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TiM/TiF Clocking Quiz Anonymous 264622

Less than happy with my initial 2 tries, but doing well since 3 and 4 here. What about the rest of you miners?


Anonymous 264623


Wow I suck at this

Anonymous 264625


Not as bad as me. Wonder if my score is this low because I kept over clocking.

Anonymous 264627


omg?? they all looks like men

Anonymous 264628

cc isn't letting me upload the file, but i got 75% on my first go around. 80% on my second. anyone else getting an error message when attempting to validate your code?

Anonymous 264632


Coming in strong, some repeat images but overall pretty easy to clock

Anonymous 264633

Anonymous 264634


1st try, this is easy

Anonymous 264640


I feel like MtFs are almost always super obvious but the weird makeup FtMs throw me off honestly.

Anonymous 264644


Anonymous 264646

kill yourself moid

Anonymous 264650

It was created by a tranny so you have to play mind games like comparing a top 0.01% TiM (often a Thai ladyboy) with an average woman from the grocery store.
Real life isn't a photo which can be altered with angles and filters.

Anonymous 264653

>high accuracy
This makes sense. I expect cis women to sometimes have lower scores (65%) and trans women to sometimes have insanely higher ones (95%). My assumption is because TERFs are more likely to overreport out of paranoia while trans women are likely to be familiar with their community. Mine is here >>264644 at 85% (cis). There's also this anon >>264641 at 75% (transw). I generally didn't go by instinct and instead tried to decide by weighing the midface length, brow bone, and "openness" of the eye sockets.

Thanks for mentioning you're trans even though you will get banned.

Anonymous 264666

I can only get up to 75% consistently.
I tried to see what happens if I just pick the target gender and got 50%, so half of them aren't troons. That means 50% of troons slip through my cracks which is unacceptable. Let us share our tips and tricks to detect them more reliably.

Anonymous 264667

>Real life isn't a photo which can be altered with angles and filters.
I feel like this is the key point in the end. Just being able to see someone from different angles or move irl I bet everyone's score goes up 10-20% at minimum.

Anonymous 264676

Pure guessing would get you 50%, so if you get a 75% it means you're wrong half the time. Anything under 90 is abysmal, truly, idk why you guys are bragging about your inability to clock trannies.

Anonymous 264680

most of these people are so fucking ugly they barely pass as humans

Anonymous 264716


lol ez

Anonymous 264717


i just keep getting better at it.

Anonymous 264743


i think this a good enough.

Anonymous 264752


Thought my autistic face blindness would work against me

Anonymous 264759

it's weird seeing David Revoy's cat avatars used here
also I got 75%

Anonymous 264763


Yaaaaaaaay 💖

Anonymous 264766

Same, tifs are always harder to clock. If the test was only tims this would be a cake walk.

Anonymous 264856

skill issue, pooners are so obvious

Anonymous 264869

>won't show wrong answers

Anonymous 264909

it’s not so obvious when they actually dress like men

Anonymous 264912

Autism faceblindness mostly to blame I suppose.

Anonymous 264913

Embarrassing ;_;
Either I am faceblind or they all are equally ugly to me

Anonymous 264923

80% on first try. 4 wrong out of 20 so thats good and we can tell the bulk of the time?

Anonymous 264931


Not as good as i would have hoped, i tried to judge by the adam's apple in all cases… I know facial hair can be faked with hormones

Anonymous 264940


that was a little hard but im content for my 1st try

Anonymous 264943

I'm pretty sure this website was made by a troon.

Anonymous 264944

That just makes it sadder to me. They have the advantage and they're still losing overall.
They struggle to pass even in handpicked, cropped, low quality static photos.
The trick only works behind a screen. The real world is something else entirely.

Anonymous 264951

Were all the examples used trans identified?

Anonymous 264952


Wish I could see what I got wrong. I do think that sometimes face wise it's hard to tell someones sex that easily because ugly amorphous blob humans exist, and sexual dimorphism in the face can be pretty low especially when women don't wear makeup and have a t-beard. Seeing someones whole body would make this test too easy though, or god forbid, a video.

Anonymous 264953


80%, up from 50%.

Anonymous 264954

first attempt no r…

I concur, most of them really do look like men. I guess ugliness is inherently male in my eyes, if that's any validation to TIFs.

Anonymous 264957


Up from 50%, I just went by what I thought they were trying to present themselves as and picked the opposite

Anonymous 265056


idk what I was expecting, but it was bothersome to have to look at so many ugly people.

Anonymous 265073


do ugly people just merge together? topkek

Anonymous 265095


this thread encapsulates something i find annoying about young self-identified terfs. talking about male and female faces, their differences, and their overlap can be interesting. conflating ugly women with troons is not praxis.

Anonymous 265098


Anonymous 265103


I think I got tricked by some TIFs and a "passing" TIM (or two) because he covered his neck well.

Anonymous 265120


1st try

Anonymous 265129



Anonymous 265130



Anonymous 265133

Screenshot 2024-03…

Anonymous 265135

How did this even happen anon LOL

Anonymous 265166


Anonymous 265228

> 60-75%
> barely beating a coin flip

kinda seems like most of you really cant tell tbh

Anonymous 265323

>needs to pretend a half of anons here aren't over 85%
No matter you try, you will never be the 25% of passing ugly troons

Anonymous 266434

I'd probably get 100 if the pictures weren't carefully selected.
Got a 75

Anonymous 266435

65% I agree with one of the Nonas this website was probably made by a troon

Anonymous 266462


It was. Contact page leads to this twitter account.

Anonymous 266464

i would have gotten a better score if it didn't give me like 5 obese ones. it's hard to tell someone's sex when they look like a literal circle. surprisingly i was able to clock the tifs extremely well.

Anonymous 266465

it didnt let me post the image i got 80%

Anonymous 266466

cmon. irl its way easier to tell than from a single picture that could be taken at a good angle. the tims tend to be very tall, while the tifs are short. their voices and body shapes is also a takeaway. in this test you could only guess from their faces so the percentage who got it right is actually high. plus, their personalities might scream "person of gender"

Anonymous 266468

holy shit kek I knew it

Anonymous 266469

This got me too. Nearly impossible to tell when they’re obese

Anonymous 266470


trying again

Anonymous 266471

I got 55% kek. It’s really hard when you can’t tell the difference between an ugly normal woman and an ugly TIF unless all that the troon only showcased TIM trannies in this quiz. Sad!

Anonymous 266505

I got 55% also. Too many fatsos.

Anonymous 266538

wecanalwaystell sc…

This is my overall 3rd attempt but the other 2 attempts were weeks ago… I've cleared my browser data multiple times since then, so how does it know this is my 3rd try? Is it logging this information with the IP address?
I'm worried now that I see that the site was made by a troon >>266462

Anonymous 266540

Relax, they won't do shit.

Anonymous 266628


welp i tried

Anonymous 266630

i reported its firefox addon for being hateful by singling out non-troons.. is 0% different then the (((coincdence detector))) that was removed. no resposne yet

Anonymous 266746

I got a 70% for mine, the image won't post for some reason

Anonymous 266748


Here's the results card

Anonymous 266765

Anonymous 266852

You Will Never Be Weezer?

Anonymous 266860


70%, but most of these pics were just filtered faces. If you took these as full-body mugshots with no filter, hands/hips/head ratio visible, and no angle fuckery it would be 95%. Most of the 5% left for the women who can trick you into thinking they're men because women are amazing and can do anything. It would go to 100% in real life because I feel the same way about an initially-passing transman as I do about very sick people. The hair on the back of my neck stands up.

Is pic related a woman? She just looks like my kindergarten teacher with weird eyebrows.

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