By remembering, there's nothing I can actually do about it. I could create some elaborate plot to assassinate them which would be a waste of my, so far easy and enjoyable life, especially if I fail but still get caught.
The closest thing that could even possibly work of you love in the US is hope that a prominent alternative political party arises, that doesn't owe the established institutions fuck all and give it your support I am certain Half-Life 3 will come out before that happens though.
Living lately for me is just ignoring how fucked up the world is and trying to enjoy life the best i can, caring too much about what you can't change will destroy you.
Because something inside me is saying that the current state of things is only temporary, and something will change soon. Call it 'optimism', but it feels like even the most blind of sheep are keying into something not being right about our world.
>>230366 I get what you mean but people catching on can go either way because grifters and shills are out there taking advantage of people's disillusionment.
>>230359 I remember the time when I went deep into the pedowood rabbit hole. I just stopped reading stuff related because it really fucked me up. So the thing is that you can't do anything, and even if you could do something who are you gonna trust? This people are everywhere. And if you do it alone and kill some pedophiles you gonna have to off yourself rather than get caught or you'll tortured in the most fucked up ways you can't even imagine, that or live as an fugitive and being paranoid of everything and everyone for the rest of your life. Just shut down your brain and think about all the kindness that still exists in this world, take care of your loved ones and remember that famous/rich people are not people.
>>230359 The world is absurd. The worst thing we could do is let it cause more suffering by our moralizing over it. The best thing we can do is find ways to make a positive contribution to the world. Reminds me I need to donate to the homeless.
>>230373 Its supposed to be Pepe. There's an AI tool that takes any photo, and creates another photo with different objects or even people that will look like it.
>>230362 It's okay to want to live ignoring things and enjoying life. That I understand and can appreciate. But don't pretend to have good advice for people who're nothing like that , when its talking from such a narrow miniscule perspective. You can easily go from pleasant neutral nonparticipant to chickenshit pissant with a mouth. Fatalist, self preservation talk isnt rare or valuable, it's everywhere and its a beaten to death horse.
I sleep fine because I’m not the one who’s a pedophile kek. Someone else’s far removed immoral actions doesn’t rest on my conscious. Is the implication that I should be feeling guilty because I’m not doing anything about it? But realistically what could I do? Same thing with drone strikes that kill children or knowing that girls in other countries are being married off without their consent. The people responsible for that probably won’t suffer the consequences of their actions either, but I don’t feel guilty for not doing much about it since there’s nothing I can do. Obviously I still think it sucks and I feel sorry for victims and don’t think they deserve any of that. Maybe it’d be a different story if I knew of a pedophile in my actual life and didn’t do anything to stop it.
I used to drive myself insane thinking about this. Why have the elites created so many horrors? Why did they make it so no one can afford anything anymore? Why did they turn everyone against each other within this culture war? Why have they tried to extract every bit of value out of their fellow humans? Why are they allowed to get away with this?
I just try not to think about it anymore. Things are just getting worse and worse and I can't think of any way the elites can lose at this point. This world needs a hero but stuff like that doesn't exist outside of fairy tales. No one's coming to save us. If there is a god, he doesn't give a shit about us. Happy Easter.
>>230379 >I can't think of any way the elites can lose at this point.
Unions. Massive workers' unions. Join your union, 99% chance it's not corrupt. Fight the stories they push in the media, contest them and discuss it with your friends and families. There is an alternative to wage slavery and it's called a workers' cooperative.
Look at what Parisian protestors did to black rock. Look at how the media is doing everything they can to either a) black out the protests all-together; or b) make the demands of the protestors seem unrealistic and ill-conceived. Keep it up French anons, viva la revolution!
>>230381 I am not anti-union but they are a tiny piece of the puzzle when it comes to fixing our society's problems. They won't fix anything on their own. I think your 99% figure is a bit generous when it comes to them not being corrupt, but even then, they work with governments and corporate entities, not really against them. The evil pedophiles running our society that OP speaks about aren't even the ones directly exploiting workers while they sit their twirling their mustaches anyway. It's people running financial capital. The Buffets and Schwabs of the world.
