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Emotional Intelligence / EQ Thread Anonymous 248460

What is the most accurate way of measuring emotional intelligence, aside from IRL interaction (which I don't get)
I found some quizzes online, but I want to know if any nonas found any quizzes they think is really high quality.
This thread could also be used as a general about EQ, or emotional quotient.

>What is your emotional quotient (EQ) score?

>What quiz did you use to find it?
>Do the results reflect your ability to navigate emotion in the real world?
>Have you ever been considered a good person emotionally by others (Being called compassionate, caring, understanding, etc)?
>If you are "emotionally unintelligent", how does it affect your interactions?
>If you have a partner, would you say they are emotionally intelligent? If not, what about your friends?

The best one I could find so far was one by IDR labs.

Anonymous 248461


Results from me, OP.

>What is your emotional quotient (EQ) score?

See attached.

>What quiz did you use to find it?

IDR Labs.

>Do the results reflect your ability to navigate emotion in the real world?

Not at all. In the real world I get really uncomfortable when seeing any conflict , even if it doesn't involve me.
I saw a girl getting yelled at by her moid in a park and than I started crying because it reminded me of my relationship.
I didn't feel bad for the girl in the moment, only myself. I act really kind online but in the real world I don't come off as such.

>Have you ever been considered a good person emotionally by others (Being called compassionate, caring, understanding, etc)?

I got vented to once and cried right after. She saw me cry and felt reassured that I understood what she was going through (a breakup),
but I didn't cry because I felt bad for her, I just felt overwhelmed emotionally and like I couldn't handle her emotions and mine at the same time. I think people see me as bitchy.

>If you are "emotionally unintelligent", how does it affect your interactions?

Negatively. See above.

>If you have a partner, would you say they are emotionally intelligent? If not, what about your friends?

Again, see above.

Anonymous 248462


>What is your emotional quotient (EQ) score?
pic related,

>What quiz did you use to find it?

OP one,

>Do the results reflect your ability to navigate emotion in the real world?

Maybe, I don't know really because I typically keep to myself and prefer to do things alone so most of the time I don't think about these things. I think I don't know a lot about myself emotionally although my results say my EQ is in the normal range but I'm not very self-aware sometimes so I don't trust my own perception of myself or even self-testing.

>Have you ever been considered a good person emotionally by others (Being called compassionate, caring, understanding, etc)?

Yeah, but I'm not really like that. I just listen and try to give people advice. That's why I kind of hate it when people say things like "you're too nice", it makes me uncomfortable. I think they have a superficial understanding or misguided expectations of me, it's not as if they know me well.

>If you are "emotionally unintelligent", how does it affect your interactions?

I think I was more emotionally unintelligent when I was younger. I learn from experience so now I am better but I am generally tactless or give the wrong reactions. I think it just made people repelled by me or they thought I was their entertainment, but I still was able to manage a few friends.

>If you have a partner, would you say they are emotionally intelligent? If not, what about your friends?

I think they're in the normal range, we can tell each other if we have a bad or good day but with some friends we don't talk about our personal feelings as much. Truthfully, maybe I don't actually know. I don't analyze or read into people much beyond what they say or do on the surface so I maybe I don't truly know them well.

Anonymous 248463


>What is your emotional quotient (EQ) score?
pic related

>What quiz did you use to find it?

the one you sent

>Do the results reflect your ability to navigate emotion in the real world?

I guess?

>Have you ever been considered a good person emotionally by others (Being called compassionate, caring, understanding, etc)?

I've been called caring understanding but I've also been called impulsive unstable,manipulative which, I'm sure the pic tipped you off on

>If you are "emotionally unintelligent", how does it affect your interactions?

people don't like me very much past the 2 week mark but luckily it's a big city

>If you have a partner, would you say they are emotionally intelligent? If not, what about your friends?

i think all my friends save for my best friend are the least emotionally intelligent people on earth, it's a curse but at least they're easy to convince.

Anonymous 248464


>What is your emotional quotient (EQ) score?
>What quiz did you use to find it?
>Do the results reflect your ability to navigate emotion in the real world?
I don't navigate emotion in the real world. I don't talk to people.
>Have you ever been considered a good person emotionally by others (Being called compassionate, caring, understanding, etc)?
I don't know. I don't know what other people say about me.
>If you are "emotionally unintelligent", how does it affect your interactions?
they don't exist
>If you have a partner, would you say they are emotionally intelligent?
I don't have a partner
>If not, what about your friends?
I don't have friends

Anonymous 248465


>What is your emotional quotient (EQ) score?

"somewhat impaired"
>What quiz did you use to find it?
OP's link
>Do the results reflect your ability to navigate emotion in the real world?
i dont know honestly so probably yes judging by that
>Have you ever been considered a good person emotionally by others (Being called compassionate, caring, understanding, etc)?
i rarely judge i'll listen n try understand but also i'm not a good person anymore since age 12 or something.
>If you are "emotionally unintelligent", how does it affect your interactions?
im awkward irl and lonely and tend to be really retarded online spilling my guts out thinking it matters (it doesnt)
>If you have a partner, would you say they are emotionally intelligent? If not, what about your friends?
my friends are intelligent n retarded in their own ways. we are all lonely and have weird attachment issues.

Anonymous 248466


>What is your emotional quotient (EQ) score?
>What quiz did you use to find it?
i was tested by some organisation called FeniksTalent
>Do the results reflect your ability to navigate emotion in the real world?
i'm autistic and don't really interact with a whole lot of people so i'm not sure but i'm inclined to say yea
>Have you ever been considered a good person emotionally by others (Being called compassionate, caring, understanding, etc)?
>If you are "emotionally unintelligent", how does it affect your interactions?
hurting certain people still haunts me to this day
>If you have a partner, would you say they are emotionally intelligent? If not, what about your friends?
in the beginning of the year i was seeing a guy who was dismissive avoidant. we both had fucked up youths and absent parents. i messed up the relationship after only 5 months but i got the idea he was fairly emotionally intelligent
>Yeah, but I'm not really like that.
you shouldn't downplay your value to people. all you really have

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