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British Chinese "Takeaway" Anonymous 230914

As another disturbed American I am once again asking for some explanation

Anonymous 230918


Anonymous 230919

Kinda sad looking. Would still eat.

Anonymous 230922

wdym that shit slaps

Anonymous 230933


Also what the fuck are chicken balls? Do you guys get no crab rangoons?

Anonymous 230993

So you dip it in sweet and sour only? Can you get Kung pao chicken sauce for them? But if you already have a sauce why would you pour curry over it

Anonymous 231025

My life has improved since leaving NYC but I miss that Chinese…

Anonymous 231045

Please post NYC Chinese you ate

Anonymous 231064

Thread pic is making me crave fatty fried food, fuck you, op.

Anonymous 231224

best takeaway i cant lie im not understanding the confusion

Anonymous 235469

Not enough rice. Other than that, there is nothing wrong with your picture.

Anonymous 235470

What do u mean ??? What do you guys have?? Nothing wrong with that image???

The sauces are rank tho I agree. Only thing I like is the garlic shrimp and that dried seaweed thing

Anonymous 235480

British takeaways typically sell cantonese junk food as most of our historical chinese immigrants were from HongKong. American chinese junk food is based on mainland chinese cuisine.

Anonymous 235483

[sourced needed]
The first Chinese emigrants to America were mostly from the south coastal provinces.

Anonymous 235534

Huh. I figured "Chinese food" was the same frozen garbage everywhere

Anonymous 235560

Almost all "foreign food" that gets served in other countries get slightly altered in certain ways to better suit the palettes of the people in that country. The only place to consistently get real true Chinese food is China. Most Chinese food you can find in America is American-Chinese food. In Britain it's British-Chinese food. It works the other way around too, "American style" restaurants in Japan still serve ample amounts of white rice and sea food, because that's what the Japanese want. Real foreign food with no alterations usually seems weird to the majority of the population wherever you go.

Anonymous 235569

What are your favs ?

We have an American food section in some supermarkets too. I like American beef jerky and those brooklyn giant hotdogs in a jar. Goldfish are OK too but a bit flavourless tbh. I also had nerds sweets once and they were delicious

Anonymous 235587

Hot dogs in a jar exsqueeeze me???

Anonymous 235611


They're delicious! I'm excited to visit new york one day and maybe get more varieties. They last forever too. American food is weird

Anonymous 235666

Lmao do you use the hot dog water ?

I have never seen this in my life. All the hot dogs here are shrink wrapped in plastic.

Anonymous 235667


Germany has them too

Anonymous 235685

No the bring is salty, I supposed you could reuse it and stick other things in there if you really wanted to.

I usually don't like hotdogs but these are so obscenely large and turgid, I enjoy chopping them up.

Anonymous 235920

We don't have hot dogs in jars. It's wrapped in a plastic package you cut open and it's refrigerated.

The only good looking thing in ops pic is the noodles. Idk why you would eat a bean sprout egg roll or need fries with your Chinese food. I know it's not real Chinese food but orange chicken and panda express is much better.

Anonymous 237060

Unpopular opinion but Chinese cuisine is generally gross, whether genuine or Americanized

Anonymous 237169


I mean most of you eat picrel so you shouldn't look down on others' food
(no I'm not britbong)

Anonymous 237171

no onions but would probably eat 4/10 hotdog

I don't understand jarred franks, are they the consistency of Vienna sausages or does the casing keep them firm? How do you heat them up, do you boil them or are they pre-cooked??

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