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i wonder if any dinosaurs were like this Anonymous 260999

>male emu builds nest
>attracts females to his nest
>female emu chooses his nest
>lays her eggs there
>male incubates the eggs for over fifty days
>through all weather conditions
>never eating nor drinking
>raises the chicks once they hatch
>basically single fathers

Anonymous 261004


There was one study about oviraptor nesting behaviour and it estimated that the relationship of the clutch size and the oviraptors' body size was the one, that is typical for species in which males took care of the offspring. (they have the largest clutches) It's not solid rock proof, but is believable enough. So I guess, some dinos were single fathers.
But I don't think all of them were like that, only certain species

Anonymous 261050

Btw, are there any nonas who like paleontology/dinosaurs? I would like to discuss paleo stuff without retarded moids arguing about the strongest dinosaur and other crap

Anonymous 261061

Bird or lizard dinos?

Anonymous 261080

Bird dinos, but I am biased, because I like birds more than lizards. But lizards are cool too

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