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Anonymous 255932

There literally more moids then us especially in those traditional patriarchal countries, so why even show your insecurity online

Incels do this why should the girlies

Anonymous 255935


It's very risky to express insecurity online. Internet is filled with predators because of the lack of consequences.

Sure, incels express their insecurity online but it's actually funny to watch them wallowing in their own resentments, and nobody is going to do anything about it. But when girls do it, their inboxes and DMs are filled with white knighting opportunists who only offer brain dead advice on why you should ditch your boyfriend and date this random anonymous stranger who had just stalked you and read through your post history.
I've seen this happen a lot at mental health subreddits which are supposed to be safe spaces to just vent your thoughts out.

Anonymous 255937

>There literally more moids then us especially in those traditional patriarchal countries
that's always been weird, biologically. humans have a really strong trivers-willard pattern, which even shows up in breast milk nutritional content. it doesn't make sense for a trivers-willard species to have abortion/infanticide preference for male young in famine / poverty conditions, only in prosperity conditions.

Anonymous 255939


Yes, biologically it's weird, but economically its understandable.

Parents, especially in third world shitholes which are patriarchal for the most part, consider boy kids as investments that will keep them afloat in future by taking care of them during old age, because of the lack of pension or social support system.
Girl kids on the other hand are taught household chores and how to be a good servant for scrotes in future, and they get sent to another family through arranged marriage, especially after a big fat wedding and dowry that potentially shaves off at least 30% of the total wealth these parents earned throughout their life. Some shitholes even encourage child marriages and parents marry their girls very young in their early to avoid all the expenses.
These shitty parents decide that they might as well abort the girl than have to live a debt ridden future. Sometimes it's tragic and the husband would keep trying for a boy and turn his wife into a baby machine which eventually ends up with five to ten daughters.

All that is holy is profane.

Anonymous 255940

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