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Where to post fanfic-esque stories Anonymous 239707

I have an overactive imagination and wanna write kind of stories like fanfiction, not literally but the same format and upload them somewhere. What sites are the best for this? I am hoping that if my writing is good and I get visibility then I could perhaps take commissions, but if some people read my works and get inspired by them I would also be quite satisfied.

Anonymous 239809

Ao3 has a original works tag. Or there is wattpad but you might have to put up with a lot of juvenile comments as a lot of its userbase seems to be preteens/teenagers.

Anonymous 243747

Seconding AO3. There's other sites, but they're mostly overrun with horndog moids, trannies, and furries (to be clear, AO3 is, too, but the site has a good filter and moderation system for getting rid of the stuff you don't want to see and the commenters you don't want to associate with, which is more than can be said for most sites for sharing art or writing these days). It also has good traffic if you're hoping for people to stumble on your work.

Anonymous 243810

As other anons have already pointed out, AO3 will welcome you with open arms.

However, if you don't like it, you can also try
>Wattpad (teen audience), personally I loathe it because it's full of extremely cringe fiction and I don't want to associate with it
>Tumblr (varied)
>DeviantArt (varied), not very comfortable as every chapter requires a new post and they're not linked afaik, but still an option
>Quotev (teen audience), fun to mess around with quizzes if you have any desire for them alongside actual prose, be careful tho because I got IP banned for saying neopronouns are stupid
>RoyalBlood (literally no idea, but looks super comfy), found it after looking up some sites to see if I didn't miss any I've used, but I might check this one out myself kek

Unfortunately every site is gonna have some butthurt troons or troon sympathizers here and there.

Anonymous 244464


No offense but what are you guys smoking to suggest ao3 as a place to post original works. Like sure, there is the 'original works' tag in theory, but I have literally never seen anyone go to ao3 specifically to read original works. The only situation in which people read original works on ao3 is if they've read fanfiction from an author they really, really like, and are willing to explore their other works. Tumblr, wattpad, and twitter are your best bets for wanting your original works to get attention and attract commissioners. Posting works to tumblr and wattpad is pretty self explanatory, but for twitter posting snippets of the juicy parts of your story to your account and then linking to the rest of the story on tumblr, wattpad, and ao3 should work.

Anonymous 244498

Ao3, tumblr, and wattpad were all mentioned. It's just all of them have pros and cons. At least with Ao3 your work can be public and anyone can read it. Tumblr and wattpad are more limited as you need accounts to access the sites fully. Wattpad is definitely a good option but only if OP is willing to put up with the stigma and cringey teenagers.

Anonymous 244873


Nonas I'm retarded, the site is called RoyalRoad, not RoyalBlood. Dug around more today and it's primarily a site for fantasy and sci-fi fiction. A lot of authors seem to have boners for gamelit fiction (character gets transported and/or must navigate living inside a video game, usually an RPG).

There is also fanfiction, if anyone else is curious, but most works are originals.

Unfortunately, many writers are male. :(

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