
Unpopular Opinions Anonymous 233992
Time to dig up your unpopular opinions anon.
Anonymous 233994
>>233992I hate family. Like the idea of having one. A man who makes my life more hellish, who does nothing while I do everything ontop of working. Kids to look after. Family only benefits men it does not benefit women. Kids are a nightmare you can't escape from until you're 60. Family is the literal end of your life as a woman.
Anonymous 233997
>>233994Holy fuck I don't understand why anyone would ruin their life by getting pregnant. It is a nightmare that only gets worse until your old and you've missed most of 3/4 of your life. Honestly though the time wasted on seeking out GOOD relationships with men is probably just as bad.
Anonymous 234020
>>233992All men are pedophiles, all would be attracted to kids but they repress it and deny this fact. Enable man with secrecy and moral reassurance and he would have sex with children because all men are pedophiles. People deny this but forget it was the norm for thousands of years for men to do this, they should be exterminated
Anonymous 234026
>>233992I wish technology stopped advancing before the internet was accessible through a phone
Anonymous 234033
Not unpopular in here but men are inherently evil and they will keep destroying and destroying until we all go extinct.
I remember reading a paper once of scientist somehow making two female rat's have babies together modifying ones ovum to inseminate the others and I keep thinking about it, the offspring were always female, I couldn't find it.
Anonymous 234036
Porn should be illegal
Anonymous 234148
>>233994Personally I feel like having a husband is worse than having kids. I think I'm straight, but I feel a strong dread when I think about marriage that I don't feel about having to raise kids.
Anonymous 234190
>>234164No, parthenogenesis only has one parent, one female supplies all the genetic code for her offspring.
Anonymous 234214
>>234190Hope you dig it up I'm really interested to read the article
Anonymous 234219
>>234214you don't have to dig it up, u can easily find it if u google "two female mice have babies"
Anonymous 234519
>>234033It can be done with fish, not mammals.
Anonymous 234633
I think death penalty is too light of a punishment for the crimes done by these kind of people, they don't deserve to get away with what they did so easily. Their bodies should be used for scientific experiments, research and as testing subjects for various type of weapons.
Anonymous 234637
Alcohol and gambling are worse for society than any of the vices that are completely illegal.
Anonymous 234639
>>234637True. Unfortunately alcohol is ridiculous easy to make at home. Also gambling is an abstract concept that's impossible to truly ban. So we're kinda stuck with them.
Anonymous 234703
>>234639At the very least they should be banned at the business level. Just because someone might make a bet with a friend or a batch of beer at gome doesn't mean we should just shrug our shoulders at an entire industry of parasites draining billions and decimating thousands of lives each year.
Anonymous 234705
>>234703There was a case in Russia when alcohol got banned so a bunch of people started making it at home unsterilized who died later on en masse. I guess you'd have to solve this issue a bit more carefully
Anonymous 234760
Big homophobia rant time.
What the actual fuck is wrong with homo males? Why are they so mentally ruined? Why do the project their mental illness on straight men. It's absolutely obnoxious and what's worse is that they are awful to women. I have been treated so badly by gay men and transwomen in spaces where homos are allowed to be fairly unhinged. The trannies especially are creepy because they want to be ugu lolishit but they're grown men.
But we already have troon threads, I'm just pissed off about gays being cretins that don't act right.
Anonymous 234763
>>234760I've also noticed that gays tend to be more misogynistic than normal moids too. I've already larped into gay forums and there they admit all their racism, classism and misogyny; I've seen them admitting that they are jealous of women and saying that "whoever has a pussy has everything"
Anonymous 234775
>>234763>>234760Gay males have an entirety different mindset, they're faggots so everything they do is funny and sassy.
I'm saying this as a masculine lesbian, they will treat you like shit, mock you and talk about how gross you are.They relentlessly put women down as just these stupid smaller versions of themselves, or as sidekicks if that makes sense.
Shit baffles me
Anonymous 234802
>>234703For gambling, I think a full ban could work.
Don't criminalize participation but heavily criminalize organization.
For alcohol I think the best it's gonna get is to make advertising it illegal.
Anonymous 234806

