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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 235266

How can I tell if someone is interested in me or is just being friendly? Aspie nonas, can you tell when someone likes you or are you oblivious until they straight up tell you?

Anonymous 235267

When you send them a picture and they say you’re cute. When it’s a guy at least. Also when they message you a lot, like really a lot. Or when they give you compliments, want your attention and such. It’s kinda hard to explain. But that are some signs

Anonymous 235281

If he messages you back fast almost every time, he likes you. If he waits a long time each time, and isn't a literal first responder, it is likely he is stringing you on / does it to appear "hard to obtain" or is just a fuckboy. Avoid at all costs.

Anonymous 235333

Tell them you have a mentla diasability and ask directly.

Anonymous 235388

terrible advice.

Anonymous 235392

I wish people would stop posting the "aspie girl" meme made by that annoying tranny who used to spam here.

Anonymous 235394

i agree she is a scrotey fetishized depiction of a girl with autism
Usually pursued by loser men who either want a girlfriend "like them" (aspie females are not the same as males) so they can feel less bad about being absolutely dysfunctional or want someone they can easily control.

Anonymous 235395


>search "ashbie moon"
>ship sketches with apu
>literal porn
>nloggy shit like this
yeah the only people who like this character are scrotes and pickmes.

Anonymous 235396


Anonymous 235397


Anonymous 235400


there is more explicit shit but i dont think i should post.

Anonymous 235420

why is she so sad :( i want to hug her

Anonymous 235423


This picture in particular, actually made by the creator of Aspie, isn't putting down other women, but putting down women who put down other women for small things. fine imo

Anonymous 235428

I would really like this art style, if only it wasn't wojak porn.

Anonymous 235430

doesnt having assburgers make you nloggy by default?

i agree this seems fine

Anonymous 235449

the creator of this meme is a tranny who shilled his discord server here to lure in women

Anonymous 235706

what if I'm afraid of embarassing myself after repeatedly humiliating myself? I'd only do that if I was sure that they liked me already

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