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Gabe the dog.jpg

Anonymous 245686

My husband and I enjoying eggplants, but we always end up with too many to spare. We decided to give a few to our friends and family. Recently we've given a few to the neighbor girl across the street, but she always seems so hesitant to take them. She isn't the most well off financially, but she seems friendly and always has a smile on her face. You ever wonder what's going through another person's head?

Anonymous 245698

Maybe she just doesn't know what to do with a eggplant, maybe you should cook her eggplant lasagna

Anonymous 245704

aka moussaka

make milanesas op

Anonymous 245709

Send some recipes attached to the eggplant

Anonymous 245710

how can anyone have too many aubergines. i'd eat them all day long if i had that many

Anonymous 245716

Please send me eggplants OP im starvin :(

Anonymous 245719

>She isn't the most well off financially
I'm not sure why you had to point that out

Anonymous 245721

Keep doing it, op, I'm sure she's happy for having so many eggplants and just bad at expressing it.

Anonymous 245847

Don't ask me how I know this, but I know for a fact that she appreciates the bell peppers you're giving her.

Anonymous 245903

Easter Eggplant.jp…

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