>>234760I don't think gay men are more misogynsitic than any other man, I think you probably categorize them as honorary women in your mind so you find it shocking when they act like the men they are, same applies to trannies. Gay men also don't have to put on the nice guy act to get in your pants so that's why they might seem more hostile.
Anonymous 235274
>>233994Why would you work when you’re married? I‘d never marry a man who doesn’t provide for me and treats me like a queen
Anonymous 235276
>>235274>Why would you work when you’re married?Are you actually 12?
Anonymous 235289
>>235274Situations change and men can't be trusted. What if the economy sucks and you need two incomes to get by? What if he gets sick or injured and can't work? What if he's abusive and you need money so you can leave? What if you divorce? What if he changes his mind and resents you for not contributing? What if it turns out that looking after kids and the house is actually more work than an actual job?
I hate work in any form and my number one priority is doing as little of it as possible. Theoretically a moid could be the answer to that - but it's never a guarantee and unlikely to be permanent, and if you have kids you're at serious, legitimate risk of poverty. The safest option is staying single, living modestly and managing your own finances to retire early or work part time etc. Moids are a financial liability unless you're very lucky.
Anonymous 235458
indeed, so come back in 5 or so.
Anonymous 235511
I don't really care about trans and other culture war shit one way or another. I don't believe in gender and I don't think anyone can be born in the wrong body, but the biggest issue I personally have with all of this is the medical industry mutilating mentally ill people for profit rather than providing actual therapy for their underlying problems.
Anonymous 235537
The discourses involving collectivism vs individualism are very funny, the average internet leftist really thinks that collectivists societies are some kind of utopic socialistic paradise where everyone helps everyone, they would go mad after the 6th nosy old lady trying to take care of their business.
Anonymous 235566
>>233994I want a family, but tbh not worth it if the moid runs out on me. Like, why even bother with the whole thing then?
Anonymous 235600
>>235537"Collectivism vs individualism" is a completely false dichotomy and the latter as a societal form is a fictitious idea of liberalism
Anonymous 235661
>>235289Doesn’t matter when you can only get shitty jobs anyways. Not everyone is able to have a career or get an education. If he leaves, you got some years without wageslavery at least. I do have romantic feelings but being able to escape the wagie hell is really the main purpose I see in marriage.
Anonymous 235669
>>235661Why do i have a feeling this is a moid ? What the heck do you do with no financial planning of your own??
Even on the r/ redpilled women sub talks about keeping their finances separate. 50% of marriages end in divorce. That is just the worst advice ever. Rely on a moid to not shit up your life ? Do you know how many men lie about their finances and keep women in the dark just out of pure arrogance and selfishness? It's like walking into the wolf den and expecting not to get bitten. Don't expect me or anyone else to follow you anywhere because that's lunatic advice.
Anonymous 235688
>>235669>>235661Nah it’s partially based. Most women on Instagram are like this except they will do nothing in return for their moid aside from transforming into a roastie before they find their doting “king” at 35. It’s true that most people, men and women, will never have a career proper. Most grads of my alma mater just end up teaching elementary school until they get pregnant (if female) or doing construction (male). Now of course a gal is fucked either way, whether she works or becomes a housewife, because if husband stops supporting her she has to get back into the workforce after X years, which can be more painful than if she had just worked the whole time. Plus the whole part about being bored out of your mind doing housework unless husband is FILTHY rich to have that all done for you. If your looks are in the top 0.1% you might pull that off. Sorry if that sounds terribly unromantic but I’m pretty jaded about marriage and I support women who prefer to be utilitarian about it.
Anonymous 236838
Since we live in a patriarchy only women can be true antisystem or schizos. A man only resents the elite because he's not part of it, so he pretends he's antisystem when deep down -like all men- he is a pedo and would indulge in horrible acts if he knew he had absolute impunity. The oposite of the schizo/antisystem or even separatist is the pickme, who will go as far as she can to please a man, like Ghislaine Maxwell.
Anonymous 236903
I think porn, drugs and violent media can be usefull in filtering worse men, which can then be disposed off.
Anonymous 236927
Might not be that unpopular at all at this point, but TikTok is a cancer. It needs to be rid of like Vine was. Actually, at least Vines were kind of funny even if alot of the people behind them ended up being exposed as pieces of shit. TikToks are straight up both unfunny and glaringly immoral - Like the "Jeffry Dahmer Victim Makeup Tutorial" and nurses twerking during COVID kind of shit.
Anonymous 236950
>>236927What makes those things immoral?
Anonymous 237006
>>236950You really have to ask why using victims of a vicious crime for clout and dancing for clout, instead of doing your job while dead people are being carried out on stretchers in the back, is immoral?
Anonymous 237212
>>237006Immoral accorsing to who or what?
Tens of thousands of people watch and like those videos.
Anonymous 237252
There are too many street lights
Anonymous 237355

I do believe women wear too little cover (arms, legs, cleavage, neck…).
I do not believe it is because of a "lack of modesty" but rather because of a deeply internalized male gaze. Every female clothes is made to reveal and/or prop-up the female body. While men dress like Mormon and rarely show more than half their neck, nor even their wrists, and their clothes hides their body shape.
I do believe that as long as we dress like that, women's body can't be anything else than a thing to look at, another consumable.
Anonymous 237384
>>237355i agree with the male gaze part but i think that by covering up and acting like a woman's body is something intrinsically sinful and lustful to look at we are contributing to the problem of the oversexualization of women.
in cultures where nakedness is normal women dont cover up their breasts and buttocks, and they are not sexualized as in our culture because it's just something normal and males are desensitized to it.
whereas female hair is considered sexy in cultures where they cover it up, and in the past so were the legs to a much deeper extent than nowadays even in western society (they had to cover up table legs in the victorian era or scrotes would get erections over them because of the resemblance to woman's leg).
also i see shirtless, short pants males going around often where i live and yet no one lusts after them.
the fact its erotic to cover/uncover for women is a deeply engrained cultural thing for sure as you said, but i'm unsure about the solution being restrictive clothing.
Anonymous 237424
>>237384Yeah but no need to look up other societies: men cover up and not because their body is seen as sinful. So we have the cultural apparatus for that.
Maybe not seeing it as restrictive clothing ? A wide tunic is much more comfortable than whatever deep cleavaged-blouse the second woman is wearing in the pic for instance. And her shoes ffs.
Anonymous 237425
>>237424>men cover up men cover up but in summer weather they dont (and actually do it way less than women) and i wouldnt want for women to have to cover up in the instances where that is uncomfortable.
>not because their body is seen as sinfultrue, male bodies arent seen as sinful, so they aren't told to cover up (and neither to dress revealingly). implying a woman should cover up more is to imply her body is inherently enticing and thus also shameful, and while that unfortunately isn't incorrect at all culturally speaking, i do still wonder if the solution is to accentuate that fact by dressing them up more (i see the problem with scanty clothing too btw).
>a wide tunic is much more comfortable than whatever deep cleavaged-blouse the second woman is wearing in the picyeah for sure. all those clothes look and must feel terrible tbh, especially the women's. cant stand professional setting attires and they definitely have a tendency to undress women more due to male gaze as you mentioned.
Anonymous 238569