>>230359 life is weird, i'm skeptic in everything, so this fact doesn't rly bother my sleep it's just how our world is right now and being anxious all the time, suffering silently and ruining my health wouldn't help when i can do everything i can helping ppl overcome problems in my teens i had a crisis when i discowered onion websites and started digging, my thoughts were about abuse and human trafficing, had troubles with fact that i will die someday at that time too and other existential crisis thingies. but now it's just a fact, world is weird
This society will collapse in a few decades most likely. In 17 years to be exact, more resources will be needed to sustain our population that we produce, can't remember how, but it will affect 1st world countries too. It will affect pedo billionaires as well, no matter how many bunkers they build in New Zealand.
Ever since I went down the Epstein rabbithole and P!zz@ Gate (If you still dont think p1zza gate is real, start by looking up podesta's 'art' collection or alefantis' deleted instagram posts), I have trouble sleeping. I want to do something, but I'm just a person. Im not charismatic to hurt them politically. Im not rich to hurt them legally. Im not powerful to hurt them financially. Im not dumb enough to hurt them physically. Crossing my fingers that somebody will pull a Mr. robot on these people.
In the meantime I try to keep this off my head as much as possible. Its not healthy. Even if -somebody- knocks these people off their throne, new sociopaths will come in to replace them. Society was built in a way that rewards sociopathy and general misanthropy. >>230371 Right. if anybody were to try something against them, they wouldnt be able to exist in piece. I think the only thing we regular people can do is be anti consumerist. out of everything you buy, a portion goes to the rich and powerful. Avoid buying too much, and you give them less of your money. >>242930 Youre probably right
Anyone else think pizzagate is a psyop to attract schizo and taint actual investigators and proof by association with them? Elite pedo circles totally exist but pizzagate is so reatardedly over the top and attracts the worst retards and crazies imaginable, seems like perfect smokescreen to convince the population that elite pedo circles are just a figment of imagination of drooling schizoids who smear shit on their walls. Make the idea appear too ridiculous to be true and no one will believe it if actual evidence drops.
>>243056 partially. I have looked into it myself a few years ago, but have tried to forget most of what I saw. There are a lot of red herrings, probably more red herrings that truths, but also lots of disturbing truths. The way the media handled the story should tell you there was more to be seen. Unfortunately, If you want to do your own research you will have trouble since most of the real stuff has been scrubbed. The red herrings were used to steer people into a retarded pro-trump angle, even though trump is part of the pedo ring himself. The theory that kids were being trafficked in the pizza shop was part of the media psyop to make people think it was all fake. Personally, I thought it was all bs until I saw the emails they were talking about. from there I went down the rabbithole.
>>243022 They're ok with both pedophilia and animal abuse, they just don't admit to the former because stigma but deep down they agree. I hate breeding, humans and other mammals don't deserve to live. Mammal = rapey abomination
>>243056 Yes. Now that everyone carries their own camera, those demon-possessed elite fucks cannot abuse kids so openly, and so, glowies had to set up a psyop to discredit us peasants, should anything come up.
>>242930 I've heard this a hundred times. I wouldn't be surprised if everything falls apart at some point, you can really start to see the cracks in society lately, but damn is it taking its sweet time and it's going to be rough on everyone until it does
It's like when you're a kid and suddenly get confronted by the concept of death. It's awful yet eye-opening, but eventually you'll have to move on and realise there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
That's how I see it anyway. I know It sounds cynical but there's nothing we can do about it. We're on the verge of nuclear warfare anyway, so I advice to just live your life the way you want to. Go outside, read that book, work on that passion project,..
Just try to enjoy your days on earth. You never know when your expiration date arrives.
Hasn't this been nothing but the entirety of the human race? It's not new, it's never been new. Like name one time that wasn't a case, you cant, that's the grim reality. Men will never see women as equals. The powerful will always want to feel powerful by exerting their power over people. Its why religions exist, to control populations while giving people coping, almost always favoring exclusively men.
Just live your life and do what you got to do to survive.
>>243464 Yes, I hate humanity. Not sure why it's unhealthy though, maybe by standards of megacorporations who want us to be content with our miserable lives to work a lot without any complaining and by standards of governments who want us to breed as much as possible it is.
