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Asshole Leftists Ruining Reddit Anonymous 259354

My account got recently banned from being accused of hate and attacking someone one and this untrue followed even further from the fact that they haven't even pointed out what I said was even that someone just accused me of it and that mod whomever it was just automatically sided with that person and neither of them have even showed what I said was an actual concern warranting banning my account and the mods have actually deleted the comment so there's no way to know that I said to show that it's what they claim it is.

I've emailed and messaged every place possible on reddit inquiring about this matter and what I want to know now and what I'm wanting to ask is what and where do I go from here now?

does anyone know how, what or where I can go to contact the reddit admins directly?


Anonymous 259355

Take it as a sign you should ditch that hellhole website. It's just trannies, future trannies, and handmaidens from the top down.

Anonymous 259357


Use something like removeddit [does it still exist?] to reveal deleted comments.

Anonymous 259358

? Reddit is one of the easiest websites to create a new account, they don't even ask for phone number or anything. Just create a new account. I usually make ones using 10minutemail

Anonymous 259360

If you make an new account use a new IP since it can be shadowbanned.

Anonymous 259362

>Appeal your suspension through the link provided in your suspension message or through https://www.reddit.com/appeals if a link isn't provided

I've done this sort of to a degree and they just flatly out rightly just rejected my appeal like only moments after making/sending it, so that ain't gonna be much of a help seeing how they don't even take the time to be assed enough to look into it properly

Anonymous 259364

90% of the mod teams are troons that mod multiple unrelated surreddit. you can be banned for the mildest shit. Ditch that shithole even 4chan is better for hobby discussion

Anonymous 259367

few things brought me closer to sanity than getting banned from reddit

Anonymous 259368

Reddit was always awful.

Anonymous 259372

I think the reason trannies hold so much power is because of how willing they are to janny. Think about it, troons are often unemployed and the internet is their only social network. Ever wonder why troons are all over the internet, but rarely seen irl? It's because they're moding 4chan and reddit. We need to beat them at their own game and get more women to janny. I know it's hard because us cis people have lives, but we gotta find the time to janny. Lets show those trannies that we can also do it for free.

Anonymous 259375

Anonymous 259389

>"ruining" reddit
nona I

Anonymous 259390

I think one of the greatest achievements of the propaganda model was to equate marxist ideology with troonism.

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