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Hunting/Fishing Anonymous 248714

Does anyone hunt or fish? Want to get into it? I really do. I'm interested in crossbow/archery hunting then owning a gun, but I'm not sure where to start. If any anons have any stories or general advice on either subject, here is a thread for it.

Anonymous 248715

Yes yes sorry for no contribution but I want to hunt my own food so bad it’s just difficult to find women oriented groups for this kind of thing near me and men intimidate me.

I have fished before and so I could give some advice on that which is you need to be extremely patient. As someone who’s impatient in nature I used to struggle with this one but it can take a while before you get a catch. And that’s okay, don’t let it discourage you ever! Experiment with placements in the current of whichever lake or stream you’ve chosen and go in with no expectation. Try to do something to help make time pass or make it more peaceful, like playing music, going on a day with nice weather and enjoying the scenery and quietness of the water. Don’t whip it back and forth (I learned the hard way) as the line and hook can get caught in your hair/skin. In my experience, the more colorful and eye catching the bait, the better. But I think that’s cuz I lack skill heh. I’ve heard live bait is ideal but it makes me squirm. Hope more people update this thread!!! Thank you for making it.

Anonymous 248716

No I actually like animals

Anonymous 248719

Sorry I also have no real contribution but I want to learn to use a gun really bad. I want to be more outdoorsy in general but it is difficult to learn without a mentor.

I did a bit of archery as a kid though. Just for sport, no hunting. I also learned to use a rifle when I was young. From what I remember, you need to hold your breath and lay steady and very slowly pull the trigger.

Anonymous 248720

hm depends on where you live, your budget, and what your schedule looks like.

for archery, you can get a training bow (generally lightweight, not very strong) for under a hundred bucks. pick up some arrows (practice ones, dull metal on the end instead of an arrowhead) and a target (which can literally be a cardboard box), and set up a makeshift range in your backyard. this was how i taught myself at around age 14ish. not to hunt though, i just wanted to larp as katniss everdeen, kek. and if you don’t have the space, then there may be an actual indoor practice range nearby you can go to, but i’m rural and have no experience whatsoever with those.

sadly i have no advice or experience with guns. growing up, though, i had male friends who would practice with bb guns in their yards. but a range would def be your best option as an adult.

then, for fishing, i’d recommend picking up or borrowing a rod and reel and getting either some rubber bait and/or lures. assuming you have a license (and your location), you can visit a nearby body of water and basically just cast and reel back in for a few hours, see if you enjoy the rhythm of it and all that. i mostly did catch and release fishing as a kid, but catching to eat the fish is really rewarding. and it’s definitely a matter of patience, as another post said. you can cast for ages and come up with nothing, which is why it’s important to enjoy the motions of it beyond just the catch.

Anonymous 248723

I fished a little as a kid with my pops, the fish we caught we would cook and eat. We even made one of our fishes into sashimi once. We would also catch crabs in traps and dig for clams and eat those too. Didn't do any hunting though. Archery and guns are cool, they would be nice to learn one day.

Anonymous 248729


Great, then go to another thread. The world doesn’t revolve around you.

Anonymous 248732

I forgot to add on to my post about experience, I agree with posters here on fishing advice. Patience is key and for bait live is good like the first poster said, but it doesn't have to be. Personally I used worms and small fish. Tie the weight to the rod firmly and like the first poster said it's easy to get the line tangled when you're first starting out. It's good to watch for any bending on the tip of your fishing rod, but I know some people use bobbers but I have never used them. Be sure not to reel in too quickly or the fish will run away, you kind of need to feel the pressure of a decisive bite because you don't want the fish to run away. It's also important to know fishing spots as some fish like to camp out in near certain habitats and sometimes fish prefer areas with shadowy spots to avoid heat, knowing fishing spots can be helpful. I don't know if you would be into it, but crab trapping might be interesting to you and it's not very difficult. Hope this post is of some use because my experience is limited sorry.

Anonymous 248805

I used to. My father used to bring me and my brother fishing and sometimes wildfowling. I haven't done it in years. I would love to use a bow but it is illegal to bow hunt in most European countries

Some fish like live bait better, some like spinners. It depends what you are fishing for. For example a predatory fish like a pike or muskie will go for big fishing tackle where as a bream would go for worms. You don't want to eat a freshwater bream though because they are smelly and kinda disgusting. Trout will go for either. So will perch. Can't say much for sea fish, I only did it twice in my life and I don't remember much of the first time

Where ever you are going to fish, just do a little research into what kind of fish live there and what is best to catch them

I like animals too but I can still kill and eat them. It doesn't mean you dislike animals, that's silly. Also, It's hard to empathize with a fish, they look really dumb

Anonymous 257123

Huntress Wizard.pn…

I got my hunting license earlier this year. got some guns from a relative. joined my first moose hunt. didn't see a single moose, but it was close multiple times. I got to help with skinning, slaughtering and butchering and got about 40 kg of meat out of it. would do again
it's about 10% women in the hunting corps where I live (Sweden), and the hunters' association is working to improve the ratio
>I'm interested in crossbow/archery hunting
I'd recommend against it. feels like higher risk of injuring rather than killing the game, but I could be wrong
hunters are usually the ones that care most about the game

Anonymous 257132

I suggest starting with rabbits and ducks. A low caliber rifle like .22lr for small game. A 20 gauge shotgun for birds. Deer require a ton of permits to hunt and can be illegal if it's not in season. While small game can be hunted year-round. Plus I don't feel guilty shooting ducks or rabbits. Since they're total assholes.

Anonymous 257165

I'd love to go fishing! Fish is so expensive in the stores these days. My family is thinking of moving to Scotland, a place where there should be plenty of wild fish, and I would love nothing more than to bring lovely, fresh stuff home to cook with. On the subject of hunting animals, I guess it would be harder to get out into the wild and the prospect of getting blood all over my hands is kind of icky. But archery is super fun too.

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