you should be able to talk in movie theaters
Anonymous 238643
>the male body isn't seen as sinful
The male body isn't seen as tempting. Men's bodies are monuments to their sins. Recessive chins show their cowardice. An upturned piggish nose shows a man's unwarranted self importance. Any fold of fat in sight shows the world his gluttonous slovenly and hideously wasteful lifestyle. His hollow eyes show his soullessness and his stubble reveals psychopathy. Balding is karmic evidence of having perpetrated terrible sins in past lives. Men's bodies reek of moral failure, and everyone sees it that way. Everyone.
Anonymous 238815

pic rel is what men think is attractive.
modern moids have had their their minds ruined by increasingly intense pornography to the point where they literally see humans as either chad, bimbo, or ugly. akin to how obese people lose their palate for real food from eating plastic junk all their lives and can't distinguish subtle tastes anymore.
Moids dont understand women are not attracted to pic rel. it is a male power fantasy. lurking moid's only interaction with women has been online or through what male grifters tell him. All of those charts that youve seen about how women are narcissists that wont fuck you or that we are biologically built to manipulate men are misrepresentations and I hope you become a better human being.
Anonymous 238836
>>238815Gigachad was made by a woman: Sleekandtears google her. She has shit taste though and his husband is a balding muslim skinnyfat dadbod molerat looking ugly fuck that would be better if he died without procreating if you ask me so we dont have to deal with his ugly spawns in the future.
I dont like gigachad he looks like a cartoon and his anatomy makes no fucking sense.
Anonymous 238914
I hate discord. I don't want to get it. I hate that's the choice of contact for a lot of people. Chatrooms give me such anxiety.
Anonymous 238927
anyone who consumes meat or dairy is morally bankrupt.
Anonymous 238943
men should not be able to enjoy things that are specifically meant for women idgaf
Anonymous 238972
Sorry I used to be cringe and hang around those communities.
As far as I know, it was created by a woman who photoshopped her moid into gigachad for an artistic project. I think she was critiquing toxic masculinity or social media culture. Then it got picked up in incel spaces that already had body dysmorphia and insecurities about being ugly and not masculine. The particularly chronically online ones did not think it was photoshopped. It fit in perfectly with the chad narrative they already had going on that women are dumb animals and are only attracted to hyper-masculine males because of our dumb animal brains (the incel and looksmax forums show that these men really just see us as animals to trick). It then got picked up from the incels by normies that turned it into the meme we usually associate it with now making fun of incel narratives and toxic masculinity again.
It is kinda retarded, but it shows male thinking taken to the extremes. They think the gorilla look is attractive to women when in reality it is a male power fantasy. It demonstrates that these men think women are attracted to their own subjugation and/or that we are like animals attracted to the 'superior' of the species.
It's what I meant in my first post that when male thinking patterns are applied to the extreme, all people become chad, bimbo, or ugly. The chad and bimbo are the modern memeified ideal male and female gender roles. You dont see this too often in real life though, but I can see this thinking as a societal undercurrent. And that is my unpopular opinion lol.
Anonymous 238985
>>233992vegan teacher is right, just annoying, her point of view makes sense to me
Anonymous 238989
>>238985Stop drinking your own urine and get help, anon.
Anonymous 238990
>>237355The clothes available in stores at reasonable prices to me look very unprofessional. I got a job in a nicer office and struggled to find clothes without spending $200+ per dress. Most of the blouses were just fancy T-shirts that showed too much skin and made with really poor material and they still were like $60-70.
Offices are generally cold so I like to cover up and office dwelling men are some of the worst humans in existence, and the only clothes I can find that seem appropriate are prohibitively expensive or grandma clothes.
Guy clothes are less comfortable but you can easily find decent button up shirts/ties/slacks/belts in the $20-50 range. It's bullshit.
Anonymous 239040
>>238989>living, breathing, capable of thinking creature>can get killed bc someone is apperentely tired of veggies or smtg idk i don't like food >can get abused because haha torture weak funny>can also get abused because wow no human do trickies wow>can ALSO get abused because look cute animal exists>no one will bat an eye no matter how painful the torture is>no one watches who and why buys animals>it is nearly impossible to control well-being of animals
>GeT HeLp AnOn!!! Anonymous 239045

Blizzard is the worst major game developer out of them all.
WoW has always just been a soulless money printer
Starcraft was just for its day, what League is now: a game for miserable low-muscle flapjack men to never actually enjoy but feel like they're good at a "sport" while playing
Diablo games are boring
OW is just a soulless money printer
Now they're behind "Military Recruitment Ad That Sort-Of Doubles As A Videogame" and every other trite waste of time and money Activision burdens the world with.
Anonymous 239046
>>238943men should not be able to enjoy things
Anonymous 239066
>>239045all facts, also their attempt at "diversity" in overwatch is absolutely laughable. it's literally no better than the average fighting or moba game but they like to act like they're so above those
Anonymous 243850
it will get hotter…

I hope it's too late for reversing global warming. I hope the earth is fuck and the human race is doomed. I hope for no redemption, only total annihilation, no survivors.
It's not like big corps want to fix it or allow anyone to fix it. Might as well embrace the doom.
Anonymous 243866

