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Anonymous 235506

> moid enslaves other, weaker moids, forcing them to build a giant brick structure 'proving' how awesome they are

> moids begin to voluntarily follow and gravitate to the moids who do this

do i have autism or does this seem retarded to anyone else

Anonymous 235507


moids are very homoerotic when they do this don't you think?

Anonymous 235520

Who is this semen demon?

Anonymous 235532

>moid enslaves other, weaker moids, forcing them to perform menial tasks 'proving' how awesome they are
>moids begin to voluntarily follow and gravitate to the moids who do this
>moid is unsettled by moids enslaving weaker moids
>moids declare war on and shoot moids for enslaving moids to free moids
>moids defeat moids: a victory for moids
>moids educate moids about the evils of moids
>moids commit anorectal violence against moids ‘proving’ how dominant they are
>moids imprison moids for crimes against moids
Don’t try to make sense of it, there is none.

Anonymous 235546

Baizhu from Genshin Impact

Anonymous 235599

This is probably the answer actually

Anonymous 235641

I don't care who i…

I don't care how many cute boys and girls miHoYo puts in, I'm not playing their gacha.

Anonymous 235642


>early moid walked away

>as modern scrote took control

>their minds weren't all the same

>to conquer was their goal

>so he built his great empire

>and he slaughtered his own kind

>he died a confused scrote

>killed himself with his own mind

do i have autism or does this seem retarded to anyone else

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