
Chicken tendies appreciation thread. Anonymous 17672
Post em, girls.
Anonymous 17673

I would like some tendys for lunch thanks
Anonymous 17675
Anonymous 17680
Only degenerates like breast. Chicken tendies rule supreme.
Anonymous 17681
Gimme gimme chicken tendies,
Be they crispy or from Wendys.
Spend my hard-earned good-boy points,
on Kid's Meal ball pit burger joints.
Mummy lifts me to the car,
To find me tendies near and far.
Enjoy my tasty tendie treats,
in comfy big boy booster seats.
McDonald's, Hardee's, Popeye's, Cane's,
But of my tendies none remains.
She tries to make me take a nappy,
But sleeping doesn't make me happy.
Tendies are the only food,
That puts me in the napping mood.
I'll scream and shout and make a fuss,
I'll scratch, I'll bite, I'll even cuss!
Tendies are my heart's desire,
Fueled by raging, hungry fire.
Mummy sobs and wails and cries,
But tears aren't tendies, nugs or fries.
My good-boy points were fairly earned,
To buy the tendies that I've yearned.
But there's no tendies on my plate!
Did mummy think that I'd just ate?
I screech while hurling into her eyes,
My foul, bowel-dwelling diaper surprise.
For she who is un-pooped on is she who remembers:
Never forget my chicken tenders.
Anonymous Moderator
yum yum.jpg

Free chicken tendies, everyone.
Anonymous 17685

mfw no qt bf to bring me chicken tendies
Anonymous 17689
>>17672ily and appreciate the person who made this thread. may your tendies akways be tender.
Anonymous 17691
all praise the chicken tendies eater lizard queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 17693
>>17692Chicken nuggets are for smegies. They resemble balls.
Anonymous 17694
>>17676>>17686Oh god. You girls unironically liking on memes like this?
Anonymous 17696

>>17694who said it is a meme? we are hungry. back off my chicken tendies thread.
Anonymous 17698
>>17696some people get irrational when they are hungry
Anonymous 17708
Chicken tendies party in the server.
Anonymous 17709
I deep fried some scampi earlier today, that's kind of the same thing.
Anonymous 17728

Chicken thigh >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Anonymous 17814

The first one isn't bad, but the second one:
>boneless meme
I mean, I hope this is ironic. But if it is, I'm acting just like the atheist in pic related.
Anonymous 17823
>>17815~*~Pretty Princess Points~*~
Anonymous 17859
the argument.jpg

I haven't had chicken tendies in 2018 yet
Your thread taunts me daily
My third favorite food behind sammiches and pasta, but so expensive.
And my name is on the list
>>17678 so we're reaching danger levels, like tokyo ghoul flesh starvation
I'll report back when I get some this week.
Anonymous 17860
>>17692Totally blue pilled opinion, (((taste gross))) lmao get a load of this brainwashed cuck
Anonymous 17879
Mommy is just another arm of the illuminati-military-quisine-industrial complex. You need to read up more and really dive down this rabbit hole, kid.
Anonymous 17880
>>17871Pls no bully I'm not punchable face, I just think the PPP meme is funny because many of them show tendies Anonymous 17910
>>17859my name is also on
>>17678obviously this means we must fight to the death for the sweet nourishment of tendies
Anonymous 17938
>>17880dw frand if that is the case then no bullly will be had.. it's a good meme Anonymous 17964

these are disgusting. anyone who eats those can get tf outta my house. nasty shit.
Anonymous 17968
>>17964do not be mean to dinonugs, they just doing they best
Anonymous 17981
>>17948>>17949unsheathes katana
>I will make your blood run like barbeque sauceteleports behind you
>Nothing personnel, kid recoils in pain as she blasts me with a power attackTender Hearts: a new violent action romance drama about chicken tendies, trust, betrayal, redemption, and learning what it takes to live as a young woman in a violent underworld where life is as disposable as a Wendy's bag.
Anonymous 17985
>>17981If Anon doesn't show up again we will declare you the winner. Eat as many as you like.
>>17964They taste like cardboard…
Anonymous 17986
Not gonna lie, those Wendy's chicken strips are GOOD.
Anonymous 18008

>>17859 here reporting in.
Currently at wendys eating tendies, which I haven't had since December last year. Thanks OP
>>17985I'm hoping this draws her out.
Anonymous 18011
Anonymous 18240
>>17981breathes heavily in crater left behind by my power attack
>ha…haa…>BBQ? Don't make me laugh. I'll not allow you to disgrace the name of holy HONEY MUSTARD SAUCE.raises hand and materializes a paladin sword +1 out of a lightning strike
>Your foul ninja trickery will never defeat my pure love of tendies! In the name of all that is crispy and fried, I will punish you!strikes a pose, theme music plays, fried chicken platter appears in the background
>Evil-doer, prepare to meet your match! Anonymous 18243

>>18242it was on Pinterest but it looks like the link to the original post was deleted
>tfw no tendie king to propose to you with pic related Anonymous 18255

I see your Wendy's tendies + BBQ sauce and raise you a plate of Sonic tendies + honey mustard
Also, for some reason, a single bonus tater tot.
Anonymous 18257
>tendies are simply a means to an end, a way to sustain ourselves in this hellish lifewipes mixture of own blood, tendy crumbs and dipping sauce from corner of mouththrows mall ninja tier razor sharp blades shaped and colored like chicken nuggets at youqueue heroic speech about everyone coming together and enjoying tendies in peace without the need of bloodshed, I'd share mine with any miner as long as they didn't smell bad or chew gross>>18255Noice. We don't have a sonic where I live iirc, but those look pretty good.
>Also, for some reason, a single bonus tater tot.It got stuck in a basket, or fell into the chicken section of the fryer and then ended up with your tendies. Congrats.
t. worked greasy fast food as a young adult
Anonymous 21880
tfw when can't consume tendies anymore
Anonymous 25897
I'm craving tendies so bad, maybe I will get some this weekend.
Anonymous 25898
>>25897damn I'm craving tendies now too but it's too late to get up and buy some ):
Anonymous 25899
>>25898Sorry for inciting your craving, hope you can get some tendies soon.
Anonymous 25904
My dad actually just made tendies for dinner right before I saw this. Is it some sort of sign?
Anonymous 25956
>>17672Agreed, these are truly the best and I crave them
Anonymous 25962
>>25957i just woke up 5 minutes ago and for some reason was thinking about those, then i come on here and see them.. weird.
Anonymous 25964
>>25962how dreamy, it can only be taken as a sign….
Anonymous 26431
>>25957Thank you friend for the recommendation. I tried them and they are quite good!
Anonymous 26435
>>26434the breading has Louisiana hot sauce in it too
Anonymous 26436

>>26434>tfw anon will never make you tendies Anonymous 26442
>>26436tendies for you! and you! and you and you!
Anonymous 26449
>tfw trying not to get fat again
>this thread comes up
Time to dumbbell myself into tendie nirvana one rep at a time.
Anonymous 26451
Jesus said to the money lenders
Don't be dealing chicken tenders
God will fry your ass to embers
Something you should best remember
Anonymous 26452
>>26451if that's the case, then Hail Satan