>>239066>>239082What Blizz does in the name of diversity is bordering on offensive. Look at the new added dark skin color options in WoW, they gave the skin color but no actual traits of African-Americans. Curly hair? Dreadlocks? Snub nose? Full lips? Palms lighter in color? Darker eyes? Black hair? Nope, just have this half-assed more saturated in skin color European. Diversity win.
This is not representation, just a measure to get people to shut up about lack of representation.
Anonymous 243950
>>239040oh nona - I 100% agree but you can't reason with carnists. something about veganism (maybe the fact that it benefits a group other than the vegan) brings out people's inner dark triad proclivities. I'm sure if carnists were born men they'd see no problem with pervasive cultural misogyny.
Anonymous 251378
I really doubt inclusion for 90% of neurologically disabled kids will ever help them, specially in public school in a third world country.
The average elementary/middle school teacher have in between 35/42 children/teens in each classroom, and besides having to teach in terrible conditions, now they have to care for 1 to 3 disabled kids because, in many cities, there is no support teacher to help taking care and educating them.
The majority of teachers simply ignore them and their necessities, and the ones who try to help end up overwhelmed and overworked. Trying to get the State to provide the kids right to a special ed. teacher is often useless and/or a very slow process, these children's families are often very disfunctional and complicated to deal with (it surprised me to see how many parents are drug addicts). I would say that the only good thing in all of this mess is that abuse can be noticed early on by the teacher and reported to child protection services.
Bullying is not uncommon, but I would say they are way more ignored than activally bullied by other students.
But yay, now many couch activists can brag about inclusion and how bad special schools are.
Anonymous 251908
>>238815>>238836Gigachad is real his name is ernest khalimov and the photos may have minor editing but in general is actually what he looks like.
I feel like the misunderstanding from you nona is that sleekandtears Edited Ernest Khalimov onto her real boyfriend. Gigachad is most definitely real though and you can see him taking pictures in real life.
Anonymous 251920
>>251908I've read that the real guy absolutely hates the fact that racists and incels use his images as a meme.
Bodybuilders in general are almost always male-gaze "attractive" though. It's men trying to impress other men and I find them unappealing. I've known other women in anime circles who find fictional hyper muscular men cute, but never any irl gym bro lovers.
Anonymous 251938
''TQ+'' downfall will happened when man became affected by it on the daily bases in the same way it affects a woman daily life.
Anonymous 251940
>>251938i dont know what this means. please elaborate anon!
Anonymous 251945
Woman are losing their rights and places to TIFs, Man are not losing anything to TIMs.
You cannot go to places design to woman and not see troonies everywhere.
On the internet? almost every single lesbian place is full of trannies.
On the real life? Try tinder and see how many big eyes bad makeup trannies shows up.
People are not taking serious this issues because man cannot feel the change of having their places taking by someone pretending to be one of them.
TIM's are in woman places, TIF's are in woman places, the only one losing the battle for a safe place and the right of being is the woman.
I spend my whole life afraid of being see as a woman, afraid of being rape, afraid of being gentle and seeing as not enough and now, man pretending to be woman are taking the places we fight, we died and keep dying to have.
This have to affected the man, when it does, we are going to see the changing because sadly, it how it socially works.
Anonymous 254207
>>251945I think you have them mixed up there, , TIMs are the male troons infiltrating women’s spaces and TIFs have no effect on men other than them laughing at them for usually looking like stubby manlets and trying too hard to pas (but looking better than TIMs).
Anonymous 254209

coomer moids in general deserve to be stripped of their human rights and executed.
Anonymous 254556
culture shock.jpg

>>233992Boredom… is good??? Actually??
I can't even begin to describe how many would-be artists or writers or poets have been stunted because their brains have been fried by social media. Input is always good. If you watch enough movies and read enough books and listen to enough music, surely you'd have a respectable repertoire of media to draw inspiration from. Still, your brain needs to digest all that information and connect all the dots. To do that, you to give your mind space to wander and explore.
Getting inspiration depends on the person, really, but this is what works for me. Staring at the walls and ceilings for hours at a time, that is.
Anonymous 254975
So which points in history had good moids?
Anonymous 255013
actually, today they are the least fucked up in history. least murder, etc.
that tells a lot about moids in the past.
today, they are the most feminist, caring, compassionate, loving, take care of house chores and raising children, on average, most romantic, least bullying, least violent, etc. they have ever been in history..
which, like i said, tells a lot about how men used to be, when this is the best version in history.
Anonymous 255021
>>233992there are some trannies that are okay, it's just most of the ones that immediately read as troons aren't
Anonymous 255031
>>237212"wdym killing children is immoral? everybody I know is doing it so its clearly a you problem"
Anonymous 255034
>>255031..i hope it becomes a small trend to abort specifically male fetuses and gloat about in social media to your faces, little moid.
just like you moids are still doing to girls, around the world, in this very second, by hundreds of millions.
https://www.unfpa.org/son-preference"Worldwide, 142 million girls are missing as a result of son preference, daughter aversion and gender-biased sex selection. "
Anonymous 255210
While I appreciate the 'hime' clothing style, I can't help but feel that lolita is associated with age regression fetish, similar to how some furries invest in fursuits and find excitement in them.
Anonymous 255690
I find anti-natalists to be insufferable and extremely miserable people, who’s input on conversations about having kids to be self-serving in the “crabs in a bucket” sort of way.
If you’re someone who doesn’t want to have kids for whatever reason, that’s totally okay and I have no issue with that. But if you’re going around calling yourself one of these people, using stupid terms like “breeder” or “crotch goblin” and telling women their lives are LICHERALLY OVAH if they ever decide to have kids, basically making a big stink over people who do have or want kids, then you should probably just keep it to yourself.
Anonymous 255691
>>255690Well, anti-natalists are precisely the people you don't want to reproduce, so it's a self-solving problem
Anonymous 255699
>>233992if you're being bullied its probably for a reason. People who are quiet and mind their own business generally don't get picked on. Annoying little twats do however.
Anonymous 255725
>>255690That's not an unpopular opinion, sweety
>using stupid terms like “breeder” or “crotch goblin”Yeah i don't do that, that could have been me were my life circumstances slightly different. I actually like kids and my mom.
Still morally wrong tho.
>inb4 "why don't you kill yourself"same reasons as you
Anonymous 255859
>>255690I can't stand the ones with a victim complex. I remember one anon claimed complete strangers would start insulting her and send her death threats because she didn't want kids and then when anons rightfully doubted her and started screaming "are you saying misogyny doesn't exist???" Even though typically they're misogynistic themselves
Anonymous 255861
I think TIMs should get HRT because it makes them infertile.
Anonymous 255866

