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I hate cops so much. Police hate thread. Anonymous 249501

What even is the fucking purpose of these parasitic morons at this point? They literally don't respond to anything that actually fucking matters and then call in the cavalry over nothing.
>2 miles up the road from my home lies a severely impoverished town
>If I go out on my porch at night (and even sometimes during the day), there's a non zero chance I will hear gun shots
>Last few times I drove through there to get food or whatever, I heard people screaming,
>Last time I rode my bike through there I saw a crackhead literally bent over the door into a car, looting it, then saw the children's play park had nothing but tatted up weirdos smoking weed on it. 11am btw, then saw a woman screaming at 3 even more tatted up weirdos to get out of her backyard. Just for them to yell back at her in wigger speak "Tell Paul he needa watch his talk you heard?"
>Literally never see the police there get out of their cars or respond to anything, even when they're parked on the side of the road not even a mile up.
>Guy who looked like a dentist a mile up the road in another direction going for a ride out on his Harley
>a city block length of patrol cars takes up both sides of the road, making it take an additional 8 FUCKING MINUTES to get home, even though the guy was totally cooperating

And my new favorite:
>Friend of mine literally can't interact with her ex-bf who's in prison or else she will be violating her probation.
>He's gotten several of his retarded buddies to reach out to her on his behalf on social media, and come to her house in person.
>She's reported it multiple times (as I strongly suggested she should).
>No matter how many reports she files, she's got a new story about these faggots trying to talk to her every time I see her
The only sense of security I get is from concealed carrying. I sure as fuck don't expect them to do a damn thing other than smoke in their car.

Anonymous 249503

i hate cops because all cops are just pawns for the higher up governmental institutions to punish innocent people and let actual horrible people get off easily just to torture the innocents a little bit more and make their life hell. the cops and the higher up institutions (glowies, etc) "hire" the generic psycho/sociopaths and pay them. obviously they pay shit but since these fags are so desperate for easy money and they don't care about others and their dignity they agree

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