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Opinions and advice Anonymous 267209

Femanons, would you date a man who's a sperm donor? My bf donated sperm before we met and even after a while of dating I'm still extremely uncomfortable. He has probably already fathered at least 1 child.

Anonymous 267212

>Femanons, would you date a man

Anonymous 267213

hey, at least you have the supplier at the end of the day

Anonymous 267214

I never understood men who donate sperm. Like maybe it's some weird fantasy about spreading their seed but it's weird and you're bf is weird tbh

Anonymous 267215

I found his reasoning off putting too as I myself never felt any desire to spread my genetics.

Anonymous 268314


This is a retarded reason IMO. I couldn’t date a man who donated sperm because I will only date someone who I plan to eventually marry and I would view any of his children has being mine in a way, as if he were denying me the ability to meet members of our own family because he just didn’t care enough about them as individuals. That’s the type of thing that would keep me up at night.

Anonymous 268315

In Australia the government encourages young healthy men to donate sperm.
It's actually a good idea from a population growth perspective.
They also do genetic tests on your sperm so the women can pick what things she wants and they can see background information on the guy.
So for example, if he's a phd or an athlete that is information that is available.

Without going through the process of trying to find the perfect partner you can pick the best quality sperm to have a kid. I mean, there's still a problem of your genetics that are likely bad if you're on here, but hey at least there's sometimes 50% chance there'll be decent genetics.

Not sure why anyone on here would be against this as it's female empowerment to the max.

Anonymous 268329

I could understand if it was a close family member or friend that couldn't conceive.

But a guy just sending his dna to who knows what. To treat his kids who knows how. I'd say is a red flag.

Anonymous 268334


Anonymous 268340

>willingly having a fatherless child
>proliferating low tier femcel genes
>female empowerment
cease your futile agenda now

Anonymous 268341

Hell no.

Anonymous 268360

>Whinges about men and tfw no bf
>Option exists where you can have a gf and a perfect child if you want
Most of you are actually lesbian and you're not willing to accept it. It's like how most incels are gay and haven't transitioned yet.
You can be with the girl of your dreams and have perfect kids.

Anonymous 268361

What the fuck are you talking about.

Anonymous 268362

Get a gf and have perfect children by selecting which seed you want.
I'm sick of seeing people complain about men or women when the solution is right in front of them.

Anonymous 268376

Bad recrooting attempt

Anonymous 268397

no one here is interested in your vagina

Anonymous 268399

>I myself never felt any desire to spread my genetics
Can see why that's a redflag for you
Assuming he doesn't get to know what happens with his sperm, can't say I care.

Anonymous 268415

OP here, I'm extremely stressed over this dilemma, it keeps me up at night. What should I do? I know I will never be able to 100% accept his past. Should I break up with him over this?

Anonymous 268446

If it's bothering you this much now, it's going to gnaw at you more as time goes on.

Anonymous 268447

yeah you should leave him scrotes like this are evil

Anonymous 268449

Haha he's going to be very confused

Anonymous 268457

>I'm still extremely uncomfortable

what do you mean "still"? how long have you just been mulling over this?

nona, do yourself a favour and just fucking tell your moid how you feel, be an adult. if after the talk, you don't feel any better, then it isnt for you, dont drag it on in fear

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