Oh cool. Here goes.
1. All men have the capacity for sexual assault
2. Slapping kids isn't as abhorrent as people say
3. Stupid people should absolutely be sterilized to make up for the coddling that technology and society provides to shitty genes.
4. Violent criminals should be sterilized. Their genes are not necessary for humanity.
5. Illegal immigration is the greatest threat to domestic peace in western countries.
6. Diva cups/Moon cups are horrifying and always leak.
7. Bras are stupid and I don't care if men can see my nipples, it's not embarrassing to me, the only reason I wear a bra is because I'm afraid of the connotations. in a better world I could be confident that they would admire them without posing a threat to me.
Anonymous 255869
>>255866I agree with all of this except for the slapping of children, come on anon. Children don't have the mental capacity to understand what you want from them. I got slapped around as a kid and all it does is build up resentment. Negative reenforcement, especially through violence, doesn't work. On anyone or anything.
Anonymous 255877
>>255869Well I knew it was an unpopular opinion nona. What I mean by this is the stigma behind it. People these days act like it's the very worst thing you can do and it feels like they all imagine whipping the kid with a belt buckle because they spilled a drop of water. What I'm talking about is more a slap on the butt for an unnecessary disobedience that would have put them or someone else in danger or got someone hurt so they remember not to do it again.
I was spanked twice growing up. Both times for being an idiot and endangering myself or someone else. I never did either of those things again. The kind of people who would whip their kid with a belt buckle for spilling a drop of water come under opinion 3 or 4. They shouldn't have kids.
Anonymous 256495

Those with low IQ along with people with low emotional intelligence should be sterilized so we can slowly breed them off.
Anonymous 256496
>>234760Agreed, I hate fags. They’re so ruined & useless for society in every aspect
Anonymous 256499
>>251908Ernest Khalimov isn't a real person nona, it's literally just photoshop.
Anonymous 256500
I hate dogs, and I hate their owners even more.
Anonymous 256539

>>234760Its almost as if degeneracy is bad or something. This calls for several more years of research to be sure. Maybe after 100 more years we'll be able to recognize that all forms of faggotry are harmful to society.
Anonymous 256568
>>256500Anyone who has a preference towards either is a retard, especially cats who do not respect humans. Glad you’re not breeding at least
Anonymous 259993
As a black immigrant, I still don't understand why slavery is blamed on white Americans.
There are some people in my personal circle who I consider to be generally good people who push such an odd narrative. They say that african-americans fall behind in so many ways because of the history of white America & slavery. Even when I was younger this never made sense to me. Anyone who has read any religious text would know that slavery is neither an American or a white phenomenon. Especially when you realise that the slaves in America were sold by black Africans.
Someone I had a civil but loud argument with was trying to convince me that america was very invested in slavery because they had a civil war over it. But there within lied the contradiction. Aren't the same 'evil' white Americans the ones who fought to end slavery in that very civil war? To which the answer was an angry look and silence.
I honestly think if we are going to use the argument that slavery disadvantaged this racial group. Then the blame lies with who sold the slaves, and not who freed them.
Anonymous 259994
>>259993>Then the blame lies with who sold the slavesThe blame should also lie with who bought the slaves, and created a demand for it, and treated them like slaves until they were asked not to.
Anonymous 260002
>>259993>Then the blame lies with who sold the slaves.The ones who sold the slaves didn't create an entire culture around dehumanizing freed slaves and making their lives unlivable that lasted 70 years after the fact while crying victim the entire time.
I don't respect the argument that every problem that black people face can still be blamed on slavery, but slavery in America is a one sided issue where whites take the L.
I also don't think anybody would sincerely argue that white people are the only slavers in history. It's more so that racists are obsessed with downplaying the slavery in America, not in ancient Egypt or whereever.
Anonymous 260021
>>259993I understand why you think that, but it's because you're missing a big point. Slavery isn't the same across cultures, we use the same word for different things. Most societies had slaves at some point but their circumstances were different. You could become a slave out of debt for example, but you still had a family and a house. Slavery as it was done by white Americans is a separate thing entirely.
Anonymous 260046

>>259993I would say that is a fair point. But I still think the buyer has some responsibility.
Anonymous 260064
Make up should be either limited or banned for people under certain age. I have never used make up so this might be a biased opinion but I cannot see any benefits for the most part. It sets up impossible beauty standard and feeds into girls' insecurities while also being a capitalistic market tool.
At the age of 16, my friend told me that she can't come to school without eye make up (that stuff you put in eyelashes) because she feels ugly without it. While I understand make up can also be artistic way, thats why I don't think it should be completely banned but just limited.
Anonymous 260066
>>260064Girls like that would get insecure either way. Makeup gives them confidence temporarily when they don't have any of their own. I used to wear makeup every day in high school and now I don't need it anymore. I feel like it's a personal thing governments should not control.
Anonymous 260076
>>260066Children cannot regulate themselves. I am not saying it should be limited for adults but underage people. Same way as alcohol is not allowed for under 18 years olds
Anonymous 260266
>>260064Makeup is just face paint. Banning it is not even something a person could legislate without getting laughed out of the hearing.
The closest you could get is maybe a ban on marketing it certain ways like you have with cancer sticks, but I don't really think makeup is marketed all that predatorily to begin with. I do think the personal choice not to wear it should be more respected though.
Anonymous 260325
Unpopular on ibs, but globalism is fundamentally nonthreatening to me.
Anonymous 260696
I like him more here because he looks like a big dumb himbo.
Anonymous 260697
>>251920It's also because real life gymbros usually go to the gym to overcompensate instead of working on their bland at best and rancid at worst personalities, while muscle husbandos still tend to be quite endearing in character
>>254207TIMs do try to infiltrate women's spaces while TIFs go back to women's spaces and try to redefine them as "all genders" because they get rejected from men's spaces but usually do not get as pushy as TIMs do on women, so ultimately it's still women who are losing to both. TIMs obviously don't give a shit about men's spaces, but sometimes a male space can go from regular male to TIM space by social contagion, one guy troons and the others follow suite and become a "transbian polycule".
>>256539It's literally just the maleness.
>>254209Agreed and also should be more popular of an opinion.
Anonymous 260703
I think a beer belly is sexier than abs.
I prefer a man who likes to eat and enjoy life than some gym obesessed gorilla covered in muscles that look like elephantitis.
I do enjoy working out and would want a partner that isn't a lazy ass but I think abs are unattractive, it gives off the impression of someone overly controlled or inhibited.
Anonymous 260706
>>260703there's a happy medium you know
Anonymous 260707
>>260706Someone who can enjoy working out but who also doesn't mind being soft is ideal. Hate the look of a shredded bro.
Anonymous 260710
>>260703Hahahahahahah! Beer bellies over abs, lol!
This made me feel warm lol. Cute.
Anonymous 260757
>>260703My bf stopped drinking alcohol and started going to the gym more because he wanted to be better for me.
Anonymous 260768
Screenshot 2024-01…

