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Anonymous 259421

Trudeau is allegedly a groomer lol

Anonymous 259424

water is also wet, more at 11

Anonymous 259438>>261019

he also literally did brownface

Anonymous 260650

A lot of his friends a perverts so it's not surprising. Chris ingvaldson and John Peter Dalglish are perfect examples.

Anonymous 260651

Here's an article stating that his wife Sophie left him because he was allegedly a kid fucker

Anonymous 261019>>261134

He is half Cuban

Anonymous 261134

that doesnt matter lol, its still blackface and he was making fun of black people
i mean it was funny as fuck, but him being cuban doesnt make it less racist.

Anonymous 261168>>261225

All men are pedos unironically, I'm actually quite shocked that they don't try to normalize it more

Anonymous 261225

Anti-pedo socialization is modestly effective in curbing their impulses

Anonymous 261255

Girl, just look at any country with 0 women's rights like afghanistan and you will see the average marrying age for women is like 12

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