>>244011 Ill check it out. >>244097 Of course they cant. A lot of the pedo stuff is for blackmail. Even if they have no dirt on him, it would be in his own best interest to keep it under wraps. The FBI is bought. Thats why it took so long to get Epstein.
The world is so fucked up that the only way to not completely destroy your head and go insane is to remain purposely ignorant, this simple fact plagues my mind in everyday life. I want to punish these men, every single one of them, bring everyone who ever committed injustices from the dead and make them go through torture more cruel than they could imagine, but I can't, I'm powerless. I'll go play stardew valley.
>>245013 How do you explain the fact that the ideology you're preaching was birthed into this world by the same group of pedophiles who have control of the West? You don't seem to understand the role of communism in their plan. They know some final uprising in the West is inevitable. Communism is how they plan to placate that anger. New system, same masters.
We all know deep down how this gets solved. A great moid already told us the solution.
>>245968 >How do you explain the fact that the ideology you're preaching was birthed into this world by the same group of pedophiles who have control of the West? The fact that you literally have to have never read any historical text that isn't made up by /pol/tards to believe that. I'm not even a communist.
>>249117 I think it's very interesting. These people feel that there is something very wrong with capitalism, but they can't grapple with abstract systems, so they manufacture a conspiracy of reptilian illuminati pedophiles, an enemy they can grasp easily.
Who honestly cares? Doubt you'll ever meet a world leader or multimillionaire within your lifetime. Also plenty of pedos, rapists and serial killers go free daily. So why bother losing sleep over something you can't control.
Aren’t moids supposed to over through evil governments. That’s like 50% of the reason they exist, why do moids suck now. I don’t even care that the founding fathers of the USA had powdered wigs, at least they were real men.
Seems you’re suffering from something a lot of Americans are, retardation. Maybe if you stopped pretending the country is ran by lizard people we can focus on actual issues that afflict us as citizens, but instead y’all pull the pedo card and do protests for Arab countries during our holiday celebrations. Please get some self preservation skills, or just shut your mouth. America is falling apart because you’re being brainwashed by tik tok and other media to care about the “elite” and 3rd world countries more than yourself.
>>258686 it baffles me that people in america think that there biggest problems are anything but social media addiction. how do these wacko ideas get around in the first place? retards and moids spread them on social media. i say go outside and observe for yourself how the real world looks
>>258686 >focus on actual issues that afflict us as citizens,
Ok, I'm focused on the "actual issues" now. So let's hear all the tangible solutions to them that we were ignoring because of tik tok. Go ahead, you have the floor.
>>258704 We need to stand up against the extreme influx of immigrants (mostly 20-ish year old moids) coming into our country. Social media will convince you that you’re racist or right wing for not wanting these people as your neighbors. There’s one to start. Tik tok in itself should be banned, the Chinese are brain rotting gen Z with the app and pushing propaganda. You’re not distracted by tik tok, you’re influenced by it.
>>258745 >immigrants are the biggest problem with our society, the only issue anyone could possibly take with this idea is fear of being racist. Based retard.
>>258748 Immigrants are rapists, are getting handouts when a majority of Americans can’t even feed themselves and you tards just sit back and let it happen under the guise be a “good person”. Same types who start dating and obviously retarded moid and wonder why he sucks. I literally don’t care about foreign people at all, get them the fuck away from me or at least make life easier for actual citizens. Immigration isn’t the only issue though, tik tok loves trannies, leftists, and terrorists. Only people who use it are under 23, and self diagnosed autistic. Either stop exposing yourself to rage-bait propaganda or shut the fuck up.
>>258686 >>258745 >America's being brainwashed and falling apart >proceeds to talk about European specific problems such as being raped by muslims >Europe totally isn't falling apart gaiz Kek fucking retard. Leave America out of your third world shithole problems that you guys caused for yourselves. Have fun getting beheaded by Mohammed.