>>260707Am I the only one more attracted to guy on the left than guy on the right?
>>260703I really feel like this excessively going to the gym culture is EDs for men. Beer bellies FTW
Anonymous 260769
>>260768Im not attracted to either. Left one looks like a drunktard gluttonous overweight boomer, right one looks like a 13 y. o. fuckboy.
Anonymous 260772
>>260769That made me cackle XD
What would your ideal be, then?
Anonymous 260786
>>260703I see so many women nowadays saying this but I have a hard time agreeing knowing that it’s just another of the hundreds of ways women love men for being imperfect while men continue to hate women for the same things
Anonymous 260791
>>260789You should read the webtoon Adventures with Eggie. Features a stoic lesbian female mercenary that protects her marked-by-the-gods bard little sister
https://adventureswitheggie.com/comic/adventures-with-eggie-webcomic-chapter-1-page-1/ Anonymous 260793
>>260789My unpopular opinion is that lesbians should not comment on straight women's tastes in men, and neither should straight women comment on lesbians' tastes in women. Neither will truly understand the other anyway.
Anonymous 260794
>>260791Lol thanks I will see it
I myself write an anime novel about two mercenary girls. It is based on me and my ex-girlfriend's story. Sadly I have been heavily demotivated to write this novel because of the "ex" part.
Anonymous 260795
>>260794Let the 'ex' part motivate you to write something realistic and personal. You'll be writing from a place of greater wisdom.
Anonymous 260796
>>260793I am not lesbian though.. nor entirely straight either.
The perfect man for me has a body that I do not care about. I don't care if they are a little round or mega muscular, short or tall. I like them hard working, very faithful and warmly-loving. And I like them armed.
Anonymous 260797
>>260786I think everyone should, to some degree, love a person for their imperfections as well as their strengths.
Men seem to have a much harder time doing this. They should be doing it just as much as women are.
Anonymous 260798
>>260797wanted to edit,
>Men seem to have a much harder time accepting imperfections. Women settle for someone imperfect who has weak strengths. We both need to recalibrate and find attraction based on a compatible mix of strengths and weaknesses Anonymous 260799
>>260796Fair enough if you're bisexual, that makes more sense.
>>260797>They should be doing it just as much as women arenot to be a misandrist or whatever but I think they should do it even more than women do
Anonymous 260800
>>260794I'd love to see what you have so far, nona!
Anonymous 260801

>>260795I am writing about an idea though, not about realism. My novel is based around the idea of "war and love existing in balance", hence it's name is "Sensou to Ai".
It's an alternate history setting and the third book is actually supernatural even.
I want to write about what me and
her could have been, not about realism. Realism is too sad.
Anonymous 260802
>>260800Well uh… I haven't done much. Rather I have been re-writing a lot of the chapters that I already had, so most of my works are deleted. I focused more on concepts and story development without actually writing, as well as 3D models for a fictional army in the project.
I have a discord server, but I don't want to be banned for advertising, so I will just give you my username and see you there, if you use Discord.
If not I also have a matrix account.
Discord: <sierra95.>
Matrix: @baka999:matrix.org
I hope we can be friends
Anonymous 260804
>>260802Just sent you a friend request :))
Anonymous 260806
>>260800Imperfect people are more interesting because you can explore them more. Having to deal with their imperfections often makes a relationship more interesting.
Back when I was still with my girlfriend, I was always thrilled to hear about the things that worried her. I loved knowing that she used me as a pillar to lay on when she felt weak. The things she told me often bothered me too a lot, hurt me, or worse, but I liked it. I enjoyed sharing her dark life with myself. I enjoyed working on her issues just as I worked on mine, and I loved how she helped me find my own issues too.
The perfect people are too boring to love or date.
Anonymous 260863
If you aren't a Pippa pick me then you're a Fillipa fix me
Anonymous 260864
Self-conceptualization occurs through our interactions with others. Most of the posters here have heavily skewed view points from being socially isolated and chronically online. Stuck in echo chambers. Here's an intetesting one, go to the moid hate thread and swap the genders around in the posts, it's chilling how eerily similar it is to incel rants
Anonymous 260874
agreed nona its not a big deal. stressing so much about their effect on the world is the equivalent to stressing over your gender identity in the first place
Anonymous 261678
>>260864I used to think that I'm like this then I socialized, understood normies and realized I was valid this whole times I even found out I'm capable of developing good social skills. And honestly it's the normies online who ironically seem more detached from the reality sometimes
Anonymous 262498
I'm not a fan of small talk or banter, I find it difficult to engage in random banter and can't follow the flow. I prefer discussing things that genuinely interest me. I gave up on being social or popular anyway, it's not meant for me.
Anonymous 263038
i don't think people are born homosexual or bisexual or whatever, there are a shit ton of factors that might possibly influence someone's sexuality
Anonymous 263053
Submission/dominance is an Islamic concept. I reject Mohamed, I reject evil. Embrace sex as expression of love and deny debasing anti-love language.
Anonymous 263056
>>263053It exists outside of Islam though numbnuts. And how do you account for vnilla sex being the worst? I can't understand how a person could stick around for that. The only solution imo is being a switch and sharing dominace / submission, so that nobodies really having a bad time or has all the power over the other. But vanilla sex IS having a bad time. It is possibly the very worst time you could have.
Anonymous 263060
>>263056You have been infected with disharmonious sexual schema. Submission/dominance is warlord ideology falsely applied to boyfriends. The true qualities that are scaled in sexual encounters are love, trust, and attachment. These backwards concepts are twisting you toward unwell forms of copulation. Anuses are for shitting and nothing else. Intentionally causing pain to boyfriends is sick. I hope your heart heals.
Anonymous 263065

