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Anonymous 260770

Weed Q&A

>Have you ever smoked weed?

>Are you/have you been a stoner?
>Why do/did you smoke weed?
>Did you quit/do you plan to?

Feel free to add additional comments about your experiences with weed.

Anonymous 260771

Screenshot 2024-01…



Started when I was 14.

>Yes, but not a stoner anymore.

I went through phases of smoking constantly and not smoking at all. Weed isn't conducive to my well-being.

>I started smoking because my teachers went on strike in the 8th grade so they banned extracurricular activities.

My family was dysfunctional as fuck at the time and school had been my escape. Eventually curiosity got the better of me so I tried a weed brownie and grew to love the feeling of altering my brain chemistry.

I smoked to escape from life and feel comfortable being bored, inactive and complacent in my life.

>Yes, I quit.

It's been about 6 months since I quit absolute stonerism again. I want to be a writer and weed makes me retarded. As relaxing as weed is, I can't smoke it without sabotaging my ambitions.

I now smoke only on very special occasions, and I'll only take one puff or two at most.

Anonymous 260774

Being pro-legalization without ever smoking weed outside of a few social situations has really warped my perception of it.
Made me assume it's safe, "better than alcohol" (since people on weed don't rage or cry on it), not addictive and so on.
I also knew a couple of people who claimed it helps them work and stuff like that.

It was all bullshit. Doing it sometimes is perfectly fine, great even, but the moment you start doing it regularly, it fucks you up, even if you don't do a lot, only smoke before sleep etc.

There absolutely are weed comedowns and hangovers.
There's a large incentive to develop a psychological addiction too, since it makes you feel comfy and sleep better.
Doing it regularly affects your psychology, makes you apathetic even when you're sober.

Oh, and the person who could work while hight? They turned out to be a nepotistic hack who gets paid to sit at home and work 3 hours a week while pretending they are full-timing, because their daddy invested into the company they work at.

Anonymous 260777


Not only are there comedowns and hangovers, but there's also withdrawal.

Withdrawing from a life of smoking a joint every 2 hours was absolute hell. I was nauseated all the time, it took me up to four hours to fall asleep, I was a bundle of nerves and got pissed off at everything. It took weeks to return to some kind of normal.

Also a myth that you "can't smoke too much weed" like you can drink too much alcohol. Best cases I've just fallen asleep in my chair, at worst I have thrown up from smoking/eating too much weed on several occasions.

I never want to go back to being a stoner. Cramming food down my throat until I feel sick, not being able to have a coherent thought, no reflexes, not able to hold a conversation because life feels like it's restarting every 5 seconds… For me it's like choosing to replace your brain with that of a goldfish

Anonymous 260781

Also, weed culture in US sounds fucking insane. Some states seem to barely treat it as a vice that needs to be regulated. Americans consume INSANE amounts of THC through all those fancy concentrates, gimmick strains, every type of edible under the sun and so on.

Anonymous 260783

The concept of medical marijuana was a mistake. For every person who gets to experience it's benefits there's now 20 stoners who genuinely feel this stuff is good for them, just because it got accepted into medical fields.

Anonymous 260784


I think the culture is the problem, not legislation. We let people ruin themselves with extremely high % alcohol, for example.

In the 70s weed had MUCH lower levels of THC. Nowadays weed has levels of THC up to 40% when it used to be around 10% at most, yet people are regurgitating the same "ITS PEACE, LOVE AND MEDICINE" rhetoric from back then. Different dosage, different effects

Anonymous 260813

I'm a stoner it doesn't make me retarded but then again I don't have an addictive personality at all and try to only smoke during the evening- i use the oil for cramps and as a balm for injuries it works great. I don't think I'd quit but I'd stop smoking and use other methods.

Anonymous 260827

YEAH buddy
>Smoke almost daily
>"Stoner" no, I don't "identify" as a stoner, I think I would be considered one at different points of my life, depending on how you look at it.
>Feels good man.
>Sometimes I'll quit when it starts to be not fun or I can't afford it, like when I keep having panic attacks. Gotta take a break once and a while or else it sucks.

I only enjoy "flower" and edibles. I don't fuck around with dabs because that's a popcorn lung panic attack waiting to happen

Anonymous 260917

my dab pen lasts me 4 months regularly
helps me quell anxiety and go about my day alongside helping me recover from sports

stoner personalities are unbearable and usually gross people

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