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legpill? Anonymous 248019

i used to be very petite, but i've have taken the legpill as part of a new years resolution. i've started to go to the gym, running, guzzling milk, and eating a silly amount of protein (beef, eggs, fish, whatever). i've never felt better. my skin is glowing and i still feel very feminine, if not more so. i love the feeling of leg mogging twinks out in public knowing that i'm stronger and work harder. do any other nonas like to lift? anyone have any good mog stories?

Anonymous 248021


Fuck yeah I love to lift, although ever since I started uni I've been getting pretty irregular, trying work on that.
I concentrate on upper body, I'm a little stronger than a couple of my (male) friends which is very satisfactory.

Anonymous 248022

that's sounds really satisfying! I haven't been training my upper body much, i'm scared of looking boxy (which I guess is a stupid phobia now that i'm typing it out)

Anonymous 248023

you sound so cool nona! it's amazing what a healthy diet and exercising can do for you.
i personally don't like that body aesthetic on myself, but i love it on other women. good job!!

Anonymous 248024

So you're basically going out harassing people? The least repulsive males out there, even?

Good for you working out I guess but it doesn't sound like it cured whatever bitterness that's coming from.

Anonymous 248031

i'm not harassing them. i'm saying the juxtaposition of their skinny thighs next to mine is humorous and makes me feel like my hard work is paying off.

Anonymous 248033

its one of those scrotes dont mind it

Anonymous 248034

you can like twinks nona, i just mog them and think it's funny. i don't think i could ever date someone who eats less calories and has a weaker squat than me. (they are typically nice though)

Anonymous 248037


I also started lifting this year! Agreed with the positives you’ve listed. Also it’s given me a great hatred for scrotes who have x10 the ability to build muscle yet would rather waste their testosterone on sitting on the couch watching porn and smoking weed

Anonymous 248043

i have a gutteral repulsion towards scrotes who fill the void of existence with hedonism instead of meaningfulness.

Anonymous 248044

Large muscles are usually gross on men.

Anonymous 248060

More like always

Anonymous 248064

Seriously gym rat men are pretty awful personality wise. Being super bara bulky is gross and just reminds me their number one priority. That's a personality, not just a body type. Usually the power/size obsession is at your expense. Fuck them.

Anonymous 248073

imo if scrotes stay away from steroids and have a low bmi it's hard to look grotesque. i prefer men who lift for a sport like sprinting, rugby, or wrestling.

Anonymous 248519

I love lifting - it literally makes you feel different physically walking and just moving around. I do it on a vegan diet though because it's the peak of narcissism to think that animals deserve death to maximize my quad gains - the only thing that makes me feel better than being physically strong is being a morally worthwhile person.

Anonymous 248521

Give me a break. If you don't eat meat someone else will. It makes no real difference in the world. Now if you improved animals quality of life on farms it would be a huge win and actually mean something to animals.

Anonymous 248531

nta but you can't know if she isn't involved in a movement that helps that specific cause.
all the vegetarians and vegans of the world do make an impact in reducing the meat market. sure, someone else will eat meat, such as me who likes it, but i respect who doesn't and i don't get butthurt when they point out its unethicalness.

Anonymous 248544

this is like saying "give me a break - if you don't molest children someone else will". it's remarkable how some people's basic reasoning capacities completely fall apart when they get defensive about their animal abuse
thanks nona <3

Anonymous 248551

You will pave many roads to hell with your good intentions.

Anonymous 248669

Beef is not really children, lmao beef is beef.

Anonymous 248670

my type in men literally changed as soon as i started to lift. when i was wraithy looking i would be very into tall skinny men, but then i realized that the only reason they’re skinny is genetics and not working out at all. after they hit the wall they’ll be fat and unshapely just like most 30-40 year old scrotes. now i exclusively date other men who are fit and lift.

Anonymous 250299

Yeah I also noticed that skinny people often aren't healthy at all. They just east a pack of ramen a day and order a pizza on the weekend. People who workout also generally care more about their health so the whole package is what makes it healthy and keeps you young. Same with vegans living longer. They just are very selective with what they consume overall.

Anonymous 250385

Meatheads are disgusting

Anonymous 250399

vegans living longer in nonsense. The longest lived people eat plenty of meat. Don't see any japanese people going out to eat shit like smash burgers, they'll go eat yakiniku cuz its cheaper (and also healthier)

Anonymous 250400


just because Japanese people live longer doesn't mean vegans don't also live longer? Diets full of plants with minimal processed foods/meats are healthiest, Japanese peoples' lifespans just supports this

Anonymous 250401

the average vegan does not eat a balanced diet. They get most of their calories from carbs, thats not healthy.

Anonymous 250435

saying "vegans don't live longer" then talking about "the average vegan" is moving goalposts nona. not all vegans do it for health but reducing meat in the diet helps longevity

"…each additional daily serving of red meat increased risk of death by 13%. The impact rose to 20% if the serving was processed, as in food items like hot dogs, bacon, and cold cuts."

Anonymous 250437

Anyone seeking longer live should reaccomodate to blue zones and do what people there do

Anonymous 250485

Butthurt animal eaters

Anonymous 250499

>it's the peak of narcissism to think that animals deserve death to maximize my quad gains
Animals eat animals. We're omnivores. It's about where you get the meat not the fact that it's meat. Seriously, are you saying lions are narcs because they brutalize zebras to live? You just make no sense. You accuse meat eaters of narcissism when you've literally come into this thread just to brag that you don't eat meat because you think it makes you superior. I am not even really a meat eater myself, just someone who understands the basics of nature, and that animals eating animals is just how things work. If you want to make a difference stop buying your fucking nut milks from people in slave conditions and actually produce something. Go to a farmers market, go to a farm. Loser.

Anonymous 250545

I'm not butthurt, I'm afraid of people like you.

Anonymous 250566

so true nona

Anonymous 251034


Just because something is 'natural' doesn't make it okay. If we're taking lions as a moral basis for ourselves, they also eat each other's infants, but you'd be insane to say that makes it okay for humans to kill babies. We're not in the wild, we're civilised humans that have the power to make moral choices.

And even then nothing about the farming system is natural. Watch 'Dominion' on youtube (or any other farming footage), and tell me that's nature, and just the same as watching lions on a nature documentary. We live in civilisation, you can go to a grocery store and choose what to eat, why would you NOT choose to eat the food that doesn't harm anyone?

Anonymous 261081


Eating meat and raping children are not morally comparable, nona.

I think your opinion is irrational and divorced from reality à la schizophrenia, and I can't deduce any lines of reasoning that would lead you to such a conclusion, so I'd appreciate it if you could explain yourself.

Anonymous 261083


I took the entirebodypill but I've stopped lifting ever since I got a job and I'm mourning my muscles I don't have the time anymore and I don't get enough sleep

Anonymous 261085

Vegans in this thread are embarrassing as fuck post have fun falling for new world order propaganda. Post blood test

Anonymous 261086

full body is where it's at, pure amazonian physique, scythian queen

It's so heartbreaking to be away from athleticism as it's one of, if not, the greatest methods of producing healthy cognitive hormones throughout your body alongside literally making your physical life greater
luckily im still in university and theres 6 gyms on campus so I may casually put in a little work between classes if I wish. praying for you nona!

kinda off topic but I could never date someone that's not a gym goer of any sort. it makes me feel young and happier than most things, and if I cant enjoy my hobby with my partner, its over

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