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Which foods do you hate the most and why? Anonymous 253384

Anonymous 253385

I hate pork, carrots, garlic, chili pepper

Anonymous 253386

Fennel, cilantro, lime, overly spicy stuff, olives, and jalapenos.

Anonymous 253391

Seconding Pork, worst tasting meat by far.

Anonymous 253395

cilantro and liver

Anonymous 253404

it shld be a crime that broccoli exists

Anonymous 253405

Me three, it smells like piss and tastes acidic to me.

Anonymous 253407

capers were invented by the devil and i hate them

Anonymous 253408

I will eat your broccoli for you, nona. Give me the trees.

Anonymous 253412

i will silently place all of my broccoli on the edge of your plate across the table

Anonymous 253415


MMMM. I love eating a non-filling bowl of Roundup™ and sugar.

Anonymous 253419

I'm not vegan but I hate drinking milk from an animal. It's disgusting and it makes me gag just thinking about how milk smells and tastes. We're the only mammals that drink other mammals milk like a thief or a baby. So weird and disgusting how normal it is to drink another animal's milk when it's not meant for you to consume

Anonymous 253434

>If you think of portions you defo need to consider touching grass for once
Wtf are you on about? It's my opinion. I think milk is disgusting and it's weird that people drink it. Not sure how that means I have to touch grass

Anonymous 253478

Keish and caramel puddings are dogshit

Anonymous 253488

Mish mash, rice porridge, popara. Pretty much anything that has the consistency, look, and taste of baby food or food for an old person missing their teeth. I don't know how you can unironically eat it unless you're either.

Anonymous 253492

aw yiss.jpg

hell yes fuckin SCORE

Anonymous 253509

Fufu is gross. The soup stuff you're supposed to dip it in looks like liquefied baby poop. The act of eating it is gross too. Lots of Indian cuisine is meant to be eaten with your hands as well but it doesn't look nearly as disgusting as someone eating fufu. Dunking a glop of mushy gluten into liquefied baby poo soup and slurping it off your hands is not visually appetizing at all

Anonymous 253511

Lemons, mint, and bittersweet shit.

Anonymous 253512

I wish I was you, I'm practically addicted to that shit

Anonymous 253516

>fast food
it feels like I'm eating sludge. I hated mcdonalds even as a kid taco bell and mcdonalds evoking this feeling the worst by far.
I'm half asian so this makes me the worst. I enjoy some dishes that have it but for the most part it feels like I'm eating little bits of rubber.
>all cereal
I've heard the phrase "empty calories" but cereal is more just "empty sugar" it's just disgusting in every way. How depraved animals prefer to eat breakfast.

Anonymous 253538

Raw oysters, clam chowder and duck.

Anonymous 253566

How is duck any worse than chicken or turkey, if I may inquire?

Anonymous 253747

if you're in the US, research how much glyphosate is in the average cereal and how lobbyists insist that it doesn't affect children's health. If that doesn't change your mind, I dunno. Yolo I guess.
back when I ate it as a kid, not even 3 bowls would fill me up. absolute waste of calories.

Anonymous 253748

eating duck is like eating all dark meat. it can be really oily too depending on the source and how it's cooked.

Anonymous 253755


Algerian pastries, they taste like sand covered in sugar and honey.

Anonymous 253802

Anything with raisins, cabbage (only raw cabbage is good), yellow onions

agreed, plus pork has gross texture

Anything made with milk substitutes

Anonymous 253803

It's just grain with added sugar. Gross

Anonymous 253804

Does soft drink count? I hate that stuff so much for how ubiquitous it is.

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