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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 236083

my brother just walked into my room and started blowing awhist to eale me up because he thought ir eas funny

Anonymous 236089


lol. thats annoying anon, but kind of cute. sorry that happened

Anonymous 238002

To what you up?

Anonymous 249398

better than my brother, he comes in flexes his muscles in my mirror, calls me a womanlet and leaves laughing

Anonymous 249399

Anonymous 253383

Omg, , that's so cute.

Anonymous 253401

Anonymous 253402

The op is totally unreadable

Anonymous 253413

No ur retard

Anonymous 253414


Anonymous 253425

hate wen peopl type lke dis

Anonymous 253515

I'm pretty sure my brother doesn't even think of me as human

Anonymous 253731

assuming you mean op is asl or youre retarded

Anonymous 253735

My sister just died i used to do this kind of shit to her mainly turning off her fan

Anonymous 253738

thats cute im sorry your sister died though

Anonymous 253810

>awhist to eale me up
this confused me

Anonymous 253847

lol you really are retarded

Anonymous 253948

"whistle to wake me up" i think

Anonymous 253953

u post like a moid trying to start shit w anyone for no reason… do better….

Anonymous 253957

girl please learn to type like a normal person

Anonymous 253980

First day on the Internet?

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