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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 238385

Help me get rid of my stalker

Anonymous 238393

Tell us more.

Anonymous 238394

Anonymous 238398

he didn't physically get close to me yet
he has been attempting to throw shit at me on places that i lurk. stopped lurking there
he has been adding me on all sorts of messaging platforms I got, including my phone number, that's also fucked but I blocked him.
technically it is impossible for him to really reach me, but i may be surprised

Anonymous 238399

well worse comes to worse stab his major arteries, thankfully patriarchal law comes in handy when women kill men

Anonymous 238413

Since when

Anonymous 238463

fuck you stupid cunt

Anonymous 238481

minimum age is 18, find something else to do with your summer vacation.

Anonymous 238482

ok computer.gif

ok I get it
you're trying to put an example of how stalking works by thrashing her and pretending that everyone in their surroundings is against her.
luckily you have some dirt or secrets of this person in the case it was an acquaintance in the past, and you may try to use them against their will so they end up isolated, and in turn, turn to you
well sorry ma'am but you need to understand that you're better spending your time watering the flours or cleaning the dishes than harming others that really don't care about you at best, and absolutely despise you at worst.
But for your ilk will always be the worst, kudos.

Anonymous 238484

I said what I said because she is rude and immature; also, I have no idea what you're on about.

Anonymous 238485

Well you wouldn't want to overshare if you had the misfortune of your stalker reading what you write now wouldn't you?

Anonymous 238487

You think your stalker is going to come here and know it's you? If I was that worried about it I would find a better place to get help, like contacting the authorities. Anyway, if you can't get into specifics then all anyone can tell you is to block and ignore them.

Anonymous 238512

>You think your stalker is going to come here and know it's you?
He's an imageboard narc schizo I met in /soc/ so yeah.

Anonymous 238514

Low key, put his number on craiglist and ''do not message me, call only''. all sort of things like selling a pedigree dog for a low price, selling a ps5 for a low price, looking for men to have sex, like, all sort of things for real.

post with a tor browser and have fun.

Anonymous 238545

why did you go to /soc? thats where the worst of the worst moids are at.

Anonymous 238553

Use fire.

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