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Anonymous 258666

What kind of jobs can you have as a woman that doesn't require you to have a degree or to deal with people? Working in food service or in retail makes me depressed

Anonymous 258667


>doesn't require you to deal with people

That one's hard.

>doesn't require you to have a degree

That one's hard, but not as hard.

>doesn't require you to deal with people AND have a degree

This may as well be a pipe dream unless you're skills are something very specialized like IT or want to spend several years just making beer money and hoping to get lucky. From what I hear, overnight grocery stocking might be your best bet.

Anonymous 258669

The night shift for caregiving. You basically do nothing your whole shift.

Anonymous 258673

There's no such thing. Try to get a degree.

Anonymous 258674

nona, you will have to put yourself in a slightly uncomfortable situation at work and do some stuff you don't want thats just life. Consider a city job or remote work options for something approximate to your goals.

Anonymous 258687

Hotel night auditor

Anonymous 258700

Some people seem to cope better than others. I don’t think I can do it.

Anonymous 258738

what if I'm stupid?
I understand and I think I'm fairly good at dealing with uncomfortable situations but at the expense of my health, I have so much repressed anger from working in retail and It's going to kill me this is a life or death situation.

Anonymous 258769

Work in a warehouse, though you gotta be fit enough to sometimes pick up and lift heavy shit
Friend of mine does because she wanted to get out of the restaurant business and loves how easy and stress free it is

Anonymous 258770

Your options are mostly physically demanding stuff like warehouse work or trades.
These jobs (and the companies that hire for them) are fucking horrible. I have worked customer service and manual labor jobs before
customer service sucks but it sucks WAY less.
You have the option of security too, which is easy work but it is mind numbing.

Anonymous 258771


You can make cakes and bake bread, you can sell them as homemade and earn extra money. I was thinking about taking a cake-making course and selling it at my mom's work.

Anonymous 258773

Stocking shelves, cleaning and making coffee.

Anonymous 258827

Why don't you just get a degree nona? I found studying something that interested me helped me develop social skills, since I was around people with naturally similar dispositions.

Anonymous 258925

Nta but fuck off. GeT a DeGrEe. Come the fuck on. Go get scammed out of hundreds of thousands of dollars, years of your life, huff academia's farts, and take on a mountain of stress just to get a piece of paper saying you contributed to the self-flaggelation rat race. Western society is broken and we have every retard on the planet telling other retards to take on mountains of shit in their life to appease the beast only to be grinding themselves down to dirt with a glitter sparkle on their name for getting a fucking degree.

OP, becoming a desk jockey with a $500,000 piece of paper you're in debt for won't make you happy. The way out of depression is to change your outlook and do different things with your little free time. Good luck, because nobody is fucking happy anymore.

Anonymous 258926

Most nightshift jobs are pretty un-social. You could also try being a truck driver if you don't mind dealing with moids for the training

Anonymous 258974

why do you think getting a degree makes you so defensive? do you think it's a sour grapes thing?

Anonymous 259085


>$500,000 piece of paper

I have yet to find a job from it, but my degree doesn't cost anywhere near that much. I went to a non-fancy state school for CS and am going to be paying back only 23k. It really depends on what you go to school for and where.

Anonymous 259141

being a cog in the machine does not make you happy or smart. I've known more people chewed up and spat out by the system than the reverse. Telling people to go to school (tm) is just an easy prepackaged statement that everybody spouts like programmed robots. No better way to tell a midwit by how essential they think a gold trimmed paper is.

Anonymous 259195

You're not stupid if you know how to use an imageboard.

Anonymous 259201

Lighthouse keeper.

Anonymous 259202

lighthouse keeper job is dying because lighthouses are slowly getting fully automated and the only ones requiring manual maintenance already have nepotistic dynasties doing that

Anonymous 259203

I'm pretty happy because I work a job I find fulfilling, and I wouldn't be eligible for it without a degree. I don't think your claim that
>Good luck, because nobody is fucking happy anymore.

is true. I know lots of people who are happy because they've managed to pursue jobs they find fulfilling, but what all these jobs had in common was that they required a university education.

Anonymous 259251

>something very specialized like IT
Those require degrees.
Mayhaps. But being this broke can't possibly make you happy either.

Anonymous 259254

>what if I'm stupid?
Get a psychology degree.