>>263053So suddenly men aren't bad and sex with them is love?
But seriously stop spreading false ideas about sex, female physical submission in straight sex is inherent and women kneel to men on a mass scale, from myself I can add that even transcending your sexual desire requires admitting facts like this, I transcended mine and I'm literally not horny anymore, I was programmed through my own mind by myself and society, who would want to stop their desire or rather reach sexual fulfilment without having to have sex with men? I suppose misandrists but they dont follow the right track like in the lolcow manifesto chan thread where they call men parasites then shit themselves when someone says to stop kneeling to cock.
False ideas about sex brainwash people like it did to me
Anonymous 263066
>>263065Don't wanna rewrite it so for those who wanna stop having desires for men - it is important to understand the mechanism of sex for what it is with your own mind and sexual energy. False ideas about sex are rampant and society brainwashes us
Anonymous 263069
>>263065Why in Christ would you ever "trancend your sexuality to avoid men when you could just masterbate which is 6000x better than sex with most men anyway? This sounds like some puritanical piece of shits televangelist pyramid scheme. Like purity rings. The other side of this post is a rage fueled scrote. Nobody gives a shit moid.
Puritans are insufferable. You don't need to "trancend sexuality" to avoid contact with men. It's insanely insanely easy to skip them altogether and deeply enjoy your life without the strife.
Anonymous 263072
>>263060If you take sex so seriously you think its war theres already something deeply wrong with you. Nobody enjoying switch sex is focused on war you backwards ape. If you cant have real sex you enjoy there is no love trust or attachment. The only thing it sounds like anyone can get from you is emotional/sexual blackmail. There is no real sex with someone like you just fear and walking on eggshells to not piss off the narcissist that cant get over himself and his addiction to having all the power in a hetero relationship and calling it love trust and attachment. Really you just want to sit on your high horse. In reality though youre tedious when it comes to sex just addicted to your ego and it gets in the way of anything real.
Calling it trust and attachment is HILARIOUS. It is the very last thing someone like you should be talking about
Anonymous 263083
Nta but stop attributing bdsm to Islam you just sound like grandpa NUT after he's scrolled facebook for 5 hours.
Anonymous 263089
It doesn't matter how wholesome you try to sound buddy nobody believes rando internet scrote isnt here battling a porn addiction
Stop pretending like you don't know that faggot. Unless you joined the internet yesterday in which case nobody here is obligated to understand why you act like you live in a vacuum.
Anonymous 263090
Being repressed/ =/= love and attachment. It just makes you inexperienced and bad at sex.
Anonymous 263091
are you the woman who spams mysterious symbols with her face behind them?
Anonymous 263137
>>260768Why do you find the left more attractive? I can get chubbiness, but idk about a beer belly.
The right is a little too lean for me (I believe that the process of getting validation from other men, guys overdo themselves in gyms when most women are fine with a guy who is simply physically fit) but the guy on the left looks… pregnant.
Anonymous 263182
Yeah, to me he is very much not attractive
Anonymous 263183
>>260768Left looks pregnant lol. Male beauty mostly lies in the face for me but no thanks to males looking pregnant
Anonymous 263296
They need to stop putting the stupidest possible music in cat videos
I can't even watch cat videos with the sound on anymore
Anonymous 266880
Angelic clean shaven faces with long wavy messy hair
Big doe eyes with dark long lashes
Strong jaw with high cheekbones and defined ski-slope or Greek straight nose
Thick full lips
Dainty collarbones and slim wrists
Basically anime boys
Anonymous 266881
>>260768>>260703I can understand if a woman is an "Architect" - if she wants to transform his body into a new image built around the idea that her cooking has altered the course of his life. So that he becomes physically transformed into something entirely else by becoming physically and mentally dependent upon her love in a physical way manifested by her food.
I cannot for the life of me imagine liking a bloated or worse hanging belly for its own sake.
Anonymous 266883
>>266880Sounds disgusting ngl but that's just me
Anonymous 266887
Does that look like an anime boy?
Anonymous 266891
these moids are ugly too
Anonymous 266909
Okay that’s too exaggerated, no one has a jawline like that and in the third photo he has hunchback linebacker shoulders which are gross. Too strong of a jawline I take back, if it’s smoother and rounder at the front but tapers down to a chin it is nice
That’s better but his jawline is too dorito-like and V-shaped, which no guy actually has irl unless he went to Korea to shave his bones. But yes generally anime boy. Just an overall pleasant face with eager to please friendly puppy dog eyes
I guess real life examples would be Björn Johan Andrésen, Tom Welling, Milo Ventimiglia (all when they were young in their teens-twenties, men age like milk)
Anonymous 266911
>>266880I forgot to add slim pianist fingers are sexy and elegant. Twinkie boys are attractive just a shame most get groomed into trooning out
Anonymous 266930
>>254556Thank you for saying this. I feel the same way about digital distractions being antagonistic to the creative process, because it atrophies your imagination.
I think I will take a media break for a while to see if that reignites my creativity.
I want to make a comic :)
Anonymous 266987

