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very relaxed eyes …

Anonymous 259857

Does anyone have any book good recomendations? Been kinda low lately and wanting something to read to pass being down ;p

Anonymous 259858

No i domt read im a phillistine

Anonymous 259880

Ice by Anna Kavan. I really loved reading this and would reread again, something about it really speaks to me. Sayaka Murata is good, I loved her book Earthlings, the last part of the book genuinely shocked me. Both are a bit depressing I suppose, but they're so good. Something a little more comfy would be the Hearing Trumpet by Leonara Carrington, surreal, a little odd but ultimately it picked me up. I second Ottessa Moshfegh, despite her critics, I like her more blunt style of writing and would recommend all her books. The Last Unicorn and A Fine and a Private Place by Peter S Beagle are two books I always turn to when I'm feeling depressed.

Anonymous 260123

Jane Austen. It didn't click for me until I started imagining some characters as more taking the piss out of British nobility but once the click happened I loved her books.
I bet CC readers would like Emma.

Anonymous 260129

Swastika Night. It's The Man in the High Castle meets A Handmaiden's Tale. Not only did it predict an imperial Germany years before the Blitzkrieg, but it was a dystopic science fiction written a decade before 1984. And it illustrates the inextricable links between male chauvinism and fascism.

Anonymous 260216

Flowers Of The Killer Moon was pretty good. Described the corruption of the FBI and murder of Natives. It's alright if you're looking for a true-story crime book.

Anonymous 260349

The Vegetarian by Han Kang.

Anonymous 260351

What kind of genres do you like?

Anonymous 260401

Screenshot 2023-12…

Another good Korean one: Concerning my daughter. A widow is trying to ignore her daughter is lesbian, but she comes back home with her girlfriend.

Anonymous 260404

Korean Literature …

Nice, noted. Here's the whole chart about Korean lit while we're at it.

Anonymous 260561


Amanda Lohrey, The Labyrinth
It's nice, full of quiet melancholy and a dash of hope.

Anonymous 260611


>not telling us what genres you like

I suggest Oliver Sacks. Redpill yourself on neurology, it's fun.

Anonymous 260615

What is an accomplished woman?

Anonymous 260620

Screenshot 2023-12…

Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. It changed my life. Can also work as a self-help book if you take the message of Earthseed to heart.

Anonymous 261110

Here's some of my favourites:
Flowers for Algernon
The Outsider - Camus
Brave New World
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Breakfast at Tiffany's

Have been very slowly working through Letters from a Stoic by Seneca which I also recommend but it's not the kind of book you read quickly.

Anonymous 261164

If you're looking for things to cheer you up then I can recommend most things by Goudge, they all have a light storybook feel with nice endings since she wrote a lot of children's books. Novels like Gentian Inn and Pilgrim's Inn always cheered me up by the end, but then I started not knowing what to expect. They were just unexpected pleasant little flowers that popped up by chance in a sea of cynicism.

Sacks is a wonderful writer.

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