078
>>159064There's only some 50 messages left?
Anonymous 159088
I mean, it was obvious. One of the reasons many of us don't come to this shithole, plus they don't fucking ban the tranny avatarfag
Anonymous 159090
This gif makes me very uncomfortable
Anonymous 159097
calm down anon it's just drawings… take a deep breath he's not real
Anonymous 159101
I met online a new woman who I had a blast with. But as soon as she told me, that she was on a art school, I asked her about her views on troons, and she is a handmaiden.
Why! I hoped to find a new good friend I can play with, but oh no, she had to be a trans friend. I am so sad right now. Urgh!
But we had still fun and I can play with her some games. But never can she see my true self. It is super sad.
Anonymous 159109
Retarded tranny quit namefagging before accusing others of carrying your disease
Anonymous 159112
>>159101I went to Art school and I'm not a handmaiden
Then again it was before the troon cultural disease
Anonymous 159115
>>159101>my true selfyou don't have to make politics your personality
Anonymous 159120
sadly the discord isn't safe either even back when it was opened
Anonymous 159136

by the way, why is the catalog snowing when it's only septemeber?
Anonymous 159154
why lolcow admin is completely silent? even KF's owner put up a message the first time his site was ddosed by keffals to keep users informed
Anonymous 159157
>>158444kek this is actually true, helsinkis I see you
Anonymous 159160

Bored, I've been doing some research on lolcow's provider and it turns out that they describe themselves as a "free-speech friendly offshore hosting company". This aligns with nulls message earlier in the week (pic related).
Makes me think that they caved and brought lolcow down with KF unfortunately.
Anonymous 159165

Asougi anon from the thread that got deleted… If you're the anon who started playing TGAAC because of the husbando thread, I would love to hear your thoughts about the game so far !! (I'm not the original Mr.Legs anon I'm just curious)
Anonymous 159167
>>159154Bc she doesn't give a shit. Maybe she just took the site offline
Anonymous 159172
>>159154I'm starting to think that the site is gone and the admin is just like well it was an anonymous message board anyway so whatever.
Anonymous 159175
what if lolcow is down bc the schizoposter who kept writing secret messages that admin is a tranny is right
Anonymous 159179
i miss the tinfoil threads. I need to schizopost, but the x board here is too depressing. Miners who frequent the unalive thread there, I wish you all better days to come.
Anonymous 159180

whoever makes the next thread please don't post the aggie link in the op here
Anonymous 159182
also there’s no clarity in the LC discord, the mods there used to be able to tell us what was going on but there’s absolutely no message from them at all
Anonymous 159183
>>158436the last movie i watched was actually Don't Look Up, and it was waaaaaaay better than i expected, having seen the online reactions to it when it came out.
Anonymous 159187
>>159172i really hope you're wrong, the thought of that makes me feel sick. why would she become admin if she would do that? it's not even like she couldn't cover fees or whatever, the ko-fi was generously donated to
Anonymous 159196
ShotType1_540x540 …

The whole lc situation really makes me think if I should try becoming a turbonormie, but after being an introverted neet for so long…
I hope you anons are having a good day or evening. How are you doing?
I really miss all of the husbando threads on /g/. I remember i tried checking yumejo threads on fujochan but they were full of underage vtuber fans.
Anonymous 159200
why are so many posts deleted, its hard to read any conversation in here
Anonymous 159203
>>159154I agree it’s been over 24 hours and nothing has been said. We’re doomed girls.
Anonymous 159207
I sent an email directly to the admin, not the admin email so let's hope this works. They've responded to me once after I was accidentally banned in a raid crossfire.
Anonymous 159208
>>159197i know nona, don't worry
Anonymous 159213
>>159207That's good nona, I feel so lost here
Anonymous 159217
>>159177holy shit i just went to find this tweet and yes, he actually said that. what the hell is happening?
Anonymous 159219
>>159177he did. trannies going mask-off with the racism lol
Anonymous 159221
>>159177my jaw is on the floor. if this isn't peaking people i don't know what will
Anonymous 159223
>>159203do you not remember the break down of /ot/ back in february or so? We went without any communcation for 2 weeks, this is nothing from our admin(s). Still her lack of communcation sucks.
Anonymous 159224
>>159115Na I mean my dark jokes and I have to be careful what I say. That I mean with true self, you always have to be a litle bit more careful.
>>159112As far as I know art school full if troons and handmaidens these days. But maybe it depens on the country.
Anonymous 159225
Maybe admin isn't technical so she pays someone to assist her? Maybe that's why we've heard nothing over the weekend? I'm staying positive
Anonymous 159232
If threads are deleted when and if it does come back I'm going to be so sad. I like screenshotting the funny or memorable exchanges I've had in the threads and I haven't gotten the chance to screenshot most of them yet :( I have them all bookmarked and I've been meaning too but haven't got around to it yet.
Anonymous 159235
it's a moid artist that makes 99% porn of women. this is the only good image he's made. though ig you could check the /wsr/ archive using the image hash
Anonymous 159238
>>159225i'm thinking she attempted maintenance on friday and something fucked up and she just didn't feel like dealing with it over the weekend. at least fingers crossed that it's something like that
Anonymous 159239
>>159219Somehow I’m not surprised. Mentally ill men always have the craziest racist takes
Anonymous 159244
sorry for the doublepost. for some reason my post went weird
Anonymous 159247

…aand mods deleted proof of banning me for making fun of chestplate sensei
Anonymous 159254
Everything looks so expensive in Finland
Anonymous 159263
>>159207Let’s just hope they’re updating the site.
Anonymous 159267
>>159247How did you get this if the site is down?
Anonymous 159271
>>159267This is a screenshot from Crystal Cafe, not Lolcow. Lolcow wouldn't ban me for making fun of trannies
Anonymous 159272
>>159072let us know if she ever gets back to you
Anonymous 159280
>>159265Are these actual implants or just some kind of prosthetic?
Anonymous 159284
>>159271You were probably banned bc the gif was grotesque
Anonymous 159287
>>159284Then the mods could've specified that cartoon silicone violence is triggering and banned me for a more reasonable amount of time
Anonymous 159288
>>159280Amazon apparently. A nonner in the mtf thread posting a screenshot of the same breastplate available online
Anonymous 160496
>>159136It's been snowing since last holidays.