Anonymous 259275

Working for the post office. Good benefits, decent pay, long hours though. Drug tests too, so that turns a lot of potential people who would work for them down. It's funny because I use to bartend near a post office and the amount of mail people who'd get off work and drink beers all night was often. I bet they wouldn't be so short staffed if they'd hire the stoner population. My aunt's been working for them for years and she has so much vacation time that it seems ridiculous, but she puts in the hours. My mom does her taxes and she makes more than 80k. I'm considering it myself, I don't smoke anymore and I am also very tired of food/retail and want somewhere to hang my hat. I'm getting too old to keep jumping jobs.

Anonymous 259285

shes right thats what im doing rn

Anonymous 259286

No they don't. That's CS.

Anonymous 259293


My mom only got her GED but was pretty successful in trucking and health care (she's currently a nurse). Trucking is moid dominated and super dangerous and can affect your health, but it is a the best to make money if you don't have a degree. And healthcare is always easy to get into as a sitter. Eventually to be a nurse you'd have to get a degree but it won't take too long…

Anonymous 259297

How is it dangerous

Anonymous 259307

Crane operator.

Anonymous 259313

Well, you are hauling tons of metal moving at highspeed. And my mom used to haul tankers so you can often be transporting hazmat. But it's a pretty solitary job if you want it to be- most of the day you're on the road by yourself. But despite this my mom always says it's the funniest job she had, and she's a huge loner like me. She even went to Canada. The beds in trucks are also kinda comfy too, tho it says a lot about our society that truckers need them

Anonymous 259314


When I worked on a construction site briefly there were some women skid steer drivers and other heavy equipment operators.

Anonymous 259317

there are women who do stuff like that but they're badasses and far and few between

Anonymous 259322


Attempted thefts when you're sleeping in your cabin at rest stops. I understand you're sometimes expected to protect your boss' cargo.

Anonymous 259338

get a job as a dishwasher

Anonymous 259349


Nonas, I am not the OP, but I will tell you that I'm at the end of my rope. I've been working for 9 years at the shittiest shit retail jobs, then ran away from home to stay with an autistic nona and now I can't find a job. I have no skills, I'm going to ART SCHOOL, and am negatives in my bank account. Pretty much everywhere is telling me to wait until next year to start applying again. My options are even more limited because everyone here speaks spanish. What the fuck do I do guys? How do I get a job just to start again?! I can't even get a wagie job. My only talent is drawing doodles and loredumping, and I fucking can't go anywhere like that…

My tip for the OP: get a guard license by going to guard school in your respective area and trust me

Anonymous 259350

If you live in a major metropolitan area take city tests to open you up to job opportunities. I can't tell you how many times innocuous tests or licenses have turned out to be the one thing an employer is looking for. Also look into a good handlers license. Might be some good places to start.

Anonymous 259387


>What the fuck do I do guys? How do I get a job just to start again?! I can't even get a wagie job.

For wagie jobs I had 0 job experience and was told repeatedly to just lie on my resume for them, but I didn't listen. I ended up working at a fast food place where I had coworkers who had been in and out of prison. Clearly, even if these places check, they don't care nearly that much because of how much they need people and how much they suck ass. If you're being considered unqualified, start making shit up. If you're being considered overqualified, start making yourself sound more retarded.

Anonymous 296421

Call center or something like Hobby Lobby.

Anonymous 296504

Anon wants a job where you don't have to deal with people, working at a call centre would be the worst job for her.

Anonymous 296540

Become a deep sea welder Nona. That job pays well too.

Anonymous 296922

try landscaping, Its a labour job but I enjoy it alot

Anonymous 296957

Night shifts are a paradise tbh. No matter the type of job, they're generally more chill - no rush hours, no people to deal with. Plus not as much competition I guess, since not a lot of people are willing to compromise their lifestyle for a job

Anonymous 296975



>usually don't need a degree for a more specialized publication
>-> can later apply to a better but less forgiving place with more experience
>can work from home
>-> no office drama or transportation expenses
>get to express at least some creativity

>need to be good at writing and with your native language in general
>likely the same for English if ESL speaker
>might have to cover uncomfortable topics (troon/handmaiden/gossip/other) if unlucky
>might get green ink from nutters

source: am one
>uni dropout at 26 yo, landed the job at 29 yo
>six-hour day, ca. €20/$22 / h
>about one in five people in the office have relevant degrees
>one remote worker has come to the office just twice in the last 4 years

Anonymouse 296995


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