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gender relations Anonymous 260124

i see lots of people say the relations between males and women is on the decline these days. does anyone here agree with that? or is it not actually a huge deal? and if it is true, what is causing it? social media? changing culture? not wanting children? late stage capitalism? porn? men? women? a little bit of everything? or something else?

Anonymous 260125

Relations between men and women have always been a hot-button topic. What we call gender wars today has gone by many names and taken many forms. I don't think gender relations are on the decline. We just like to project current societal issues onto a facet of human life that has been there from the beginning.

Anonymous 260132


>I don't think gender relations are on the decline

Anonymous 260133

They don't teach it in your schools? People used to need to be a community and a family to survive; nowadays they don't even need to be a couple, so they chose not to.
In short: stronger individuals (or less aggressive world, depends how you see it) means more choices, and more people choosing celibate life.

Anonymous 260143

These days, when you want to talk about that there will always be someone who will ask what a woman is.
So, yeah, it's bad. There are strong conflicts inside our society.

Actual men vs actual women isn't the worse but everyone is opinionated and think it's cool to vomit on others on the internet and that is new. It's clearly worse than before.

>stronger individuals
>less aggressive world
Does it seem to you that individual people are stronger now than two generation before? Or that our countries are less aggressive?

Anonymous 260147

well im not in school, but i dont think modern academia is teaching "redpill" or "manosphere" ideology

Anonymous 260148

Probable ESL issue.
"Stronger" as in more powerful, a higher number of capacities. People nowadays can travel long distances, live longer, know and do more things, they have more abilities.
"less agressive" : less interpersonal violence, less risks, more protection in our current world. As in: no wolves, thieves, or plague outside your door whenever you need to find food.
Before, you needed a big ass family to survive a disease taking your kids or your harvest. Now you can be alone and more or less deal with whatever the world is sending your way.
So we don't need anymore to live as groups (family) or even as couples. Hence the reduced number of durable relationships; the social incentive is much less important.

Anonymous 260152

People today can't fix their home, mend their clothes and sometime not even cook a meal. Let's be honest with ourselves, we are passive consumers. And I am sure we know less than the people in the past. After all, we don't have to, we will just ask a friendly corporation what's happening.

Wolves were dealt with as soon as we had a minimum density of population. We have a lot more thieves because now we don't know everyone we meet and thievery isn't punished by 20 whips anymore and we just had a pandemy.

You are right on the rest, our consumerist society is also individualistic. Now we all are alone together.

Anonymous 260160

What does this have to do with gender relations, exactly?

Anonymous 260164

>People today can't fix their home
Because they don't need to! I'm not saying it's a good thing, but you can not know all of these things and still live safely, because that's the less dangerous world we live in.
This isn't a moral or essential proposition about the nature of humans, rather a fact: we are able to do a lot of things in a safer world, we are less reliant on other people and their relationships, hence we have less relationships.

Anonymous 260165

The plumbing still need fixing. Roofs require regular maintenance. Doors and windows aren't eternal. Our homes are more complex than the log cabins so they require more maintenance. We simply pay professionals to do it.

I understand what you are saying and I agree, we don't need to form relationships to get what we need anymore. We pay someone to do it. Everything is monetized now. I blame capitalists for turning self sufficient communities into cash machines.

Anonymous 260213

The post you're replying to wasn't about women, but about people in general.

Anonymous 260214

Yeah every era has their "gender wars", "crisis of masculinity", "spinster epidemic", etc., going back further than one would assume

Anonymous 260241

do you have an example? what did the relations look like in that era versus today?

Anonymous 260323

Men and women marrying more doesn't mean they hated each other less, or understood each other better.

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