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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 256767

Any serbian anonettes that want to talk to me? I am kinda lonely

Anonymous 256768

Also if you are from serbia we might share discord tags and expand later on

Anonymous 256779

I am bumping because soyjak posters almost pushed my post of catalog.

Anonymous 256788

Not serbian, but I like yugoslav culture, if you still want to add me

Anonymous 256847

majmune glupi, za ne razumiješ da muški ovdje ne smiju sudjelovati u razgovorima?

Anonymous 256976

is Kosovo serbian or not

Anonymous 256984

I used to learn serbian because my e-gf was half serb

Anonymous 256999


Nisam iz srbije ali sretno nonica, tijekom godina sam upoznala nekoliko hrvatica ovdje, nadam se da ces i ti!!

Anonymous 257147

Nema bre

Anonymous 259178

Jel imate mozda discоrd pa da vas dodam?

Anonymous 265087

you're trying to start shit aren't you LMAO

Anonymous 265128

You seriously think anyone here cares?

Anonymous 265167

I took Italian classes because my then gf was Italian. My Italian is poor because our relationship didn't last long. I feel like a cuck having taken classes partially for her.

Anonymous 265177

If you didn't care then you wouldn't have responded, no?

Anonymous 265300

Че оритим овам и не мож ми никво. Че ме банујеш ли? Че ми дојдеш ли пред врата у мојти Присјан? Циго усташки.

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