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How do I stop eating Taco Bell? Anonymous 254677

I live right next door and I'm too lazy to cook

Anonymous 254679

I don’t cook much, but I eat a lot of microwave food and snacks. It is usually cheaper and easier.

Check how much money you have spent on Taco Bell and keep that in mind when you are getting a craving.

Anonymous 254683


My Taco Bell has a value menu with two dollar chicken tacos and burritos. Somehow cheaper than most snacks and microwaveable foods. Plus their food honestly taste better than anything I can cook at home.

Anonymous 254685


Weigh yourself everyday
Look at fatspo

Anonymous 254697

Stop being lazy then.

Anonymous 254738

How can anyone eat Taco Bell every day? I avoid it. It burns my insides :(

Anonymous 254881

Don't stop, never stop. Best fucking fast food chain. Even if their value menu sucks balls now I will keep eating that potato soft taco

Anonymous 254882

Get better taste in food

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