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secrets thread Anonymous 261146

tell me a secret, nona

Anonymous 261147

I steal pigeons and ducks from the public park. Keep them as pets for a week then let them go.

Anonymous 261150

i have a problem with porn addiction and i'm ashamed.

Anonymous 261153

i thought i was asexual until i discovered kpop

Anonymous 261263

i love pooping

Anonymous 261266

I used to love pooping until I got hemorrhoids

Anonymous 261281

have u noticed a change in ur pigeons behavior after u release them or do u lose track

Anonymous 262122

more than once have i dragged kangaroo roadkill onto someones lawn

Anonymous 262346

i live in a room full of slugs

Anonymous 262347

i have a love hate relationship with pooping

Anonymous 262352

I have stolen a grand total of 18 pairs of sunglasses from my exes.

Anonymous 262358

Period poops are no fun though.

Anonymous 262365

>she doesn't skin the pelt and nab the best cuts for bush-tucker

Anonymous 297791

I lied about a guy saying some awful shit to me in school. He deserved it though, he was one of the dickheads who thought it'd be funny to harass me.
I told them i "couldn't repeat what he said" and they just…bought it lol
10/10, would lie again

Anonymous 297833

Work had me sent to a few days ago and stole a Mercedes hood ornament and porsche horse badge. I want to make a necklace or something out of the former. Not sure what to do with the latter.

Anonymous 297834

*sent me to a junkyard and I stole

Holy fuck I know I put that in wtf is up?

Anonymous 298011

i will never trust people again and i really hate jaffacakes.

Anonymous 298024

I have a shopping addiction and I've secretly wanted to break up with my boyfriend for months

Anonymous 298039


im a gorl world addict and i want to stop

Anonymous 298049

I used to be obsessed with chantal but she's so boring now. Really miss the crackhead era

Anonymous 298059


Pineapples have tiny seeds hidden in them

Anonymous 298090


i made myself a daki of an OC of mine so I can hug him while I sleep…

2D men are the only worthy men

Anonymous 298092

i lied to him about my weight while we were e-dating, lost it two months later, and then never told him about it

Anonymous 298127

They usually don't charge for badges.
Hood ornaments are a different story.
Stealing is wrong m'kay

Anonymous 301158

if you were able to lose it in two months, surely you initially didnt weigh that much right? unless you were anamaxxing. if he really adored you he wouldnt care if you're 5-10kgs heavier… hope you're happy and healthy regardless nona


Actually it’s pineapple rind ☝️🤓

Anonymous 301437


i once got a vibrator stuck up there and lived like that for a day or two until it came out

Anonymous 301480

I tell my bf I paint 5-8 hours a day but I only do it for 2-3

Anonymous 301483

lol same, but I feel bad about it

Anonymous 301663

i steal shit but like, really minor shit that no one would notice
i see some yugioh/hello kitty plush left out on a table? i take it and it's mine now
if i see an eraser and nobody's watching, i take it
i've been doing this for months now and nobody ever found out it was me
i've never actually stolen anything from a store though, there's no way i'd get away with that

Anonymous 301664

I wear men's stretchy boxer briefs
Really comfy and easy to wear

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