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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 259995

Anyone else think they used to be happy before COVID or is it just nostalgia or just repressed trauma that came back to bite me again?
Maybe it's the vaccines that's making me feel like shit?

Anonymous 260001

Covid was a sort of cementing period of a lot of people's pessimism for the future. It went from things look "uncertain" to things look fucked.

Anonymous 260008

Nostalgia + mass media repeating "war, pestilence, famine" everyday ever since (it does wear on you).
Build your own corner of happiness, in your community, with your people. It is actually enough for a happy life.

Anonymous 260028

I think it's far more likely that the lack of a decent future perspective is making you feel like shit. Never before was a generation so bombarded with negative news (wars, climate change, hunger, poverty, housing market, job market, declining health care system etc.) not just locally but globally and never before in recent history had youth such a depressing future to look forward to. Before us, each generation was better off than their parents before them, no more.

Try to stop consuming news or limit to like once a week.

Anonymous 260041

Not just a matter of perception, things are going to shit big time.

Anonymous 260069

To be honest I hardly noticed covid. I worked nights and never go anywhere. It was like the world in my home became more cozy tbh.

Anonymous 261119

You were happy before and you will be happy again.

Anonymous 261165

I was happy during Covid and I wish it would come back

Anonymous 261241

Online school was the thing that really fucked me up. Having no friends and barely ever going outside made me depressed as hell. On top of that since then my attention span and grades have been super fucked

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