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2024 Anonymous 260278

The new year will start in a few days.
What do you want from 2024? How do you plan on getting it?
What do you want less of? How will you get rid of it?
What do you hope to happen?

Anonymous 260287

>What do you want from 2024?
How do you plan on getting it?
amazon :)
>What do you want less of?
tummy fat
>How will you get rid of it?
>What do you hope to happen?
bird flu epidemic

Anonymous 260293


>What do you want from 2024?

A sense of direction in my life and to start a punk band
>How do you plan on getting it?
Studying math and history to pass my university entrance exams and study artificial intelligence. Also writing lyrics and finding bandmates. My craigslist ad was abused by horny moids who keep spamming my email so I'll have to try searching in person.
>What do you want less of? How will you get rid of it?
I want to stop feeling held back by my deadbeat boyfriend and to just focus on living my life to the fullest but I don't want him out of my life
>What do you hope to happen?
For my boyfriend to get his life together so I can stop playing mommy and actually enjoy my life

Anonymous 260319

>What do you want from 2024? How do you plan on getting it?
a good routine to keep me busy
eh idk how tho
>What do you want less of? How will you get rid of it?
less care even less
>What do you hope to happen?
a good routine

Anonymous 260571


I want more serenity, less worry. Each year bring a bit more of the first, less of the second, so I'm welcoming 2024.

Anonymous 260573

I'm way older than you I guess. Age does bring some sort of tranquillity.

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