
Places Like Crystal Cafe Anonymous 221488
I'm relatively new to imageboards and crystal cafe and wanted to know if there are any similar websites made for women. Also, I mostly lurk and this is my first post so hello fellow nonas!
Anonymous 221494

>>221492It still overlaps with a lot of the topics and talking points of circles like these. I'll be lying if I said I didn't lurk there
The moderation and infighting in there is sooooooo bad though Anonymous 221495
>>221490I've tried going on lolcow but I feel like it's just a huge downgrade from crystal cafe with wayyy too much drama :/
Anonymous 221496
>>221488fujochan, but it's down for maintenance
Anonymous 221503
I would also like to know
Anonymous 221504
what if we made private facebook group or something it would be great.
Anonymous 221506
>>221496I am going crazy without fujochan, it was like my morning paper. A lot of fun stuff has happened re: fujoshit and I have nobody to talk to about it!
Anonymous 221511
>>221506Maybe we should have a fujochan bunker, like the lolcow bunker threads.
Anonymous 221514
>>221511Please bring us your slice of fujochan !
Anonymous 221515
>>221491Leftypol and similar alt chans are kinda run by schizos ngl I would not trust posting on them
>>221501Stick to the tech and media boards rest of the site is "achtually ur wrong according to my super secret sources that I can't link" over the stupidest shit
>>221506Same, I wanna post and talk about bad fanfics with anons…I can shitpost on 4chan about it sure but it's not the same, they just don't get it
>>221504Are you trying to dox people?
Anonymous 221517
>>221501Taken over by p*dos and freaks in the past few years, from what I've seen. A lot of the threads there leave a real uncomfy pit at the bottom of my stomach.
Anonymous 221529
>>221511If someone makes a bunker thread, I will join.
Anonymous 224729
>>221490where in lolcow should I be looking for women dominant spaces?
Anonymous 224741

I know we might seem a bit harsh but next time you're lonely or need to bunker feel welcome to come visit and vibe with us whenever sweet miners <3
Anonymous 224745
>>221515>dox people You can always make an alt fb account, I did that to join a bunch of gaming groups for a while.
Anonymous 224746
>>221488honestly … 4chan hobby boards.
Anonymous 224750
>>224729everywhere? you get banned for being an xy, or announcing it/strongly alluding to it.
Anonymous 224757
be careful who you give information to ITT
>>221494that website has the same problems the left has irl, the left havent been women spaces for more than 60 years now, its just mentally ill men.
Anonymous 226128
There was PULL but it went down a couple years ago.. I think there are some splinter sites and even a discord though
Anonymous 237780
Lemmy is ugly like new reddit. It's made for phones.
Anonymous 252623
Ovarit! It’s a female only place with images and text and it’s not a format like here or 4chan or lolcow. There may be an off topic, I can’t remember though. There’s mainly gender critical and radfem and boards for stuff like plants and gardening and whatnot. You have to message ovarit on Twitter in order to get a link to sign up
Anonymous 252636
Please no one post the smaller female sites. It will just cause them to be flooded with males. Only share them with women you know.
Anonymous 252877
>>221488>wanted to know if there are any similar websites made for womenI feel like you're asking the wrong question. While some sites have the intended goal of appealing to certain demographics of people, that being the actual result is left entirely in the hands of chance. Especially when the central rule of a site, like this place, is "[X group] is not allowed". All that does is makes the excluded party more interested in the proceedings of such a place and want to get involved (If for no other reason than to satisfy a curiosity). If you actually want a site that designed specifically for women, that actually does lack men (Because this place doesn't), then focus on sites that appeal to interests and subjects only women have.
To put it another way, search for places that are centered around YOUR interests and tastes.
Anonymous 296425
>>296422>2024 now filled with trannieskek yeah it is like this place
Anonymous 296437
>>296425It's not even trannies here, it's just men not even pretending to be women.
Anonymous 296546
>>296437They don’t even try anymore
Its over for this place
Anonymous 296547
>>296437tbh makes me sad that there really cant be more female dominated spaces. after all most women are sorta normie ish and any female spaces online will eventually get shit up by males and trannies, oh well
Anonymous 296789
>>296547I've always hated just how stupid normie most women are. They even started making fun of us who weren't with the whole concept of mocking "pickmes" and "not like other girls" Of course, most such examples [of "not like other girls" and "pickmes"] are just stupid normies pretending not to be.
Anonymous 296790
>>252623I love Ovarit! I browse it on pretty much a daily basis. The only issue is that not only does Ovarit require an account to post. It requires an invite code to create an account. The reason why people like me post on imageboards is because they don't do the account thing. I would love for a "spinsterchan" or a "femchan" though. 4chan is destroying itself.
Anonymous 298901
>>296790I'm on Ovarit too! I'm on too, and I was on too if anyone remembers that one lol.
Anonymous 298906
I remember posting on Asherah's Garden. Checked it but its not online anymore. Shame, it was comfy.
Anonymous 298909
>>298906I remember that one too. I was hoping someone would get it going again, and I thought they were. But I guess not.
Anonymous 298985
Fujochan has been cool
Anonymous 299046
>>298985They deleted the shota board and I'm still fucking pissed about it.
Anonymous 299445
>>252877I believe youre right on this. I think we would get raided less/not at all if people just learned to stop replying to males. Just stealth ban them maybe
Anonymous 300404
>>224750i'm sorry but the place just feels like any other unisex (aka male dominated) chan with extra rules
Anonymous 300405
fujochan 100%, yaoi (i don't rlly like calling it bl) is already a huge barrier of entry. Not to mention most of us rarely every use chan forums at all when you realize how more entertaining other places are