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Female only forums Anonymous 245468

Are there any female only forums besides myproana (lol)? And I mean forums, not subreddits or imageboards.
Any topic is fine, but preferably something that isn't filled with normies.

Anonymous 245470

that site gives me ptsd

Anonymous 245474

oops just saw you meant forums sorry

Anonymous 245483

There are actually a lot of female-dominated forums but they’re mostly centered around vapid, uninteresting topics.

Anonymous 245486

Oh god I forgot about myproana
And Tumblr, it's full of troons and he/theys but it's all female

Anonymous 245487

>instant flashbacks
oh god. i haven’t heard that name in a while. i might be mixing it up with another ana site (there was another fairly popular one, iirc), but wasn’t there a thread on there for a while where people would post sneakily-taken pictures of fat people they’d seen in public?? shit was crazy. almost like a proto r/fatpeoplehate.

anyway, the only legitimate forum i can think of that’s almost all women is like… mumsnet, and even there i don’t think dads are banned; just uncommon, but idk. i’m not a mother. or british.

Anonymous 245498

Female Dating Strategy?

Anonymous 245530

I wish I knew more female only forums that are not centered on one specific topic, kind of getting tired of the ones I mostly use, cc is not that active and lc is getting boring.

Not sure if it's something you're looking for but there's Lchat which is a lesbian celeb gossip forum.

Anonymous 245729

>wasn’t there a thread on there for a while where people would post sneakily-taken pictures of fat people they’d seen in public??
wasn't that skinnygossip? run by a moid with an anorexia fetish that required members to send photographic proof of being both female and anorexic?

Anonymous 245735

I'm tired of female spaces that are centered on gossiping, why is the average woman so catty like this?

Anonymous 245738

The new staff went on a holy war against choachan for 6 months by accusing every poster they didn’t like of being from there and banning them

Anonymous 245742

I'd really like a women-only place that is not about celebrities or gossip or idpol culture war crap. There are some about weebshit and adjacent topics at least, but sadly I never really had an interest in that

Anonymous 245743

I think it happens a lot online because we don't have an outlet for our shittalk anywhere else. I don't do it around friends because it's just negativity they don't need but by god sometimes I really need to know that other people hate [x] for the same reasons I do.

Anonymous 245744

There's mumsnet, netmums, and gransnet which have stuff outside of being a parent and posters of various ages. Mumsnet is good for anti-trans stuff and on the smaller boards but the general ones have a lot of weird AI written posts recently. I don't know much about netmums but mumsnet and especially gransnet have huge bullying problems so I recommend reading only.

True crime forums tend to be mostly female.

Anonymous 245745

There's also ONTD which is on livejournal but the rest of the site is so dead it's basically its own thing. They are pro-trans and mostly about celebrities but the comments can have some good discussions on various issues.

Anonymous 245772

I'd love to help. Drop your contact nona

Anonymous 245794

ONTD is more of a cultural news source but LJ is empty feeling
All the girls from MPA migrated to EDC or became moderators on there

Anonymous 246130

are you saying there are active womens only forums about weebshit? I haven't been able to find any. I'd personally like that but it seems like most women only forums are focused on radical feminism/politics of sorts which is fine, but I'd rather a place to talk about nerdy hobbies and interests with other women

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