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stuck on tablecloth Anonymous 262135

i use old bedsheets as tablecloth for my tiny desk. i always fold them multiple times so they fit the tiny table. there must be a better way to do this.

there are gigantic mousepads but i'm not buying gamer-shit and besides those aren't even built for being washed. i like how i can wash my old bedsheets when i spill something on them.

they are stained and have tears in them though. i can't even find regular cotton bedsheets in one color anymore. everything i found in the last years (yeah YEARS, that's how long i am not succeeding at finding something to replace…) is either some ugly pattern i don't wanna live with or some fitted sheet that is not even 100% cotton.

i kind of like the thought that i have multiple colors and can put a tablecloth on based on mood or time of the year.

i feel like what i am looking for is too simple to be available in stores. stores want to complicate everything so they can ask more money for it.

any idea is greatly appreciated, i hate to be stuck on this, i am this close to give up and just use towels.

Anonymous 262136

i should probably just get cotton fabric in different colors and cut it or fold it, though last time i was buying fabrics it was the same problem. i found a lot of complicated fabrics but none that are just simple one color.

Anonymous 262141

>not using newspapers
I can't be the only one

Anonymous 262144

lol this made me chuckle. i can't use newspaper though because my arms are laying on the desk as i type this. when my arms get sweaty in the summer then they would get stuck on the paper and i would have little blurry text stuck on my arms.

also the cotton i use now makes the table soft for the arms to lay on. newspaper isn't soft.

Anonymous 262316

>i can't use newspaper though because my arms are laying on the desk as i type this. when my arms get sweaty in the summer then they would get stuck on the paper and i would have little blurry text stuck on my arms
That's what hardcover books or other surfaces are made for that lie on top of the newspapers

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