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Women only colleges Anonymous 255927

Hello nonas! I'm 18 and will be graduating this year. I am interested in majoring in physics or mathematics, I am also interested in going to an undergraduate college for only women. Do any of you know some good women only colleges to consider that also have good STEM programs? Do any of you attend a women's only college and have advice? General college advice is welcome as well!

Anonymous 255967

Congrats on graduating nona, bumping your thread for activity

Anonymous 257195

>majoring in physics or mathematics
>college for only women
So you want your class to be filled with trannies?

Anonymous 257205

smith and barnard are my favorites

Anonymous 257742

>Women's colleges
Most are infested with trannys now. Sorry, you missed out on the pre-troon era.

Anonymous 257758

Hi nona my sister attends an all womens college and sadly they are all shutting down due to being exclusive to COUGH "women" (aka troons)

They do not get enough funding and sadly where i'm from our schools depend so much money from international students, and by cutting men out of the international student tuition fees, they aren't getting their most bang for their buck.

very sad situation, but i hope it isn't like that for other womens colleges outside of commie-Canada

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