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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 255183

when is the last time you remember being happy

Anonymous 255184


Yesterday I found a quarter on the sidewalk

Anonymous 255186

When I was 19. Some good stuff happened and then right after, some downright awful things happened. The "small things in life" don't really matter to me although I could say there are a few things that are nice and cheer me up temporarily.

Anonymous 255198

I kinda feel this. The "little things" are amazing if things in life are at least baseline okay but things haven't been okay for me since covid

Anonymous 255275


Anonymous 255308

You nonas are depressing, I'm happy a lot lately
>When I hang out w my friends
>When I recconect w hobbies I used to enjoy
>When my cat walks around the branches and the trees like she's a little girl
>When I look outside the window and my garden looks a little greener than usual
Spring has me in a good mood

Anonymous 255336

You have friends and a cat, of course you're happy. Many of us have neither.

Anonymous 255356

yesterday, i went bowling and it was fun

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