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Anonymous 259152

Has anyone else noticed people who get addicted to TikTok and people who get addicted to porn develop the same physical tics?

Everything about their physicality, especially the way they hold, display, and interact with objects. You can tell what they are.

Is it because both porn and TikTok hijack your attention span with short, quick, exaggerated movements? Is it because people who go viral on TikTok intentionally pornify nonsexual actions? Is it the reliance on POV shots in both? Something else?

(pic unrelated)

Anonymous 259154

tiktok is shit, porn is shit.

Anonymous 259155

Can you list examples of these physical tics?

Anonymous 259156


I think that it's tiktok that appeals to a demographic porn-addicted coomers with premature ejaculation issues and erectile problems which demands extremely stimulating stuff, and those who go viral take advantage of it.

Countries where pornography is banned like Turkey or South Korea, or has to pass through regulations like pixelation of genitalia in Japan are very popular when it comes to clothed softcore pornography [chaku-ero] featuring women [and children] in sexual outfits and making sexual poses, and twitch and tiktok is basically that.
I won't specify where it is but there's a whole imageboard dedicated to tiktok girls [including underage] and moids posting creepy and lewd comments to it. There's at least 2000 posts per day in there. There's also another imageboard that's dedicated to instagram models [including children in early teens]. These exist simply because it's "legal". Very creepy stuff.

Anonymous 259191

its just addiction to a screen. moids who cannot stop scrolling through instagram and tik tok are all bound to be porn addicts, theyre just bound to run into softcore porn on those sites at some point. ive looked through a lot of instagram "meme" pages that have a follower demographic of mostly males, they all post the same half nude clips of OF models and tik tok girls.

Anonymous 259199

I'm a tiktok addict.

Anonymous 259204

can you describe these tics in more detail? I'm not addicted to either of these things but I want to know if I look like I am

Anonymous 259298

Get off of it, I promise you’ll feel better. I deleted it for two weeks, got bored and redownloaded, was then met with the same shit content and symptoms. I’ve now had it deleted it for almost a month consistently and my mental health has improved. TikTok purposely shows you rage bait, sad shit, spiritual consumerism, and political garbo.

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