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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


FDS Anonymous 255333

Any nonas lurk FDS? Glad they left reddit

Anonymous 255338

I use it all the time

Anonymous 255763

not really, i've lurked a few times here and there but it's not something i follow or religiously keep up with. i do think it's interesting that the founder of the movement is apparently a black woman, and allegedly she started posting on lipstick alley before moving onto reddit. i assume that's because she felt she could make money off of the women there (lol). she's supposedly distanced herself from the movement due to doxxing threats from scrote loons and requests people not use her real name or pseudonym. if you dig hard enough you can find it since her threads are still floating around on lsa.

Anonymous 255837

They have good advice and actually helped me pinpoint an abuse tactic my ex frequently used on me (backfooting) that I wasn't able to put my finger on.

IMO the biggest issue is that they bash women for being happy with things that are simple. Or that sprinkle sprinkle girl that tells girls to eat at nice restaurants but don't order things they like like steak because its "ghetto"

Anonymous 255989

FDS got me a husband! Some tips I learned,

>moids hate shit testing because it works. It's a great way to weed out dogshit moids

>the scrotation is important. Go on many dates and keep many men on read. Only pick the cream of the crop
>never bother with men who have a high body count
>let a moid know right away that you won't tolerate porn. Make sure he knows it's a deal breaker
>don't have sex with the moids you date
>most moids will fuck off once they get the impression that you won't put out easy, this is why it is so essential to not fuck without commitment
>don't let moids guilt trip you. They will try to make you feel bad for "not trusting them". This is a tactic to make sure you let your guard down
>don't believe moid lies. Moids can't afford to be picky, no matter what they say. They'll take what they can get
>always remember that you are a prize to be won. Moids are lucky to be dating you. If he thinks otherwise, it's because he's too arrogant. Get rid of him
>trust no moid. Trust and respect are to be earned, not given
>ask how he feels about marriage or commitment. If he has no intrest in being married, get rid of him

90% of finding a mate consists of filtering out the trash

Anonymous 255991

>never bother with men who have a high body count
What's considered high?

Anonymous 255993

I consider more then 2 to be high

Anonymous 255996

One is too high. Don't settle for used goods.

Anonymous 256013

IMO it's not the "high" body count per say it's how they react to it. Some moids are incapable of having sex without compulsively comparing the bodies of every woman they meet until they're inevitably unhappy with her body or they just start treating women like objects and it gets to their head. A ruined and manipulative moid will abuse you regardless of if their body count is 3 or 300

Anonymous 256018

>Some moids are incapable of having sex without compulsively comparing the bodies of every woman they meet
More like all moids

Anonymous 256027

I don't think it's even about them seeking better bodies. It's this cancerous culture of attaching their value to the amount of women they had sex with. It becomes a habit, an addiction, to the point where they experience distress and are ready to internally justify lying, manipulation and abuse the moment they run out of easy hookups. All for the right to brag about having sex with many women.

The only viable solution to this is to avoid hookup apps and locations like plague because this is their most natural habitat. That's it. They are aware of shit tests. They know what you perceive as a normal healthy non-abusive man and will try to mimic it. A lot of them have no reservations with playing the long game with you, they just keep doing it with other women, maybe even prostitutes, while you are "cooking". There is no winning with them.

The only saving grace here is that these types of scrotes tend to be willing to brag about their body counts even to women they are trying to court. So you can just ask and get the fuck out hard the moment you hear a double digit.

Anonymous 256030

It's not about the bodies, it's about them having a history of seeking meaningless sex and "using" woman for this purpose. If said moid were capable of love, he would have settled with one of the 15 woman he fucked before you.
I hate to break it to you, but you are going to get absolutely used and abused by moids unless you learn how to beat them at their own game. Most moids use far more manipulative tactics than this. It's not about mistreating the moid you end up marrying, it's about weeding through all the trash to find a man who won't betray you.

Anonymous 256207

FDS was extremely unhinged and full of people looking for things to freak out at, however they had some good advice and resources. These are some good reminders for girls with low self-esteem.
> It's not about mistreating the moid you end up marrying, it's about weeding through all the trash to find a man who won't betray you.

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