>>233992Sorry if too political but:
15 minute cities will never work. Car centered infrastructure sucks but you will always need single passenger vehicles that can haul moderately large loads.
>what about before cars dumbassCars did not replace walking, they replaced horses which literally poop EVERYWHERE so we can’t go back to that.
>what about trainsI love passenger trains but we can’t just lie down enough track to replace cars. We need good public transit but we also need ways to transport goods between urban meccas as well as goods from train stations to shops. Trucks do most of that, not trains.
In conclusion: We can’t have urbanization and no cars sorry
Anonymous 267024
>>266987I would like more park and ride type things in suburbs. I had one when I lived closer to the city and it rocked. I could drive 10 mins and then take the light rail the rest of the way. Tbh took longer than just normal driving, but I didn’t have to pay attention much, and I could just goof off on my phone or knit.
I live rurally now and I’d love if we could return to horsey. Just think of the multitude of solutions… no longer need to mow the lawn. No longer need to buy fertilizer. Everyone is happy because horses rock. Win win win.
Anonymous 267028
You have shitty tastes if homosexual males share them
Anonymous 267048

>>267028In men or in media? Elaborate nona (if you’re still here)
Anonymous 267055
>>267048Probably in media otherwise retarded opinion, homos like men so there will always be a homo into your type
Anonymous 267058
>>267055I hope so. All the guys I’ve liked before always had something a bit faggy about them
Anonymous 267072
fujos get way overhated
Anonymous 267080
Sonny Angels are creepy
Anonymous 267089
>>251938>>251940>>251947She means that the Trans/Queer/Other stuff that has nothing to do with LGB,, will go down once it inconveniences men. Right now it's benefiting them at best and annoying them at worst. Women, however, are losing positions of power and safety.
When men start losing those positions of power and safety, that's when the tides will turn. How can we speed that up? We can't count on transmen to threaten real men the way transwomen threaten real women. And it's not enough for men to just think transwomen are ugly to look at; it's gotta be actual systemic power they're losing. Brainstorm!!!!
Anonymous 267093
>>266987How you ever seen non-American cities? Not even European, it’s normal to walk around. What America has is actually really weird.
Anonymous 271844
I am not a vegan, but agricultural animals are way more interesting when they're alive and they do more than just eat ans shit. Also, people posting jokes like "nice bacon/steak" under posts with cute photos of farm animals are horribly unfunny. Not sure how popular this opinion is, tho.
Anonymous 271946
I unironically think that society would be so much better if most males were castrated. No, I think like this not out of sadism, but because it will genuinely makes things better. Everyone knows that's it is testosterone that makes male animals so aggressive and horny (and often bad smelling) And everyone knows that geldings and steers are mich easier to handle than stallions and bulls. It's not like that most males have good genes that deserve to be passed on onto future generations. And most males are agressive and horny, they commit violent crimes, rapes, partake in wars, cheat on women, make and consume violemt pornography and many other bad things that were discussed countless times on this board. Castrating them in youn age would solve most of this problems. Few remaining chads will be chosen for selection. In incels' mythology chads already take all women and most men don't get to reproduce, so castration will make them calmer about this fact since they won't have high libido.
Anonymous 272242
I don't know how articulate this properly but I really dislike this kind of radfems where you don't know if you are talking to a tradtoth or radfem. This kind that goes around being a moral guardian and policing women. Most of them just hate normie women and hate things that normie women do, as those radfems are properly weird shut-ins or, to put it simply, "nerds". There is nothing wrong with it, I don't like normies either, but there is no need to project your own insecurities on other women. And at some point you are left to wonder if they dislike women in general, because some radfems have a laundry list of qualities that a true woman needs to posses and anyone who doesn't fit is tossed aside. Like, is your feminism even feminism if it excludes 99% of women? I understand that the key point of radical feminism is that it's radical, and yes, I read the theory.
Again, I'm just talking about a veeery small minority of radfems. Don't take any of that personally because I can't even pinpoint all that to a single person it's just something I noticed once or twice, so no offense, OK?
Anonymous 272250
>>272242I call those the nuns. No offense to actual nuns. They don't seem to understand the radfem ideology that well.
Anonymous 272270
>>272242If it was okay for the majority of people it wouldn't be radical, but yes, I agree that over-policing is counterproductive.
Anonymous 272272
>>272242I think I know what you're talking about, but I don't think they're the same as "trad radfems" (not the best term, but I'm not sure what to call them). The "nerds" and the more "trad" types seem to dislike each other and they sort of go in different directions.
Anonymous 272547
>>233994Once we invent artificial wombs, you will be free. We'll harvest and freeze all of a woman's eggs at birth and store them in a government egg bank. She will be free to have as much sex as she wants, and if she decides to have kids, she can either implant herself or use the machine.
All you have to do to ensure this future becomes a reality is to suck off as many techbros as possible, to keep them motivated.
Anonymous 272553
>>272547when we have artificial wombs men will control them to create sex slaves and blood kin soldiers for themselves in sprawling mafia style families that will war against each other in a wasteland forever.
Anonymous 273236
>>234020If it norm then why should they be exterminated
Anonymous 273248
>>272547>>272553It's very strange that plants can create themselves through seeds, pollination, and even self-pollination, but animals can't self-pollinate
Anonymous 273264
>>233992I don’t feel sorry for teachers when they complain about their shitty jobs, if anything they kind of deserve the all the bullshit