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Bread with chocolate sprinklez Anonymous 231553

I have a new favorite bread I wanted to share it with cc

Anonymous 231554>>231584>>231845

File (hide):

Laughable nutritional value. Behold, the superior breakfast bread.

Anonymous 231577

Fuck I need some brioche rn

Anonymous 231584>>231946

File (hide):

This is the way.

Also, Smørrebrød in general is the shit.

Anonymous 231676>>231702>>231713

peanut butter toast is objectively the best toast (it's cheap, it's delicious, it's ethical, it's easy)

Anonymous 231702>>231713>>231776

adding honey to peanut butter toast is <3

Anonymous 231704>>231777

The placement of those sprinkles is driving me insane how did they do that

Anonymous 231713>>231776>>231819

Nutella + peanut butter on toast is the absolute god tier of toast, too bad it's the devils food and like a million calories. After that, the best is peanut butter + banana.

Anonymous 231767

Yes but bread with butter and chocolate sprinkles

Anonymous 231776>>231799>>231819

I had never heard of honey and pb until webkinz, which let me feed my pet pig a peanut butter honey sandwich. It blew my mind. It's better with (real) maple syrup though.

It's basically a reese cup as toast
OP what's sticking the sprinkles to the bread?

Anonymous 231777

>>231704 adderall

Anonymous 231799

real maple syrup
i add salt to that…

Anonymous 231819

Omg I can just eat Nutella and pb together out the jar straight.
Everything is better with real maple syrup. Idk how people can eat the fake stuff

Anonymous 231845

As a kid I ate this on the weekends, loved it
Ok this looks amazing

Anonymous 231946

Those look so good, I’m almost in tears.

Anonymous 231992

File (hide):

these things are soooo good, I had a dutch best friend as a kid and whenever I'd go to her house her mom would always give us toast with butter and sprinkles

Anonymous 231995

File (hide):

I like strawberry jam and cream cheese on bread

Anonymous 232007

Enjoy your diabeetus

Anonymous 232008

Blarg I'm ded

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