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Anonymous 229709

Crap. Even though I don't like porn, I'm still lamenting this fact.

Anonymous 229710

>Even though I don't like porn, I'm still lamenting this fact.
But why

Anonymous 229712

They're also removing old images that were posted without account

Anonymous 229715

NTA but, when girlvinyl abandoned Encyclopedia Dramatica and tried to burn it down, it'd been ages since I'd ever looked at it, but it seemed like a library was being burned. There's something sad and weird and ominous about art, data, and information being destroyed or becoming restricted that gives me a cold feeling in my hands. I also can't help but think about how trannies will be using this to destroy legitimate reproductive rights information that happens to remind them that they have no wombs, or to harm feminists through false reports.

Anonymous 229730

who tf uses imgur for lewd content jfc

Anonymous 229741

blogger GTFO. no one wants to read your unprovoked wall dump of text. you necro threads by doing this

Anonymous 229742

reddit mostly, i swear i thought they were like an official part of the site
i think there's idiots who also upload hentai doujins for whatever reason as well

Anonymous 229744

then I am really failing to see how this ban is not terrific news for society at large

Anonymous 229816

how will coomers ever recover?

Anonymous 229830

Literally in the third line you contradict yourself, everyone knows nude art isn't porn, I don't know what the fuck else you wrote because I stopped there.

Anonymous 229832

Because people dont care about coomers, or they dont want to show it to not be seen as coomers themselves. Remember how humiliated were the guys who cried about pornhub removing most of its archive? They are now more self aware

Anonymous 229854

It'd be nice if they went after pornography distrubutors too but I guess it's easier to tell a website "No you can't host this content" rather than having governments put down legislations

Anonymous 232318

imgur had porn?

Anonymous 232322

Yeah they had a lot of old school shit on there

Anonymous 259462

Remember what happened when Tumblr banned porn? All the coomers, perverts, and porn addicts migrated to Reddit and Twitter. Since normiebook, Instagram, and Snapchat meme culture is downstream of Reddit and Twitter (literally 80% of the shit meme pages post is directly ripped from Reddit and Twitter), this meant normies were now being exposed to significantly more softcore porn and erotic content. It's only been half a decade, but it's obvious that normies are starting to exhibit typical porn addict behaviour purely because they're exposed to that kind of content on the regular. We need a special containment zone for coomers, or else they'll invade the rest of the internet and ruin it.

Anonymous 259806

I'm still mad about this because I had character reference galleries on imgur that I marked as nsfw because of nude body refs and now they're gone because I tried to ve courteous instead of just flashing other writers nude bodies. Having to reupload all their art again has been annoyingly tedious.

I had 1 or 2 galleries that I forgot to flag as nsfw and they stayed up apparently. Still moving to a different upload site anyhow.

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