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Anonymous 239162

Is the current economy a cargo cult? The line must go up, then everything will be good. If line doesn't go up terrible things will befall. We must subordinate everything else to economic growth. Why? We have to. It's the only way.

Anonymous 239183

> If line doesn't go up terrible things will befall.
Not really, if you actually saved your money for the occasion.

Anonymous 239185

But there are countries where the line isn't going up. Like the UK and Canada. They just keep spinning their wheels in the mud of their failed policies with no serious plan to get out.

Anonymous 239189


saving money is bad, it must circulate and do work
at least that's what I keep hearing

Anonymous 239194



Nah thats not how it works given inflation, the only way your money retains its value is through a market portfolio.

Yeah, they aren't wrong. Money loses value overtime so its better to procure assets using it.
In fact, billionaires rarely ever have a billion in cash, its mostly held in assets to resist inflationary pressures

Anonymous 239204

plus you dont get taxed on stocks

Anonymous 239205

You do get taxed if you sell them and it's taxed like regular income if you trade it.

Anonymous 239207

That really only applies to ridiculously rich people, the average working person should definitely save their money and not live paycheck to paycheck if they can help it. Also if you decide to have kids, I don't see why you wouldn't save money for them (education, food, clothes, emergencies, etc).

Anonymous 239211

You need money to live and sudden cost are just a thing in life. You need money if you get sick, if your car breaks down, to get your stove needs to be fix and so on. Sometimes those charges come at you and hit your wallet hard. Its why it's important to have money set aside. Plus if nothing bad ever happens and you have enough, treat yourself to a vacay.
A lot of employments don't offer retirement (or at a good rate). It's important because one day you might find yourself unable to work.

Also loans suck ass with their interest rates, like yeah there's low interest loans out there and you need credit and it's all just make believe with society at large.

Anonymous 239246


I don't get how people cling to continued growth so much. Like here in Yurop we keep hearing how we lack skilled workers, workers in general, how people aren't having enough children etc etc while population here has never been higher. It's bizarre. It's obvious that this can't go on, but we still must "grow". Why?? How? This rejection of obvious reality is making me very angry.

Anonymous 239326

>rightwingers are retarded
>left wingers have been hijacked by eternal growth&LGBTIBBQ+++ neoliberalism
it's ogre

Anonymous 240080

Everybody is killed by AI, except the richest who are made immortal and put into VR gooning set untill the heat death?

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