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CC is very nice place Anonymous 23849

Seriously, is there even one single mean person on here? You are all nice, lovable, funny persons. You are everything that is good in this world

Without CC, life would be empty

Anonymous 23850

I'm mean to myself, if that counts. But being horrible to others is just weird imo. It's not like I've never done it either, so I know it doesn't feel good, and seems only to happen when I've been in a horrible mood about something else and wanted to start shit.

Anonymous 23854

I'm mean, AMA.

jk I agree with OP's statement. Love this place.

Anonymous 23856

:)) Hehe thanks

Anonymous 23858

>and seems only to happen when I've been in a horrible mood about something else and wanted to start shit.

Miners are nicey nice and are the last community to deserve being treated that way. I regret the two times I've done that here.

Even if we don't know each other you're all true friends.

Anonymous 23859

Oh, I've never done it here, just elsewhere and probably irl once or twice.

Anonymous 23895

Posting on CC while listening to chillwave playlists is one of the comfiest things ever. I just wish the place was more active but that's a double edged sword, since that'd mean it'd probably attract the shitty kind of people that'd make CC less comfy

Anonymous 23901

I agree. I don't go on 4chan anymore, but I visit lolcow from time to time and I always get angry/moody after browsing there, which never happens when I'm here.

Anonymous 23936

I agree.
I didn't go on other imageboards because thei are so aggressive and just want to insult people.

I mean you can say your opinion without totaly hating the other person.
Different opinions are good.
What I like here is, that you mostly can have a normal discussion. Yeah there are insults here and there, but it is nothing like on other sites.

What I also like that it is not totaly flower and sugar. You can vent your feelings and that isbokay.
So it does not feel forced, being nice. You just are because everyone else is.
More places should be like this.

Anonymous 23937

stop complimenting my friends on diamond.tavern

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