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Anonymous 238387

Last year I started talking to this one guy, which literally still haunts me a year later. I hated him but after spending time beside him all year long in class I really grew to like him and we spent a good part of the summer together. I even ended up losing my v card to him. When I was with him I was the one in control, and I felt confident and calm, and at some point I ended up being the one to kind of put an end to our “relationship”. It was because I found him annoying. That’s all. I thought he was stupid and boring and desperate, but I used the excuse that he wasn’t over his ex (which I didn’t know was true at the time). Turns out I quickly became the idiot… he tried to get back with his ex and suddenly all that power I had was gone. The next months were spent on and off, we slept together a couple times after that, and I realized that I was now the one begging him for attention and crying over this stupid boy. I wasn’t sure what had happened to me, I think I honestly went psycho. I practically begged him to like me again, to be honest, to spend time with me outside of the time I spent in his bed, the only time where I felt loved by him. And now to this day, although I’ve blocked him and all I can’t get away. I can’t get away from the thoughts and the dreams and desperately trying to cling onto those stupid memories. Sometimes I lay in bed at night and wish I could go back in time and not be a bitch. Haha. I guess I deserve it but it does feel like shit.

Anonymous 238388

hopefully you have learned your lesson, you were shitty but so is he.
he sounds like someone who can't be alone and only cares about sex, so he obviously doesn't care about you, or his ex for that matter. he cares about the current available pussy.

at least find peace in the fact that while he doesn't love you, he also doesn't love anyone else, and that leaving him was your smartest choice. you don't like him, you just feel invalidated in your ego and want to soothe your hurt pride by getting back the source of the validation and the subsequent ego blow (him).

start talking to other men with the full intention of forgetting him, and you will quickly move on.
he will also likely crawl back eventually but at that point you won't care anymore. don't date someone you don't actually like and see yourself with next time.

Anonymous 238389


I was trying to find a part of this where I could back you.

But nah, you're a fucking retard nona.

And you're a normalfag at that, given this is a normalfag problem what with the self-sabotage

Anonymous 238425

Yeah, I know this wasn’t really looking for sympathy, more of a confession where I could be 100% real with myself. Obviously he did some really shitty things to me, but I don’t want to use that as an excuse anymore or to gain sympathy for myself or change the narrative haha

Anonymous 238426

Thank u :,) it’s been a while so yes, I have learned my lesson. I’ve thought it through and through over and over again. I haven’t talked seriously with other guys because I know in my heart I’m not 100% over it and I can’t treat them the way that they deserve to be treated. And deep down I’m scared to hurt them and hurt myself and ruin things again so I’ve tried to focus on myself and just being a better person in general. Thank you for understanding <33

Anonymous 238432

I know, I see where I went wrong- very wrong.
I just want you to know that I am still young, even younger when it happened and I’ve learned a lot from this and dont want to feel that way again. I am ashamed of my actions as well as how they made me act, and I promise that’s not a good reflection of how I am now.

Anonymous 238460

So OP definitely does sound pathetic (to me more because she was so self unaware about her feelings at the beginning than because of the simping itself) but you have to admit that men in this position would try to be stoic but you could see they're clearly affected by the situation and there's nothing more cringe than trying to appear more emotionally stable than you are. I think people in OP's situation are stuck between a rock and a hard place - either be authentic and let people what a bitch you are or try to appear cool and look like an even bigger bitch. Basically, men seem emotionally constipated and that seems even more shameful than being weak

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