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Learning how to play Yu-gi-oh was a mistake Anonymous 255278

I saw a Yu-gi-oh tournament being held at the public library. I loved the anime growing up. So I studied how to play the game and spent money on a starter deck. The tournament came and I was the only girl in the room. I left disappointed and abandoned the hobby afterwards.

Anonymous 255279


I couldn't care less about modern Yu-gi-oh but I did watch the show as a kid and know how to play the original ruleset.
It's fun and I wouldn't let the fact that you are the only girl stop you if you enjoy the game, if it's an issue of not wanting to be in the same room as a ton of men there are online servers for it so you don't need to irl interact, single player video games if you don't need another person. Or you could teach a female friend how to play!
I mainly play with my siblings since all of us equally don't understand anything past fusion, so I've been sparred any events or tournaments, but I wouldn't let some sweaty guys stop you from playing when there are multiple options to play without them.

Anonymous 255319

What exactly did you expect?

Anonymous 255321

Tabletop tournaments tend to be mostly men and that's how it goes. Best you can do is try to connect with the minority of women who play or get on YGOpro. Just be aware that power creep is real and if you play modern meta you're lucky if a duel lasts more than 2 turns; I stopped paying attention after Zoodiacs because of this.

Anonymous 257002


The game sucks and will never be as fun as it was when we were playing it as kids. The rules bloat is just obscene. You can play the Tag force games on an emulator which are decent.
But we all know the best bits are the visuals. Pic related.

Anonymous 257005


I played a few TCG games (Magic, Yugioh, Pokemon, etc) for a year or two after graduating high school and there were the most childish men I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Some are okay, but most gamer guys are impossible to be friendly with for one reason or anything. They are some combination of immature, dramatic, anger-prone, etc. I kind of want to get back into Pokemon but I don't know where to start or who I'd even play with. I'd only want to play if I could find a female only group somehow.

Anonymous 257010

I had a similar experience, but with chess. Being the only girl in class as a shy 5 year old was too much for me, so I just stopped going there. I kind of wish I continued playing and instead overcome my shyness

Anonymous 257021


Just play Master Duel

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