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is there a such thing as gay femcels Anonymous 254211

and if so, where are things like female dating strategy for lesbians and MGTOW for gay men?

Anonymous 254212

Yes there are gay femcels, no there aren't any lesbian dating strategy or gay MGTOW.

Anonymous 254213

but I'm wondering philosophically speaking why is that. shouldn't we see those coping strategies emerging on both sides

Anonymous 254214

>movements centered around dehumanizing a group
>you are that group

Anonymous 254216

fds doesn't dehumanize men you sound like a moid

Anonymous 254219

Lesbian femcelism is caused mainly by low numbers of other lesbians in the area where they live. It doesn't seem like they need advice on the actual dating part so they don't need something like FDS. As for gay men I remember when reddit had incel subs there were a few men there claiming to be gay and complaining about appearances standards in gay dating. Also it used to be common to see "no fats, femmes, asians or blacks" in gay dating profiles but other gay men successfully bullied them out of writing that publicly.

Anonymous 254221

fds dehumanizes men by viewing them as objects of transactional gain, the same way redpill (or most of the male population either unconsciously or consciously) views women as transactions for sex, money, abuse. they don't dehumanize men to the extent that men dehumanize women, but it's still objectification - a form of dehumanization. most men deserve it though by proxy of having a tendency to become dehumanizers themselves.

Anonymous 254475

Of course they exist, it's pretty hard to date for lesbians because they have a tiny dating pool.

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