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Anonymous 254761

Is it a pipe dream to want a househusband? I'm a careerwoman, so it would be neat if I didn't have to worry about cleaning the apartment, and got to eat homecooked meals every day. But basically no moid knows how to cook or cares about cleaning, or the moid thinks being a househusband is beneath him. I don't know, I was into picrel manga when I was young, so I was really attracted to the idea, but I'm beginning to think it's impossible.

Anonymous 254763

And by your logic, housewives are inferior to women with jobs?

Anonymous 254768

They chose an inferior path of life, but as humans, no, they're equal.

Anonymous 254769

>implying moids are above anything

Anonymous 254771

Sounds like you're more into girls
Have you considered being a lesbian?

Anonymous 254775

I would if I could but I can't so I shan't

Anonymous 254784

My moid quit his job over office politics and is now a househusband of sorts. I don't have a career, but between my job and his passive income, we make enough as is. He's an extremely good cook, likes to keep a tidy/minimalist house and is very handy with home maintenance and repairs. Every day I get to come back to a nice clean home, have a hot dinner and nom on a freshly baked snack, while he handles all the chores. It feels weird to say, but despite how much I like our arrangement now, I resent him suggesting that he handle childcare when we have kids. It might just be the fact he always seems so relaxed and productive that makes me a little jealous.

Anonymous 254788

>But basically no moid knows how to cook or cares about cleaning
I don't think that's true nowadays. While it's probably not 50/50 outside of maybe northern europe, there's not much of a difference for young people.

>or the moid thinks being a househusband is beneath him

Careerwomen think it's beneath them and desirable because they believe it's role-reversal humiliation / power in their favour. But men don't really understand that fixation. They would just feel ashamed for freeloading and unemployment. And nowadays the idea of one half not working is absurd to most people because of the loss of income and the unfair amount of free time one has over the other. Men certainly don't want housewives. Neither do women. It's the culture. So in these conditions, this culture, you're only going to find lazy manchildren who have integrity, even if they play the role diligently from your manga they're still trash. Unless it's a case where he already works and does it to look after children or something.

Anonymous 254791

Not a pipe dream, just will be more difficult.

There are a few men who would fit the bill, I believe this only because my roommate is a straight man who wants to be a househusband. He has difficulty finding women who are career oriented, so he usually falls into the provider role, which is the reason he became stuck with his pharmocology job. He is a great roommate though, he keeps things tidy and is always cooking. He's a great homemaker.

Because of le patriarchy and male on male shaming I think a lot of men feel shame/less than if they cannot be "providers", making it increasingly difficult to find a decent househusband.

Not impossible, just very difficult. I mean, its increasinly difficult to find a moid thats not pornsick and hates women, so to find a normalbrained one that fits the role of househusband would be even more difficult. But they exist.

Anonymous 254806


Definitely the main barrier

Anonymous 254817



I've entertained the idea for awhile, but I don't think it will be realistic in this economy. I'm also trying to be a careerwoman, and I am trying to go into a field where, after a few years, I can easily make enough to support someone else but losing a job in this climate is still a very real possibility. Plus I just want to see that he can stand on his own if something happens.

I once met a woman that was juggling taking care of the house, both her kids and her househusband who had constant medical problems (So had to take him to constant doctor visits), all while going back to school. She seemed like some kind of superwoman. I thought that was really impressive. I'm more willing to accept if he can't work due to medical conditions, but I'm not sure if I could handle all that like her for very long.

picrel Although what has appealed to me the most about the idea of a househusband is having a cute boy doing domestic things to come home to after a long, tiring day at work, and giving cuddles and kisses to.

Anonymous 254819

Yeah, its a pipe dream.

Anonymous 254822

the moid I wanted wanted this. but I don't make enough money. wish I did or we would be together rn.

Anonymous 254839

It can definitely be done. I think it would help to search in places where people with that interest congregate or bring it up early when you’re dating, so you can rule the ones out who don’t want to without wasting much time. Or you could look for a neet

Anonymous 254840

>must follow culture blindly
>can’t divert
>no own thoughts in brain
>beep boop beep boop

Anonymous 254941

Maybe a guy with a mommy/milf fetish could work?

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