>>258762 Awh, to assume someone in a 3rd world country would even have the brain cells to use an image board on a smart phone. Luckily I live in a place where I can own a gun and use it. You are very prideful if you believe the US is smart enough to do any kind of damage control with the current influx of immigrants. It’s only a matter of time, maybe you should look at issues in other counties and use critical analysis to see that America is on the same path, probably worse with our horrible tranny problem. “That’s Europe not us”, you just wait and see
>>258767 These people have clearly never left home or opened a history book lol. My parents never received a single handout or college grant or committed a crime, just like many other average immigrant families. Also calling all immigrants rapists is crazy.
>>230359 Honestly the way animals in factory farms are treated and the fact that 98% of the human population that isn't vegan gets away with this bothers me much more >>258767 >>258774 I assume a lot of them don't actually know any immigrants. Most immigrants start out as poor as working class white people but unlike them they typically are poor because of geopolitical inequality rather than forms of intergenerational trauma (e.g. divorce, substance abuse etc.). Accordingly, they often end up working their way out of poverty much faster and become productive members of society. I'm from Canada and right now we're importing tons and tons of people from India. A lot of the working class domestic population keeps complaining about how they're taking their jobs but the fact is this is why we're importing them - they're the only people willing to actually keep the country running and if you meet any of them, regardless of their actual skill level, their work ethic is clearly helping them move up the socioeconomic ladder incredibly quickly.
>>258824 Canada gets the cream of the crop immigrants for a variety of reasons which have mostly to do with geography. Look on a map, who are Canada's neighbours? You have thousands of km of ocean separating you from the rest of the world, and the only country bordering on you is the USA. How high is illegal immigration to Canada? You can select for the immigrants you want and need, unlike many other countries. Here in Europe the legal immigrants aren't the problem for the most part as they've been vetted and went though proper procedures, but the illegals, especially recently. You can just throw away your passport, say the magic asylum word and then whatever country you are in has you on it's back indefinitly because muh human rights. And the people who arrive illegally often are the kind that wouldn't be allowed to arrive and stay by legal means, hence why they're coming illegally.
>>258701 >>258821 >>258686 I genuinely have to disregard the opinions of any moron who actually can see the Jeffrey Epstein controversy (along with the countless other verifiable examples of powerful people harming minors) unfold and then think "the real problem with this country is the dangers of disinformation" There is factually more merit to the idea that the ruling class are pedophiles than there is to the idea that they actually do any work that benefits society at this point. The most favourable conclusion you could possibly have of our ruling elite is that they aren't vile to their very core, just totally incompetent, an idea I know your lot of retards gets equally upset by. You are just lapdoggishly uncritical of people in power, not "sceptical" of any "conspiracy"
>>258748 Because moids are gonna moid. The less influx of moids into your country, the better. Unless you're going to enslave all incoming moids, castrate them and use them as unpaid labour in mines and cotton picking, they can only provide negative value to your country. In other words, they are a drain.
>>259827 the economy is why we need immigrants. canada is importing them by the boat load because its local population is too high off fentanyl to do the shit work
>>260341 That's the thing though. Elites make wages stagnant and the cost of living go up. They try to force us to go to work. We do in record low numbers because we know how dead-end and life-wasting these jobs are. So, they start allowing more immigrants in on work visas and then they can easily manipulate them into servitude, because visas come with a bunch of fine print and rules to follow.
It's a lot easier to manipulate people who don't speak the language and don't understand the culture. And then, the elites create a narrative so that we turn against the immigrants and take out our anger on them rather than the people who are paying us dick to begin with.
>>260343 samefag, but immigrants and refugees are accepted into America (not sure what it's like in Canada) and almost indoctrinated AGAINST each other. Refugees are given different pieces of information - they don't have the pressures of following the criteria of their visa, they aren't walking around worried they're going to get deported unlike immigrants on visas, aka "economic immigrants". So refugees come to America thinking poorly of economic immigrants and even Americans (there's a lot of race-shit-stirring between African Americans and Africans that is kicked up by our government and propaganda)… I could go on and on. If you ever want to read how the world shits on women from the top to the bottom, read Disposable Domestics. It blew my mind.
I don't, I'm literally mad over it. There are even female pedos into children and online pedo communities full of people who think they are valid for being attracted to children. I can't accept it